ARTICLES: Gomed Stone (Hessonite) | Gomed Stone Benefits | Gomed Stone Price

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Gomed Stone Benefits, Top Benefits of Hessonite Gemstone
Gomed stone
The Hessonite Garnet Stone is also called as “Gomed” stone in Hindi. As per regional differences it is also called as Gomedh or “Gomedak” in Sanskrit. In certain parts of India it is also referred to as “Gomedhikam”.
A Jyotish Quality Gomed Gemstone is filled with the energies of the strong and the malefic planet-Rahu. The Gomed gemstone is especially powerful in Kaliyuga-The present time in which we are living.
Gomed stone Benefits - Top 10 / Hessonite Stone
-The Gomed stone is a very powerful gemstone, has many benefits on a physical, emotional and psychological level. The top benefits of Gomed stone are
- The planet Rahu rules over the gemstone Gomed/ Hessonite. Gomed stone is especially effective gemstone for those who have sarpa dosha such as Kalsarpa Dosha etc. (affliction or curse of the snakes). If suited to the individual it blesses with fast and miraculous relief from Sarpa Dosha and its symptoms.
- The Gomed stone removes confusion and provides mental clarity and a balanced temperament. Rahu periods are often accompanied by confusion, disillusionment and lack of confidence. Gomed stone removes these symptoms and provides relief. More about Rahu Periods.
- Strange and complicated diseases that are difficult to diagnose and treat are the domains of Rahu. Ailments such as Cancer, Skin Diseases, Psoriasis, fear psychosis, mental problems, multiple personality disorders etc come under the domain of Rahu. If the Gemstone Gomed is suited to the individual it brings in relief and solutions to these problems.
- The Gomed stone benefits those in politics, public relations, event managers, individuals in commission trade etc. It blesses with power, influence, wealth and success.
- In certain typical positions in the birth chart Rahu gives addiction, substance abuse and ill health and damaged relationships due to use to use of drugs, alcohol and other damaging substances. Considerable relief can be expected in such cases by wearing Gomed Gemstone.
- The gomed Gemstone removes fear complexes and blesses the individual with self confidence and the courage to take over anything. The individual who wear Gomed ring or Gomed pendant get the capacity to take on life, “ Head On”
- Gomed gemstone is highly beneficial for those who suffer from” evil Eye” hexing, problems from spirits, black magic etc, and The Gomed stone has a highly protective influence.
- Gomed is an excellent gemstone for gastric disorders, problems due to win, sluggish metabolism. It blesses with health, vigour and vitality.
- Gomed Gemstone blesses with victory over enemies and negative conditions.
Hessonite stone benefits
- If the Person is undergoing the major period or sub period of Rahu then analysis should be made whether Hessonite is suited or no. If suitable as per the chart Hessonite blesses with many benefits including release of stress and tension and clarity of thoughts.
Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present new lot of Natural Hessonites for its patrons. Aptly christened as "Aakash", features of every single gomed/ hessonite from this lot are:
- All Natural, untreated and earth mined Gemstones.
- From the famed gem fields of Pelmadulla-Srilanka.
- Noble, endearing and elating Cinnamon, Honey colour, Orangy Red Like Molten Lava
- Excellent cut that focuses of lustre, symmetry and maximum movement of light.
- Natural Hessonite Garnets are mostly always included Gemstones but these Hessonites have clarity levels of 95% and above that takes them to the apex of the gem Pyramid.
- Brilliant Hessonites having vital life.
- Free from any flaws as listed in the sacred texts and will give the best results of Planet Rahu.
- True Jyotish Gemstones
Gomed Stone Price / Hessonite Gemstone Price
To kno wthe price of Gomed stone / Hessonite gemstone please clieck here.
While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy.
Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work as per the guidelines given in Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the people- We ensure that.
Gemstone Certification and appraisal of these lots are complete and you can find them in the Hessonite online inventory in the next 3days or earlier.
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Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology
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