Leo Moon Sign

Dear Leo/ Simha,
We wish and hope that 2018 brings the best for you, and you have a fulfilling experience through life diverse gifts coming your way.
Please note: These horoscopes have been written based on Vedic astrology/ Sidereal astrology - using position of Moon as basis of all calculations and predictions.
To know your moon sign send an email requesting the same including your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth to service@gemstoneuniverse.com
Here is a look at the transits that will be in effect for the year 2018:
- Benevolent Jupiter remains in Libra, 3rd to your natal Moon, till October 11, 2018 and then in Scorpio, 4th to your sign for the remaining part of the year.
- Karmic grandmaster Lord Saturn stays in Sagittarius, 5th to your natal Moon for the entire year.
- Rahu, North Node of Moon stays in the sign of Cancer, 12th to your natal Moon throughout the year.
- Ketu, the South Node of the Moon stays in Capricorn, 6th to your natal Moon throughout the year.
- Mars, the mighty Warrior has an exceptionally long stay in Capricorn from May 2, 2018 - November 6, 2018, i.e. 6th to your natal Moon.
Leo Moon Sign Daily Horoscope
The Leo Moon Sign born individuals are likely to have a far better time this year compared to the roller-coaster ride that has marked the last couple of years. With Saturn out of the difficult 4th house transit, several issues that may have plagued you including domestic unrest, difficult property matters and even some shakeups at work - these issues move towards resolution creating a sense of relief or lightness.
Many Leos may actively consider travel abroad or immigration - motives maybe academic, work-related or simply for a change and to get away from the past. The time has changed and the sooner you are able to appreciate it and move on, the better it will be for your well-being. Remaining stuck in the vortex of past events or disturbing episodes will interfere with progress.
The good that is happening around you and the opportunities that are coming up, may simply pass unregistered. It’s time to wake up to a world of possibilities and soak in the good times and the relief.
Professional life, business and financial forecast horoscope for Leo 2018
The Leo born individuals have a fair bit to look forward to, in the year 2018. There may be new opportunities that offer you better chances for surging ahead. A leadership position or creatively challenging project or satisfying role may be yours. There is definitely some change in the offing too -feeling stuck, stagnated or under-appreciated may cause you to look for changing jobs.
You may move to a different department, a different organisation or move to a new place not very far away either. Change may also manifest by way of frequent travels to a distant location. You are a happy traveller and like the changes that challenge or stimulate you intellectually. There are strong chances for several Leos to get an on-site opportunity and display their potential on a larger scale. Monetary situation gets more comfortable and you may be able to settle an old loan or a get out of debt situation.
While these outcomes look very possible, a lot of events depend upon how you handled your money issues in the past! There could be pleasant surprises also as rivals and detractors bite dust and working conditions become a lot more pleasant. There are chances for expansion of work to a foreign location, for those involved in business activity. Tie-ups, partnerships and collaborative work in different locations is foreseen.
The period from May to November can be particularly fruitful as you leave no stone unturned to move forward. While asking for help is really good, it would be wise to remain aware that a favour must be returned with a favour, sometime or the other. It is the year where you will still must remain wary of speculative activities as you may end up burning hands. Take financial advice from friends with a pinch of salt and trust your own judgement.
Those in the academic area develop some critical work but appreciation or acknowledgement for it may not come soon enough! Some of the Leos interested in academic pursuits may opt for courses that will take a significantly longer time to accomplish. Advanced studies such as a doctorate or research oriented projects could be undertaken. The one issue you may face this year, is lack of concentration though. You may find yourself drifting away into a world of ideas or fanciful thinking. You could even spend significant time analysing what someone said, whys and wherefores of an event!
You need to keep alert in the last quarter as financial pressures increases. There may be purchase of a new asset or a property during this time.
Family life, personal relationships and romance horoscopes Leo 2018
The Leo born individuals may have a fairly alright personal life during this period - it is definitely better than the anguish experienced in the last couple of years. Lesser problems, more compassion and understanding, along with better financial prospects eases the situation.
Some of the Leos may move into a newer home this year - it could lead to greater independence but also increases chores and responsibilities to be shouldered. Some of the Leos maybe more interested in doing their own thing and social occasions and opportunities to mingle do not create excitement.
Happy occasions and ceremonies are likely. Some of the Leo individuals may be preoccupied with worries related to children. Those with adolescents maybe putting heads together for education related plans.
It is also a time where the Leos could grow personally by exploring their spirituality. Self-growth, higher learning and insights about self are possible. Also keep communications with loved ones clear to avoid misunderstandings. Wearing a good yellow sapphire will bring significant benefits.
Health and well-being horoscopes Leo 2018
Health and general well-being are two areas that register maximum positive growth during this time. You may see a recovery from health-related issues that may have plagued you earlier or there may be a better ways found to manage your health condition.
There is greater love and support received, and that helps you move forward, especially in areas where mental anxiety had been a challenge. This is a time, where if you put in adequate effort, you may just bounce back to good health.
The Leo individuals could consider wearing a good natural ruby to get the best out of this time, if Sun/ Surya happens to be a natural yogakaraka for you. Get your suitable detailed personalized gemstone recommendation or a brief personalised gemstone recommendation before you get your powerful talisman!