Gemologist Notes
Beautiful, scintillating, hypnotic and precious Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl from the famed Isle of Jewels Ceylon just for you.
The lot is aptly named as “King” for these Cat’s eyes are the finest gems that you can set your eyes on.
Gorgeous Green Yellow with the right mix shades of golden and brown, these are teeming with the mysterious energies of Sri Ketu the planet of Moksha, Liberation and Salvation.
Also known as Vaidurya and Sutramani this Gemstone is as powerful as a Blue Sapphire.
Please do not buy for Jewellery or adornment purpose. Purchase and wear it only on the recommendation of an expert Astrologer.
Fully natural and treatment free Cat’s Eye with full of lustre and a noble chatoyant band these gems are very hard to come by, are hand picked by experts, free from any doshas and give powerful Ketu results.
Very rare lot given the market conditions of Cats Eye/acute shortage of Gem Quality Cat’s Eye.
A True Jyotish Gemstone and will deliver the choicest results only Jyotish Gemstones are capable of delivering.
Note: Please view Video of the Gemstone before making your important and Valuable purchase.
Note: Direct Bank Transfer Facility is available for High Value Purchases.
Your Purchased is backed by the Gemstoneuniverse Unmatched Price Guarantee.
These Photographs have been taken at a very high magnification of 30X and most of the marks are not visible/ barely visible to the naked eye on the actual Gem. Please view the video at high resolution, for a better assessment of the Gem Features before your important purchase.
The marks that are sometimes visible on Natural Cat’s eye Chrysoberyl are nature's fingerprints that prove that the Gem was born in nature and no enhancing treatment was done on it. These are different for every single Cat’s Eye.
These marks in no way affect the potency of the gemstone, and will not be visible/ least visible when we set the gem in a ring or pendant. You are viewing a Cat’s Eye that makes it to top 2% Natural Gemstones in the world in terms of its availability and the 4C’s of cut, color ,clarity, carat weight besides lack of any treatment.