ARTICLES: Guard yourself against Useless Fake Pearls for Jyotish Gemstone Therapy

Guard yourself against Useless Fake Pearls for Jyotish Gemstone Therapy-Don’t deceive yourself. Keshi Pearls, South Sea Pearls & Chinese Pearl are cultured and Non Natural Pearls.
A Sad event and several time wasting similar communication prompted this post. Last year a patron had taken a Gemstone recommendation from us. Her primary motive for reaching out to us was to bring some harmony in her marital life and relief from stress. Now she has Moon in Scorpio - a debilitating position discussed in detail by Guruji Shrii Arnav. You can access that resource at the link below:
To cut a long story short, she was recommended to wear an unheated Yellow Sapphire and a Natural Pearl. This year June 2011 we hear from her saying:
I have been wearing Pearl and Yellow Sapphire as per your recommendation but things have gone bad to worse and my Husband has filed for a divorce
Now these Gemstones were not sourced from us. In most of these cases of failure and incorrect therapy we try to be as factual as possible and asked her to scan across her Gemstone certificates including the X Ray Radiography for the Pearl so that we could assess if she was actually wearing Jyotish Quality Gemstones or not.
Her reply was: Do I need to get the radiography report now that He has already filed for Divorce?
We have hundreds of such case studies and we shall now be starting a section for the same!
But again request all of you the nth Time- Read the Article- Do Gemstones Work – No They Don’t for 90% of the People by Guruji Shrii Arnav and you shall find your solution there. If you read it a hundred times you shall get a new message that has the potential to alter the Karmik Life Map. Please click the link below to read the article:
Keeping our discussion short and crisp about these Pearls featured below. Check out the Video below for the exhibits information. All these Pearls are imitation Pearls with zero value in Gem Therapy. They cannot be used for Moon energy. They will deliver absolutely zero results to be used as a Moon Gemstone. They are 100 % cultured imitation pearls . Cheap, beautiful but zero results.
To know more about what exactly is a Real Natural Pearl please click the resource below:
To be used in the sacred science of Jyotish and Planetary Gemology a Pearl has to be fully natural, made in nature by accident, full of lustre and not by irritating a living organism and calling it culture? Just visit a Pearl Farming area and see how surgery is performed on the mollusc and what extra things are done to increase yield. You will never wear or patronize these Pearls again.
Exhibit A
Keshi Pearl: A keshi pearl is a non-beaded pearl formed by accident as a by-product of a pearl culturing operation . Among all these Pearls this one is used by unethical traders citing it as original due to its irregular surface. Keshi has its use in jewellery but for planetary Gem therapy purposes it is useless. Some traders even go a bit further in their sales pitch and call it as a Burmese Pearl which again is not a natural pearl. We did a detailed story on Burmese Pearl and that can be found at the resource below:
Exhibit B
South Sea Pearl
A South Sea pearl is pearl produced by the Pinctada maxima mollusk. They are currently cultured in areas throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans, primarily in Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar. Unethical traders cite the dots on the Pearl or a protrusion to peddle it as Natural . Most auction sites will have vendors with the higesht quanity of cheap south sea pearl. They sell it calling it as Moti and 100% real. Ask for a X Ray certificate and these vendors shall vanish in thin air. This is the highest selling pearl by unethical elements.
Most of the south sea pearls are cultured and only a few rare ones-the miracles of nature are natural.
And if they are natural they will be accompanied with a X Ray Report to find out if there are really natural or not.
Exhibit C
A cheap Chinese Tissue nucleated button Pearl. This is the most commercially abused Pearl quality especially in India. You can buy a Kilo of them for Rs. 1000($22), Yes 1 Kg for Rs.1000 should you reach the right source. Again it is not natural and Zero Value for planet moon.
Exhibit D
A Pearl Stand necklace from Hyderabad. Under the royal Patronage of the Nizams Hyderabad developed as a major Pearl centre. Pearls come in many shapes and of particular interest is the ‘rice-pearl’ – a tiny variety, available in great depth in Char Kaman, Gulzar Haouz and General Bazaar. Around 300 years ago there was a rich influx of Arabian Pearls in Hyderabad. But now Hyderabad is known for rice pearls. Most of the Natural Pearls have gone and what is traded are the above 3 varieties in the desolate hope to cash on the fame of the past. More than 99 percent of pearl coming is cultured pearl which again is cheap and is of no value as a Moon Gemstone. Here is what Wikipedia has to Say about Hyderabad Pearls.
In the village of Chandanpet just outside Hyderabad, almost the entire population is engaged in the delicate art of drilling pearls. A skill they have practiced for generations, making Hyderabad one of the largest drilling centres in India. Once the pearls are drilled, they are boiled for about four days to bleach them and rid them of their dark color. They are placed in glass bottles containing hydrogen peroxide, water and ether and sunned for four or five days in glass sun boxes with a mirror base. Finally they are washed and separated through series of different shapes and sizes.
Now are these natural?
Use these Pearls as Jewellery or as adornments. But don’t bluff yourself into believing that this cheap material will work. It will not.
Always wear a Natural Pearl to get good results from Gem therapy and Insist on a Certificate cum x ray report. That single report will cost more than all these exhibits put together. Everything in that video put together will cost less than a proper certification cum xray.
If you budget does not allow you to wear a Natural Pearl then opt for a Natural Blue Sheen Moonstone. If your budget does not allow that too then wait and accumulate funds slowly for a Real natural Jyotish Quality Pearl -a miracle of nature capable of creating a miracle in your life. Don’t deceive yourself.
Issued in Public Interest and for the cause of Sacred Planetary Gemology.
Addendum on 29th July 2011
We have no idea whether she read this report or not but what is ironical and unfortunate is that in 11th July 2011 we received a scanned sheet of paper which she says is a certificate. This is no certificate. It is a paper that says something to the effect of – Sajha Moti Nu Praman Patra and goes on to say as per our opinion Pearl is real and all testing is done at Owner’s risk.
Excuse us, but more than a opinion we want a Gemological fact established by X Ray Radiograpy and X Ray diffraction.. We want the facts that you should state on the certificate after proper X-Ray diffraction tests. If you have a certificate similar to one she sent, you know what to do.
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