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Blue Moonstone Meaning | Blue Moonstone Benefits | Blue Moonstone Price
Blue Moonstone Loose Gemstones New Lot ManuhBlue Moonstone Meaning
The name moonstone is derived from the sheen of the Moon. Moonstone is a Feldspar Mineral with the chemical formula of (Na,K)AlSi3O8.
Basically a Sodium Potassium Aluminium Silicate it is available in a variety of colours Peach, White, Milk, Gray, Rainbow and Blue etc.
Blue Moonstone Benefits
Blue Moonstone in Indian Astrology is the superior Alternative Gemstone, also known as Uparatna for Moon. The basic Gem for the moon is Natural Pearl and the best alternative to Natural Pearl is Blue Sheen Moonstone. It blesses its wearer with peace, calmness, serenity, good health and vitality.
Jyotish Blue Moonstone Lot Manuh 2013
These natural and treatment free blue moonstones come from the island of Serendib, currently known as the island of Srilanka. The cabochon cut gems have fantastic clarity and superb schiller The adularescence is what makes this blue moonstone so distinct from the myriad other moonstones that are generally more translucent cloudy in appearance. There is also a watery appeal that identifies strongly with moon energies. Blue moonstone is the upratna for natural pearl and is the gemstone of planet Moon. Blue moonstone is known as chandrakant mani in Hindi.
Blue Moonstone Price and Rarity
Even though Blue Moonstone is found in quite a few places in the world, the gems that make the cut as Gem quality and especially Jyotish Quality Moonstones are very rare. The supply of Superior quality Blue Sheen Moonstones from India and Srilanka have markedly declined with most of the Sri Lankan Moonstones now coming are from vintage lots that individuals have preserved over the years. The Blue Moonstone Price depends on the 4 Cs , lack of treatment and the nature of the adularescence.
The Rarity of Blue Sheen Jyotish Gemstones continues
The new lot of Blue moonstones comes after a long spell. Some of you may have even noted non-availability of a jyotish quality blue moonstone at for a while.
Please note that not every gem makes the cut as a jyotish gemstone and we at Gemstoneuniverse believe in giving you nothing but the most genuine and best jyotish gems. Every gem is handpicked and unless it meets the stringent criteria, it is invariably rejected.
This despite the fact that we carry thousands of Blue Sheen Moonstones in the Gemstoneuniverse Buying Division we rejected around 200 odd lots to get the Perfect Jyotish Quality Moonstones that will work exceptionally for Moon Energies. Some of the lots that we rejected were priced 3-4 times the price of individual fine gems made available to you dear patrons. This Situation has continued for now over a year.
We would also like to use this post to inform our dear patrons that Natural Untreated Treatment Free Yellow Topaz the Uparatna for Jupiter is also undergoing similar equations. We are trying our best but we cannot guarantee a set date when these will be available. What we can guarantee is that you will get a Top Quality Jyotish Gemstone at 1/6th of the price. If a Gemstone does not qualify to be a Jyotish Gemstone it shall not be listed at online inventory.
Salient features of the New Blue Moonstone Lot Manuh 2013
Lord Vishnu as Akshara the IndestructibleThis lot of Blue Moonstones have been christened after the name of Lord Vishnu. Manuh means one who has manifested himself as Vedic Mantras. These Blue Moonstones have precisely pure, divine Vishnu like energies and are teeming with energies of the moon.
Lord Vishnu is also called Manuh one who has manifested as Vedic Mantras- Is natural and treatment free
– Is from Srilanka
– Is cut en cabochon
– Has a notable adularescence
– Has radiant lunar planetary energies
– Has great healing potential
– Is fantastic jyotish quality
– Comes at a time when Blue Moonstones are increasingly becoming difficult to procure
– Comes at a very attractive price point.
At the entire range reflects unmatched quality and pure blooming blue color. Our unparalleled range of blue moonstone gems is desirable for its beauty, and durable enough to be enjoyed for generations. Valuable for arousing a feeling of scintillating fire, these blue moonstones have a unique attribute to glow intensely even when there is very little light.
Wish all The Gemstoneuniverse Patrons the very best of Moon Energies from the new Lot Manuh 2013.
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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
need a moonstone,kindly let me know from where i can get a good quality chandrakant mani……
You can buy Moonstones at the link below:
I have been advised 5.25ct yellow sapphire and 14.5ct white pearl can i wear yellow topaz and blue moonstone of same weight in place of former,as former are very costly..kindly advice..
Gem Quality Gemstones that qualify as Jyotish gemstones are rare. Even Yellow Topaz and Blue Moonstone if untreated are expensive. Please go through the case study given below:
Please do not implement theraoy with fake gemstones and a fake recommendation. Its better to defer therapy then wearing bluff stones than gemstones
Thank You
I want to buy a bluenoon stone of 9/10carat n a yellow sapphire of 6/7 carat. Guide me frm where can I get pure n original stone . I m frm Guwahati Assam.
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