ARTICLES: Jupiter Transit 2014 | Jupiter Transit in Cancer 2014 | Jupiter Transit Predictions effects

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Jupiter Transit 2014 | Jupiter Transit in Cancer 2014 | Jupiter Transit Predictions effects
The beauty and functionality of Vedic Astrology lies in the fact that this science can statistically evaluate major events of the Zodiac, and provide individuals an opportunity to plan in advance. One such major event is the transit of the heavyweight planet- Jupiter- the planet of Knowledge, education and good fortune.
When is the transit of Jupiter happening in 2014 - Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter/ Brihaspati/ Guru will move from the sign of Mithun/ Gemini to the sign of Kark/ Cancer on 19th June 2014. Cancer is the sign where Jupiter gets exalted and has its best powers. One can expect a lot of relief in troubles marring the world and a buoyant economy. The pall of gloom and doom is going to be lifted once Jupiter enters Cancer.
Predictions for Jupiter Transit in Cancer |Effects of Jupiter Transit for Signs
When assessing the horoscope, is the analysis of transit of just Jupiter enough for gauging results for the individual? – The answer is No!
To get better results one should also analyse the transit of another heavyweight Saturn. A composite analysis of both planets shall give more accurate predictions.
How is my time? Why I cannot feel the effects of the promised Raja Yoga of my chart?
A Raja Yoga in general is a time that is capable of conferring a Kingly like status and time (Please keep in mind that kingly should be read in context of current day scenario and your own present condition, area of work and life chances. Over expectation is the real kill joy!) Many times, I hear individuals lamenting on similar lines as give above. This generally happens when the transits of the heavy weight planets are overlooked. For sake of simplicity the time of an individual can be classified in these four combinations:
Jupiter is Good in Transit, Saturn is Bad- Time is Average
Jupiter is Bad in Transit, Saturn is Good- Time is Average
Jupiter is good in Transit, Saturn is good- Time is excellent. For some, it could be the golden period of life provided, the major period and sub-period are also beneficial.
Jupiter is Bad in Transit, Saturn is Bad- Very Bad time, in some cases both plot together to bring the downfall of the individual.
When is the Saturn Transit in 2014 happening?
Saturn shall transit into the sign of Scorpio in November 2014.
Presented below in Tabular form is the impact of the transits on the signs from June 2014 with notes if any. Impact of Jupiter Transit and Saturn Transit has been taken together for better accuracy in results.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Aries
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Aries/ Mesha |
4th |
Bad |
8th |
Bad |
Aries is going to have a tough year. With Jupiter moving through 4th can bring challenges related to repair, renovation, relocation, rejuvenation, purchase of fixed assets and security, Saturn moving through 8th can bring instability, delays, losses and injuries. Time till November is average and from then is bad. Aries need to be cautious and not start any new ventures, big projects etc. Try to complete all important work before June 2014. The strategy from June is to keep things simple. Saturn in 8th is Ashtam Shani regarded as highly inauspicious.
Remedies for Aries:
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire in the index finger of right hand in Gold after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
- Every Saturday visit Shri Shani Temple and offer til oil (sesame seed oil) after archana and pooja.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Taurus
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Taurus/ Vrishabha |
3rd |
Average |
7th |
Average |
Taurus is going to have an average year with nothing remarkable unless a beneficial dasha- anatardasha is operational. However one needs to do a balancing act as far as interpersonal relationships are concerned. There might be business delays.
Remedies for Taurus:
- No remedies are required unless something very adverse is happening.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Gemini
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Gemini/ Mithun |
2nd |
Very Good |
6th house |
Excellent |
Finally a lot of relief for Gemini individuals! 2014 might be the year of your resurrection and recovery. Jupiter grants a major wish fulfilment, dawn of fortune, increase of wealth, new partnerships and love. Eligible individuals blessed with matrimony and Saturn grants victory over enemies, obstacles, delays and relief from debts. Plan well to make the best use of 2014. Close all loose ends before the transit to get the benefit for maximum amount of time for the transit. Some of the long standing problems will also get resolved.
Remedies for Gemini:
No remedies are required unless something very adverse is happening.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Cancer
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Cancer/ Kark |
1st |
Average |
5th |
Average |
Cancer shall have an average year with no major problems and no major success. The key for Cancer is to keep it simple and defer new work/ ventures for later. Yes, With Jupiter coming into the 1st more emphasis will be on improving health and personality. Some of the anxieties and worries will dissolve and expenditure shall come in control. Also it shall give inclination towards spirituality and pious deeds.
Remedies for Cancer
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire in the index finger of right hand in Gold after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Leo
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Leo/ Simha |
12th |
Bad |
4th |
Bad |
A tough time for the mighty Leo, a year where one might have to swallow one’s pride. A Tough year with both transits are adverse. This is the year to keep it simple, keep a low profile and staying away from trouble or creating fresh problems. Expenditure, useless travel, anxiety, problems related to house/ land and lack of comforts is foreseen. This is not the year to Start New Projects/ Ventures. This is also not a year for a job change. Hold on to what you have.
Remedies for Leo:
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire in the index finger of right hand in Gold after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
- Every Saturday visit Shri Shani Temple. After darshan sit in the temple for 5-10 minutes. After coming out from temple feed bread/ biscuits to stray dogs.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Virgo
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Virgo/ Kanya |
11th |
Excellent |
3rd |
Excellent |
2014 promises to be a brilliant year for Virgo and if your dasha-anatardasha is also beneficial you might have what is the promised “Golden Period of Your Life”. Jupiter in 11th blesses you with a major wish fulfilment, gain of wealth, gain of recognition, awards, blesses with love/ marriage to those inclined/ eligible and Saturn gives you the courage and initiative to embark on something ambitious. It is time to achieve your most cherished goals. Plan well in advance to make the best use of this time.
Remedies for Virgo:
No remedies are required unless something very adverse is happening.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Libra
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Libra/ Tula |
10th |
Bad |
2nd |
Bad |
A Tough Year for Libra wherein most of the challenges will be related to work/ profession and job. For those who’s natal Saturn is in a tough position or who have a malefic dasha-antardasha, you need to be very careful/ cautious. Indications for losing job or falling from grace are possible. Paucity of funds and financial instability are foreseen.
Remedies for Libra
- Wear a Blue Sapphire in the middle finger of right hand in silver after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
- Every Saturday visit Shri Shani Temple and offer til oil after archana and pooja.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Scorpio
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Scorpio/ Vrishchik |
9th |
Excellent |
1st |
Bad |
A case of so near and yet so far for Scorpio! With One transit excellent and another bad the net result is an Average Year. However, there will definitely be some relief as compared to bad year. You can expect improvement in health and mood and also the growth of new opportunities. Delays are foreseen but your success rate will definitely be up from 2013.
Remedies for Scorpio:
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire in the index finger of right hand in Gold after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
- Every Saturday visit Shri Shani Temple. After darshan sit in the temple for 5-10 minutes. After coming out from temple feed bread/ biscuits to stray dogs.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Sagittarius
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Sagittarius / Dhanu |
8th |
Bad |
12th |
Bad |
A Tough year that might send you to the University of Hard Knocks! This is the year to be cautious and keep things simple. You should be very conservative in financial matters. Do not take a loan or stand as Guarantee for someone/ something. Take care of your health especially the gastric system, heart health and monitor lipids periodically. This is not the year for new ambitious ventures or undertakings.
Remedies for Sagittarius:
- Wear a Yellow Sapphire in the index finger of right hand in Gold after proper analysis of the birth horoscope.
- Every Saturday visit Shri Shani Temple. After darshan sit in the temple for 5-10 minutes. After coming out from temple feed bread/ biscuits to stray dogs.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Capricorn
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Capricorn/ Makar |
7th |
Very Good |
11th |
Very Good |
Good days are here again and the time for Gloom and Doom is over. Its action time for Capricorn! Jupiter blesses with wealth, gain of love, marriage for that eligible / inclined, improvement in health and Saturn ensures that you get promotion, higher income, recognition and victory over opposition and obstacles. Make the best use of this time for optimum benefits. This is the advice in 2013 - Don’t create flash point like situations at work place in 2013 and keep things simple. 2014 then will be a momentous year.
Remedies for Capricorn:
No remedies are required unless something very adverse is happening
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Aquarius
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Aquarius/ Dhanu |
6th |
Bad |
10th |
Average |
A Tough Year is indicated for Aquarius. Be careful while borrowing/ lending money and avoid standing as a Guarantee for something/ someone. Professional life will become more challenging with more demands on you. If in business you can expect a tight situation but you shall cope up and scrape through.
Remedies for Aquarius:
Water a peepal/ ficus religiosa tree every morning after taking bath.
Predictions and Effect of Jupiter Transit 2014 as Per Vedic Astrology for Pisces
Sno. |
Moon Sign/ Rashi |
Jupiter Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
Saturn Transit through which house |
Time Classification |
1. |
Pisces/ Meen |
5th |
Very Good |
9th |
Average |
For Pisces 2014 s going to be a road for recovery. Gain of relief from problems related to fixed assets, home and family are foreseen. Also seen is gain of success in competitive examinations, increase of wealth and inclination towards spirituality and higher goals of life. Love/ Marriage/ Gain of Progeny for those eligible/ Inclined!
Remedies for Pisces
No remedies are required unless something very adverse is happening
Every Transit serves it fair share of movers and shakers, observations, learnings, sufferings and loses. But the beauty and essence of Vedic Astrology are the statistical insights it can give much before the transit. Yes, Alteration of Karmik Life Map is very tough but if you put your mind to it you can adjust to any transit. Being Mindful all the time can make someone in the position of a loser make fewer losses or become an observer and the bystander into a Mover and Shaker. Good Planning is of the essence.
In addition to above please read the annual predictions for your moon sign at Astromandir for more accuracy.
A small prayer for you, which you should also recite for yourself, your loved ones and the whole universe
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah= may all be happy
Sarve santu niramayah= may all be free from disease
Sarve bhadrani pashyantu = may all see good and auspicious in everything.
Ma kaschit duhkha bhaag bhaveet- may none be unhappy or in distress
Om shantih, shantih, shantih-Om peace, peace, peace!
With Prayers, Love and Peace
Connect with Guruji Shrii Arnav at Google Plus
Guruji Shrii Arnav - Vedic Guru is also an internationally acclaimed planetary gemmologist. An Accredited Jewelry Professional from the Gemmological Institute of America at present he is the chief mentor of and He is also the chief Horoscope columnist of Deccan Herald - A leading Indian English daily.
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