Abhijita Kulshrestha
Renowned Scholar Abhijita Kulshrestha is a Vedic Astrologer, Astro Gemologist, NLP Practitioner, Poetess and Life Coach. At present she is the Director, chief Astrologer & Gemologist at www.gemstoneuniverse.com
Abhijita has been featured in Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, Fortune and was Tanishq Woman of the Year. Amongst many awards she has also won the Woman Icon of the year-Gemologist. To know more about her please click here.
Scorpio/ Vrishchika Annual Horoscope 2020 Scorpio/ Vrishchika Annual Forecast 2020

Dear Scorpio/ Vrishchika,
Please note that these horoscopes have been written based on Vedic astrology/ Sidereal astrology and using position of Moon as basis of all calculations and predictions.
To know your moon sign send an email requesting the same including your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth to service[at]gemstoneuniverse[dot]com
The year 2020 dawns bringing the vibration of number ‘4’ with it. The planet Rahu, the North Node of the Moon is signified by number ‘4’ – while there is lots new to be achieved, invented and discovered; new trends may emerge in the society as well – taboos are broken and distinctions are blurred. There may be confusion and flux for a while but these are hallmarks of struggle to find greater meaning to life.
Here is wishing you a more meaningful journey, courage and better outcomes. May you embrace unflinching concerted effort (baahubal), the signature strength of Rahu, its lesser known good quality when this planet works from its higher principle!
2020 Transits for Scorpio / Vrishchika:
Jupiter, the gentle giant stays in the sign of Sagittarius/ Dhanu, 2nd to your natal Moon for most of the year till November 20th 2020 and then moves onwards, staying in the sign of Capricorn / Makar (its sign of debilitation), 3rd to your natal Moon for the next 13months.
Saturn, the grand master of karmic retribution moves into the sign of Capricorn/ Makar, 3rd to your natal Moon on January 24, 2020 marking the end of your Sade Sati phase, and will remain there for the rest of the year.
Rahu, the North Node of the Moon stays in the sign of Gemini/ Mithun, 8th to your natal Moon for most part of the year and then transits into Taurus/ Vrishabh (its sign of Exaltation), into the 7th house to your natal Moon on September 23rd 2020.
Ketu, the South Node of the Moon stays in the sign of Sagittarius/ Dhanu, 2nd to your natal Moon for most part of the year and transits into Scorpio/ Vrishchika (its sign of exaltation), over your ascendant, 1st house conjunct your natal Moon on September 23rd 2020.
(Note: Rahu and Ketu have retrograde movement)
The period of retrogression for important planets are:
- Jupiter becomes retrograde on May 14th 2020 and then becomes direct on September 13th 2020.
- Saturn becomes retrograde on May 11th 2020 and then becomes direct on September 29th 2020.
The periods for Mercury retrograde in the year 2020 are from:
- February 17th – March 10th
- June 18th – July 12th
- October 14th – November 3rd
Mars will remain retrograde in the year 2020 from:
- September 10th – November 14th
Venus will remain retrograde in the year 2020 from:
- May 13th – June 25th
The year 2020 for Scorpio/ Vrishchika in a nutshell
The year 2020 brings tremendous relief for the Scorpio born individuals as Saturn enters the sign of Sagittarius on January 24th 2020, bringing an end to its seven and a half year long ‘Sade Sati’. This is a year where the Jupiter as well as Saturn transits, remain favourable for the entire year from the end of January.
You can have significant breakthroughs, relief from problems of the past and new opportunities if you are able to make a mental shift with as much swiftness. During a hard time, a person may undergo several difficult experiences and may be emotionally stuck in painful places – if you are able to take the lessons and not fall for the victim mind-set, this can be a year of amazing growth.
Professional life, business, finance forecast for Scorpio/ Vrishchika 2020
The year 2020 is likely to be a year of gains, prosperity, popularity as well as growth for the Scorpio born individuals. With the Sade Sati getting over with the favourable transit of Jupiter through the 2nd house, this could be a year of finding your dream job, witnessing success in your venture, gain of lucrative contracts, getting to leadership positions in the work atmosphere and coming into a comfortable financial space.
You are able to overcome legal issues, or problematic situations created by rivals or those envious of you. You may also be able to get better staff and subordinates/ resources that help you finish your work effectively and efficiently notching better growth. It is a good period to start a new business, however, it would make sense to be careful during the Jupiter and Saturn retrogression period. It is important to craft your communication effectively as well as mildly.
Even though it is a good time, harsh speech or unnecessary aggressiveness can nullify all your good work. You may be able to handle the expenses in a much better manner. It is a good phase for increasing savings. Appreciation and rewards for good work are possible. Students and those competing at any forum are likely to gain success.
Marriage, Romance and Relationships forecast for Scorpio/ Vrishchika in 2020
The Scorpio born individuals are able to organise quite a few happy occasions and enjoy the company of loved ones. It is a very favourable time for making new connection or even getting back together/making amends in relationships that may have suffered when the times were rough. You may be able to get past emotional setbacks and find comfort in the company of friends and loved ones.
You may be able to see some wonderful outcomes from self-work and spiritual efforts you have put in during the past few years. The eligible and willing Scorpios tie the knot. Some of you may even be blessed with the birth of a child. The very fact that domestic life gets relatively better, brings in mental ease and comfort. There is also joy through family get-togethers and meet ups with old friends.
Health forecast for Scorpio/ Vrishchika in 2020
There is significant improvement in health after the month of January. Do continue to adhere to the lifestyle changes incorporated if any. Eating habits will have a lot of influence on your state of mind and health. There is a palpable reduction in anxiety issues.
Recite the Mahamrityunjaya mantra 51 times every day, starting on a Monday. Consume good quantity of water.
Wearing the jyotish gemstone of your ascendant lord as a part of you Jyotish Gemstones Therapy would be of immense help. The individuals for whom, Mars is a yogakaraka should definitely consider wearing a Natural organic Red Coral. The individuals with moon sign Scorpio should most definitely consider wearing a good natural pearl throughout life for good results and a balanced and peaceful mind, as Moon gets weakest in this nativity. Get your suitable detailed personalized gemstone recommendation or a brief personalised gemstone recommendation before you get your powerful talisman!

Abhijita Kulshrestha
Renowned Scholar Abhijita Kulshrestha is a Vedic Astrologer, Astro Gemologist, NLP Practitioner, Poetess and Life Coach. At present she is the Director, chief Astrologer & Gemologist at www.gemstoneuniverse.com
Abhijita has been featured in Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, Fortune and was Tanishq Woman of the Year. Amongst many awards she has also won the Woman Icon of the year-Gemologist. To know more about her please click here.