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New Parcel of Srilankan Natural Hessonite Garnets – Divya 2013
Gems are rare, precious and beautiful. Gemstones are the ultimate in luxe. In keeping with its tradition of brining you nothing but the very best, Gemstoneuniverse presents the new lot of jyotish quality hessonite garnets – Divya 2013. This new parcel of natural, treatment free hessonite garnets is from the gem mines of Srilanka.
Hessonite garnet is one of the most beautiful gems from the family of garnets and is a grossular garnet – the name coming from the gooseberry like crystal packets that occur in nature. Each gem from the parcel Divya 2013 displays the roiled, heat wave effect that natural hessonites must have. The gems have superb rich burnt cinnamon orange color and a splendid lustre. The clarity of the gems is excellent too and the appearance is akin to fiery embers glowing within.
Hessonite garnet or gomedh/ gomedhaka or cinnamon stone is the gemstone of planet Rahu or the North Node of the Moon. This gem is worn to pacify the energy of this karmic planet during its period or for specific planetary positions in an individual’s birth chart.
Each gem of the new lot Divya 2013
– Is fully natural and treatment free
– Is jyotish quality
–Is free from doshas mentioned in the sacred texts
– Has rich burnt cinnamon orange color
– Has good lustre and clarity
– Has good planetary energies
Is best suited for planetary gem therapy
Enjoy Divya 2013 in video:
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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
Where can I buy them?