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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
In Quest of India’s Best Gemstone Astrologer.
Tell me My Best Life Changing Gemstone
In Which Finger to wear Blue Moonstone | Best Uparatna for Pearl

SRISTHI Loose Blue Sheen Moonstones from Tanzania
Blue Moonstone
The Blue Moonstone showing the special optical phenomena of adularescence is the best alternative/ Upratna for Natural Pearl. A Natural Pearl is very rare and expensive. The Gemstone that gives best results for the moon as an alternative gemstone is Blue Moonstone
In which Finger to wear Blue Moonstone

The Blue Sheen Moonstone can be worn in the little finger or the ring finger
The best finger for wearing the Blue Moonstone is the little finger of right hand. Even though this finger belongs to Mercury, the mount of moon is located below this finger just above the wrist. The Blue Moonstone also gives very good results in the ring finger of the right hand as this finger is ruled by its friend the Sun.
New Lots of Blue Moonstones for Gemstoneuniverse Patrons:

Natural Blue Moonstones from the lot SACHIN
While picking gems for use in planetary gem
Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present three new lots of Jyotish Quality Moonstones for Its patrons. Today Natural Blue Moonstone that is Jyotish Quality is going the same way as Natural Yellow Topaz and radiation free Blue Moonstones are becoming rarer by the day.
We have for you two lots from Srilanka( Sachin and Tushti) and one lot from Tanzania( Sristhi). Every Single Blue Moonstone in these Lots:
1) Are fully Natural earth mined Gemstones.
2) Are totally radiation free!
3) Have an exotic Blue Shimmer.
4) Full Bodied and have an intense calming effect. Just try touching one to your eyelid and you shall feel the instant calmness.
5) Has been cut en cabochon for maximum schiller
6) Is free of doshas/ flaws mentioned in sacred texts
7) Has abundant Moon energies

TUSHTI Natural Blue Sheen Moonstone lot from Sri Lanka
While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy.
Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work as per the guidelines given in Do Gems Work– No They Don’t for 90% of the people- We ensure that.
Gemstone Certification and appraisal of these lots are complete and you can find them in the Blue Moonstone Online inventory in the next 3 days or earlier.
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Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology
Clicking on Underlined Links will give more information about a topic. You can always come back to this page
What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
I would like to buy a genuine blue moonstone.
You can look at certified inventory of Genuine Moonstones at
Thank You for your interest
I want to buy a moonstone. Please tell me where I can buy
You can buy Moonstone at the link below: