ARTICLES: Gemstoneuniverse’s Befitting Response to Negative Review

Here’s our take on individuals/entities aiming to tarnish our 25+ years of service through Vedic Astrology and Jyotish Gemstones Therapy. Earlier this month, we received a review from an individual who is NOT our client.
Dear Reviewer,
There are several things that are factually incorrect in your review that you classify as “research” which is rather shameful and trying to create a needless controversy.
First-a review is of a person who is a customer who has availed a product or a service- You are neither.
Second this review is for the Gemstoneuniverse boutique store that you have never visited.
That being said-the said Gemstone that you are referring to as can be found at the link below (Kindly copy and paste the link as the live link is not allowed on this platform):
Our record keeping is impeccable and we have recorded data of a million plus sales. We have no need to pull a link down.
On the Gemstoneuniverse Blog and the Vimeo channel there is a published record of 10,000 sold out pieces since 2008 with photos, videos and Gemologists notes.
This Gem is available with us and it is exactly what is shown in the Gemstoneuniverse picture and video.
Our product is world class and the pictures and videos are taken by Gemologists and not photographers.
3 Things here:
1). There is no comparison to market price because
- a) This quality is not available in majority of organized retail in India.
- b) This product is backed by the Gemstoneuniverse unmatched price policy
- c) This Gemstone has been selected by the Jyotish Gemstones Therapy ™️and JGT ™️process and methodology.
If you are not aware of what these are just type the above in the search engine to know more.
2) You quote a said lab and base your opinion on their photo and documentation. This gem has a certificate of GTL long certificate issued and listed on the above page. We have no control over their picture quality or the way they present records and can only speak for ourselves.
That being said if you click the picture and video quality tab on Gemstoneuniverse you will get an idea of what expertise goes in presentation of our visual assets.
The world over professional Gemologists and eminent Gem traders and professionals at the apex of the Gem Pyramid appreciate the Gemstoneuniverse quality and classify it as the "BEST". However you have taken the names of two legally tax paying entities and tried to tarnish our reputation without actually financially engaging with either of them. Our legal team will look into the motives of this and take it to the logical conclusion. To know more about the consequences of false complaints please copy the following link in your browser:
3).We understand that consumers are wary because of unscrupulous people they may have come across in the past. Your little ‘investigation’ which you call ‘research’ seems to be an attempt to validate your own inability to trust. For a player the size of Gemstoneuniverse, to sustain name & position in the industry, wouldn’t it be foolhardy to let a small ticket item tarnish the image!!! Please take a wild guess why one would want to make a few bucks in this category or any other when price is reputation!
To take a single amethyst and then infuse color from outside or reduce clarity characteristics( This technology) is yet to be developed and when it will be perhaps it will be by YOUR research- is the most improbable thing we have heard in our lives as professional Gemologists.
To do such a treatment will cost more than the Amethyst itself which is a member of the quartz family. It is quite clear you have no practical idea of Gem Treatments and may need to do ‘research’ where it actually merits and helps a genuine customer.
It is easy to sit and write a review and it is your justified right. However, the duty that you had alongside to gather correct information- you decided to take a shortcut- no attempt to reach us or view actual goods and still go on to write a review makes us strongly suspect intent.
Yours is a crowning review and will help us so much more in combating individuals/ agents who disseminate false data and call it research.
At 1 million Gem therapy implementations and 4 million monthly reach with a global footprint and awards galore we have better things to do and serve rather can finding out a new way to infuse colour in a $33/ INR 2526/- per carat amethyst that is already the best.
This Sample will be permanently showcased with us for educational purposes.
Best Regards,
Raghav Hawa
Senior Gemologist Gemstoneuniverse- AJP, Graduate Color Stones- GIA (Gemological Institute of America) And PG( The Planetary Gemologists Association)
Gemstoneuniverse- The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology
Thank you dear patrons & fans - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond the call of duty. You give us strength to follow our Motto – “Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men.
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Gemstoneuniverse - The Gold Standard in Planetary