Be Beautiful, Do beautiful and increase your personal magnetism. That is the spiritual significance of Narak Chaturdashi-the day just before deepwali-The Festival of Lights. A blessing and a message from Guruji Shrii Arnav
Naraka Chaturdashi/ Kali Chaudas or Roop Chaturdashi is the 14th day of the Hindu month of Kartik, the day just before Deepawali. The day is celebrated to commemorate Krishna’s slaying of the demon Narakasura who had tormented the human beings for long.
Lesser known fact about this day is that, this auspicious day is an occasion when one can seek divine intervention for acquiring beauty and magnetism. Of course, some spiritual sadhanas can be performed for the same but with the guidance of a preceptor.
Every Hindu festival has rational logic to it and so does the festival of deepawali. The dhanteras festival is celebrated to acknowledge the importance of wealth or financial well-being.
The next day Roop Chaturdashi is designated so as it reminds one that maintaining ones’ body in a good state and keeping it beautiful is not a sign of vanity but is the done thing. One may not publicly lay premium on superficial beauty, but the desire to look good and exude charm is present in every heart.  It is in fact a celebration of good health and a reminder to pay attention to this body which is the ultimate tool/ agent of fulfilling the purpose of this life. Taking care of self is usually low on the priority list of individuals.
It is considered auspicious to wake up before daybreak and bathe. The individuals dress well, in new clothes and women adorn themselves with ornaments and flowers (do the solah shringaars). Lord Krishna is prayed to this day and the mantra “Om Namaha Bhagvatey Vasudevaaya†can be chanted.
The old story that goes with this day is thus…A sage once decided to completely devote his life to god. He surrendered his five karmendriyas, five gyanendriyas and 11 minds to God and thus entered into a state of Samadhi. Sometime lapsed and the sage came to temporarily. Much to his dismay he saw that his body had been taken over by insects and tiny organisms and his hair were infested with lice. He sat severely disappointed when Narad Muni happened to pass by. To him, he lamented, “My good Lord, I had intended to dedicate my austerities to the almighty, to lead my life in complete devotion to him. However, what has happened to me is something I cannot deal with. I never wanted such decadence to affect me.â€
Narad Muni said to him, “My man, the dedication that devotion requires is well understood by you, but what you do not yet understand is that the earthly form is a blessing in itself and requires to be cherished and preserved.†He then explained the importance of the 14th day of Kartik Maas to the sage and instructed him to go about certain rituals. The sage did so and was returned his beautiful human form in all its health and glory.
Celebrate good health, hygiene and earthly blessings this Roop Chaturdashi. Be beautiful. Do beautiful.
A small prayer for you, which you should also recite for yourself, your loved ones and the whole universe
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah= may all be happy
Sarve santu niramayah= may all be free from disease
Sarve bhadrani pashyantu = may all see good and auspicious in everything.
Ma kaschit duhkha bhaag bhaveet– may none be unhappy or in distress
Om shantih, shantih, shantih-Om peace, peace, peace!

Guruji Shrii Arnav-Vedic Guru is also an internationally acclaimed planetary gemmologist. An Accredited Jewelry Professional from the Gemmological Institute of America at present he is the chief mentor of and . He is also the chief Horoscope columnist of Deccan Herald– A leading Indian English daily.
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