Chrysoberyl Cat’s Eye New Lot – Nideeshwaram 2012
Nideeshwaram 2012 – New lot of Chrysoberyl Cat’s eye
It is different. Period.
Chrysoberyl cat’s eye distinguishes itself from rest of the planetary gems in a very distinct manner. It is a phenomenal gem (exhibiting optical phenomenon) and therefore its appearance is very dramatic.
The new lot of chrysoberyl cat’s eye from Sri Lanka featured today – NIDEESHWARAM 2012, is as mystical and enigmatic as the planetary energy it represents – Ketu or South Node / Descending node.
Ketu is a karmic planet and its planetary periods can bring along dilemmas/difficulties that are difficult to even comprehend well, let alone deal with them effectively. More so, as the intent of this planet is to propel an individual towards spiritual evolution, the situations it throws before a person are bound to be different!
All gems in this lot exhibit great chatoyancy (a phenomenon akin to opening and shutting of cat’s eye), with a single sharp band running across the domed cabochon surface. The chrysoberyl Cat’s eye gem is very specifically cut en cabochon to highlight chatoyancy.
The shastras require Cat’s eye (also known as Lehsunia/ Vaidurya in Hindi) to be translucent, have a sharp straight chatoyant band running across and to be free of any web like structures. In other words, the silk of the cat’s eye should create a symmetrical harmony.
All these chrysoberyl cat’s eye gemstones are handpicked and conform to the shastric strictures. Ready and waiting to be fashioned into the perfect Ketu Talisman. Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology