ARTICLES: Neelam Stone or Nilam Stone, Neelam Ratna as per Astrology

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Five Facts of Neelam (Nilam) Ratna Blue Sapphire Gemstone
What is a Ratna?
A Ratna in English is called as a Gemstone. The most fundamental definition of a Gemstone is that is should be rare, precious and durable. If any of these 3 qualities are lacking then it cannot be called as a Gemstone. A Ratna means a special beautiful gemstone. A person is called as a Ratna when that person has exceptional qualities for example the Navaratnas in the court of King Akbar. Read more
What are Neelam Ratna, Neelam Stone, and Nilam Gemstone?
The Blue Sapphire Gemstone in Hindi is as called as the Neelam Gemstone, Neelam Ratna, Nilam Stone. The Neelam Stone is the Gemstone of the powerful Karmic Planet Shani/ Saturn in Vedic Astrology. The effects of the Neelam Gemstone are very powerful and Neelam stone is considered by many as one of the most powerful Gemstones in the Kaliyuga. Many have reported instant impact on wearing the Neelam Stone. To read a comprehensive list of Neelam Stone benefits please click here.
Who can wear Neelam Stone?
Since the Neelam Stone has the powers of Lord Shani, the individuals having the rashis of Shani- Capricorn (Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbh) can wear Neelam Gemstone after a comprehensive Vedic Astrology consultation and Gemstone Recommendation. For detailed Astrology combinations in which Neelam Gemstone can be worn please click here.
Testing a Neelam Stone
It is absolutely important that the Nilam Stone that you choose is absolutely dosha Mukta( Free from Flaws) and has the desirable quality of being a True Jyotish Gemstone. If you are not sure that your neelam is true Jyotish Gemstone then it is absolutely essential to test a Blue sapphire to avoid any kind of side effects. Detailed method of testing a Blue Sapphire is given here. Always buy original, dosha Mukta, real and certified Neelam for astrological purposes.
Neelam and Sade Sathi
Sade Sathi is a very tough transit of Shani that lasts for 7 and half years. If the Neelam stone is suitable then there is miraculous relief and gain of exceptional good luck. For more details click here.
New Lot of Unheated Jyotish Quality Blue Sapphires/ Neelam for Gemstoneuniverse Patrons
Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present the new lot of Unheated Sattvik Neelam stones from the Lot Arya for its Patrons. Important Features of this Lot are:
-Exceptionally fine colour with the best tone and saturation cherry picked by experts keeping minute details like Jyotish Gemstones important of colour shades in mind.
- Majority of the Blue Sapphires have achieved the “Pastel” Grading by one of the top Labs in the world.
- Finest Gemstones at the apex of the Gemstone Pyramid all Natural and earth mined Gemstones from Sri Lanka and Madagascar.
- The clarity is exceptional at 95% plus. This exceptional clarity is very rare in natural and unheated gemstones.
- You are guaranteed an exceptional price under the Gemstoneuniverse Unmatched Price Policy as these Gemstones have been cut from our own rough in one of Europe’s top cutting Facility. View the Lot Video to see the exceptional fire, lustre and life within the Gemstones.
- A lifetime opportunity to own a true Jyotish Gemstone that shall deliver the best results only Jyotish Gemstones are capable of.
You can Buy Blue Sapphires Online
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