ARTICLES: Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye and Cabochon Cut in Optical Phenomena

The Cut of the Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl
Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye and Cabochon Cut in Optical Phenomena
Zephyr 2012 - new lot of Srilankan cat's eye gem
In deference to the mystical planet Ketu or the South Node of the Moon, the new lot of natural, treatment free Chrysoberyl cat’s eye gem from Srilanka has been named Zephyr 2012 . Zephyr, like this ethereal mystical planet itself.
Cat’s eye is also known as Lehsuniya/ Vaidurya/ bidalaksh or Sutra mani and set in a talisman is used to harness the energies of Ketu. Superior cat’s eye gem is a phenomenal gem that is translucent and displays chatoyancy – where a band of light is visible across the surface of the gem when light falls on it. This straight band of light gives it an appearance similar to that of a feline’s eye.
All the planetary gems at Gemstoneuniverse are assessed for doshas mentioned in the sacred texts. They are approved and made available only when they pass muster.
One thing that almost always raises a question from the patrons is about the rough underside of the cat’s eye gem. Being a cabochon (highly polished, domed upper surface) gem and then alongside being a phenomenal gem(displaying the phenomenon of chatoyancy), there is a danger of this gem losing its special chatoyant effect in the process of being cut, formed or finished to complete aesthetic proportions. Therefore, in most cases you will find that the underside of the cat’s eye is left rather crude or unfinished.
cat's eye gem polished dome and rough underside Image courtesy Professional Jeweller
So when you see a cat’s eye with rough surface on the underside, drop your doubts and go ahead with complete confidence, so long as you are provided the gem certification for authenticity.
All chrysoberyl cat’s eye gems in the new lot Zephyr 2012 -
- Are natural and treatment free
- Free of doshas mentioned in the sacred texts
- Have a light pleasing color – golden yellow to green gold shades
- Are translucent
- Have spectacular chatoyancy
- Have abundant planetary energies of Ketu pulsating in them
- Come with certification
Enjoy Zephyr 2012 in video:
Note: The appraisal and certification of this lot is complete and the gems should be available online shortly.
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