ARTICLES: In quest of Best Gemstone Astrologer in India

In quest of Best Gemstone Astrologer in India
Spiritual Guru & Legendary Gem Expert & Gemstone Astrologer-Guruji Shrii Arnav is on the mission to find the best Gemstone Astrologer in India-The Millennium Post Reports.
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There are several stereotypes that get broken in my visit to Gemstoneuniverse in Bangalore. To be absolutely honest, I have harboured a bias against astrology from as far back as I can remember – much of it stemming from the twisted picture presented generally in the media or from different stories – bad experiences of having been cheated by dubious men.
As you step into Gemstoneuniverse, the first shift you may experience is a quietening down of senses. There is a serenity which is absent in the outside world that seems to be in a perpetual chase of dreams and goals.
As I soak in the environment, I also notice attention to detail in each and every aspect, which makes Gemstoneuniverse the authority when it comes to jyotish gemstones therapy.
I am told that over the three decades of dedicated work, they have clientele all over the world – and I get to see a small glimpse of the global village that they seem to have created. A well known personal transformation coach from the USA is visiting and does not make bones about the fact that he's seen positive changes after incorporating valuable tips from Guruji Shrii Arnav into his coaching program and could do with more. Then there is also a diplomat from Africa with political aspirations waiting to seek guidance.
There are different people – celebrities, businessmen, politicians, and academicians etc. who form their clientele.
Not only from India, but people from all over the world reach out to harness the power of jyotish gemstones therapy and experience powerful life transformation.
So whether it is a film star chasing the goal of staying young, exuding mesmerising charm and being a magnate for his followers or a political player looking for rooted power or a spiritual seeker aspiring for more, Jyotish gemstones therapy seems to be the increasingly popular choice in addition to Guruji Shrii Arnav's invaluable life tips. "To find a good gemstone astrologer is as rare as finding a true jyotish gemstone. Only around 2% of all gemstones in the world are natural gemstones and jyotish gemstones form the cream of this 2%.
I would love to impart this wonderful knowledge to those who have an inclination to learn. In fact I am looking at training interested people, so that they can become India's best gemstone astrologer and deliver with honesty what this sacred knowledge is all about," says Guruji Shrii Arnav who adds that gemstone astrology cannot be learnt in a gem school. It has to be imparted in the Guru- Shishya tradition.
Recognised worldwide as an acclaimed gem professional he is widely sought after, right from gem recommendation, identification, examination, and mining to appraisal of rare valuable gemstones by major auction houses.
Former President of India & Bharat Ratna Sri Pranab Mukherjee releasing the magnum opus of Astro Gemology-The Secrets of Jyotish Gems by Guruji Shrii Arnav
Guruji is on a mission to identify the top 1% talent who can make it to the coveted group of fine Astro Gemologists. He has also written a book, 'The Secrets of Jyotish Gems', which provides information about jyotish gemstones therapy hitherto unavailable in the regular texts. If one is about this discipline or about gemstones, then the right place for beginnings is here. Guruji Shrii Arnav is the mentor of popular Gem therapy portal
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