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The amethyst is a fantastic gemstone, not just by the virtue of its beautiful colour but also by what it can do for an individual. The amethyst, also known as katela in Hindi, is an upratna of the natural blue sapphire.
Besides harnessing the powers of planet Saturn (Shani), the amethyst is a gem known for helping a person reduce his dependency on alcohol. Used properly, it ensures that the wearer instinctively does not feel the need to consume alcohol and even if he tries to indulge in that habit, he does not enjoy it, ultimately leading to freedom from alcohol.
The amethyst is also a wonderful gemstone for fine-tuning one's meditative capacity and intuition. It makes the heart free from complexes, traumas and other psychological barriers.
For scheduling an appointment for horoscope analysis and to know your lucky gems,
please call - 94482 07777, 080-25216611;
Gcmstoneuniverse, #7,
1st cross, 10th Main, Off 100 ft.
Road, Indiranagar,Bangalore.