ARTICLES: Why Wear Gemstone in Left Hand | Benefits of Wearing Diamond in Ring Finger

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Are you wearing your Gemstone in the correct hand/ the correct finger and some other secrets of sacred planetary Gemology
Are you wearing your Gemstone in the correct hand /the correct finger and some other secrets of sacred planetary Gemology.
There are three things that have motivated me in writing this article.
1) I have received thousands of mails from Gem Lovers and those interested in planetary gemology after I wrote the article Do Gemstones Work – No They Don’t for 90% of the People. I take this opportunity to thank each one of you through this medium for your appreciation, since sending individual mails to each one of you would be quite difficult. Among that multitude of Messages there were several messages that asked questions like I am wearing Hessonite in Middle finger of left hand. Is it correct or should it be the right hand and many others on the same lines. Even though this question sounds innocuous-it isn’t and correct implementation of Gemstone therapy is also dependent on wearing the Gemstone in the correct hand and fingers.
2) A mail message received yesterday from an existing patron that says,
None of the 7 points in the checklist to avoid a failure in gem therapy and get good results from your gem, mentioned certain gems must go with certain fingers. Kindly clarify if the gems could be worn in any finger and still will achieve the beneficial planetary effect.
3) Meeting with an individual who came to consult me yesterday evening and who was wearing a Blue Sapphire in the ring finger of the right hand.
Note: The ring finger represents the Sun which in turn represents the Law. Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn and is generally worn in the middle finger. Incidentally this Gentleman and his family have been involved in a messy litigation after he started wearing the Blue Sapphire in the ring finger.
Ardhanariswara-The divine Shiva representing the sacred Feminine and Masculine that together represent One Entity
Why wear gemstone in Left Hand?
In Hinduism, Ardhanari or Ardhanarishvara (Sanskrit: अर्धनारीश्वर, Ardhanarisvara), is an androgynous deity composed of Shiva and his consort Shakti, representing the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies. The Ardhanari form also illustrates how the female principle of God, Shakti, is inseparable from the male principle of God, Shiva. Ardhanari in iconography is depicted as half-male and half-female, split down the middle. The masculine part is the right side and the feminine part is the left side. Full expression of both these halves leads to complete self realization.
In General, all shastras- sacred texts have the unanimous view that Gents should wear the Gemstones in the right hand and Ladies should wear the Gemstones in the left hand. This is the thumb rule that gives good results.
Exceptions, Sure, Yes!
Gents who use the left hand primarily as their working hand, for signing documents etc. should wear the Gemstones in the left hand. Ladies who want gains in relationship sector should wear Gemstones in the left hand. At the time the sacred texts were written Females were not involved in career pursuits and were homemakers. Females who are involved in career pursuits and are right handed should wear Gemstones in Right hand for optimum effects unless recommended otherwise by the Astrologer after extensive analysis of the birth chart. This requires extensive analysis of the chart and is beyond the scope of this article.
What are the correct fingers for wearing Gemstones?
The planets are clearing marked on one’s palm and have specific and exact positions. Gemstones should be worn in the correct fingers to get good results.
No results are better than bad results( Such as the case of the Gentleman wearing the Blue Sapphire in the ring finger.
Table indicating the correct fingers for wearing Gemstones as per sacred texts.!
The internet is full of copy and paste jobs regarding this. This table below is the definitive guide.
Gemstones | Ruling Planet | Finger |
Ruby | Sun | Ring |
Natural Pearl | Moon | Little/Ring |
Red Coral | Mars | Ring |
Emerald | Mercury | Little/Ring( especially if a potent Budh-Aditya Yoga is occurring in the horoscope) |
Yellow Sapphire | Jupiter | Index/Ring in some cases |
Diamond/White Sapphire | Venus | Ring/ Middle in some cases |
Blue Sapphire | Saturn | Middle |
Hessonite | Rahu | Middle/Little in some cases |
Cat’s Eye | Ketu | Middle/ Ring in some cases |
Exceptions to the above rules
The crowning of sacred planetary Gemology lies in its ability to give tangible results. Certain implementations and Knowledge like wearing a red Coral in the middle finger during challenging Saturn periods or wearing a White coral and Natural Pearl for a debilitated Moon or changing of hand due to exceptional combinations created by retrograde planets or wearing mutually inimical gemstones due to unique planetary positions is very special knowledge capable of creating exceptional breakthroughs and cannot be found in the regular texts. These are transferred from a Guru to a deserving Shishya/ Disciple. Yes, these exceptions exist but only to the tune of 1% and such recommendations are available to the masters and beyond the scope of this write up.
With Blessings and Prayers,
I remain
Guruji Shrii Arnav
Guruji Shrii Arnav - Vedic Guru is also an internationally acclaimed planetary gemmologist. An Accredited Jewelry Professional from the Gemmological Institute of America at present he is the chief mentor of and He is also the chief Horoscope columnist of Deccan Herald - A leading Indian English daily.
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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
Which is the Best Gemstone Choosing Method | Which Gemstone Should I wear
Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
What results Can I expect from Jyotish Gemstones?
In Quest of India’s Best Gemstone Astrologer.
Tell me My Best Life Changing Gemstone
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