Gemologist Notes
Are you seeing a fancy Yellow Coloured Diamond? No you have an absolutely gorgeous and ravishing Yellow Sapphire precision cut and facetted in one of Europe’s Top Lapidary.
Brilliant Golden Yellow To the distinction of earning the delicate pastel shade These Yellow Sapphires from the Lot Kanak-meaning Gold, are the apex of the Gem Pyramid.
Every Single one is cherry picked by an expert who has known and practiced the art of picking the perfection in colour for decades.
Brilliant Bright Yellow Just like the energies of its Ruler Brihaspati that represents the virtues of hope, optimism, wisdom, prosperity and auspicious wealth.
The colour is matched by the high clarity (96% and above) which is very rare in a fully natural unheated Gemstone.
Compliment that with precision cut that optimizes the maximum movement of light you have a collectible gemstone that is fit to be handed from one generation to another.
Just Gorgeous and uplifting natural and unheated jewels from the famed land of Serendib (Sri Lanka) that has produced the finest Sapphires the world has ever known for a period of over 2500 years.
Rare top lot that pass the touchstone test of true Jyotish Gemstones and shall deliver the top results that only Jyotish Gemstones are capable of.
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