Virgo Rashi – Annual Forecast 2021

The annual horoscope 2021 reading for Virgo or Kanya Rashi is based on ancient Vedic astrology or Jyotish. You have Virgo or Kanya Rashi as your Kundli has Moon placed in Virgo Zodiac. Read this report to understand how intricate planetary changes or transits in 2021 are going to affect your life. Is it going to be challenging? How is it going to affect professional life? How is the financial life going to unfold? Let’s solve the mystery and see what Jyotish says about 2021!

Virgo 2021-Annual Snapshot

वनानि दहतो वन्हेस्सखा भवति मारूत: |

स एव दीपनाशाय कृशे कस्यास्ति सौहॄदम् ||

When a fire is burning a forest, wind becomes its friend. The same wind extinguishes a small flame. Who holds friendship with the weak?

These Sanskrit verses sum-up the year for you.

This year, you need to ensure that your inner strength and abilities enable you to go through bad patches and your humbleness enables you to remain grounded during happy phases. Do not depend too much on others for your happiness and goals. Be your own strength!

There will be a certain level of animosity at workplace and your conflict management skills will be put to test. Be strong and do not show your weakness to anyone.

Let’s see what and how these complex planetary motions affect your life in each of these months in this annual horoscope 2021.


The year will start with the lord of your 4th house (home) and 7th house (partnerships), Jupiter, being debilitated as well as combust. Mars (3rd house lord & Ashtamesh) being in Mooltrikona will provide you with an amazing communication to counter the haze around, but a month wherein your patience will be testeda nd hurdles will keep you occupied.

Mercury (Lagnesh) joins Saturn in Capricorn zodiac between 5TH January 2021 to 25th January 2021.Since this is happening in your 5th house of children/creativity, this will be a period that will require efforts to deal with issues related to children and your inner happiness. Health too will be a cause of concern but Saturn joining your lagnesh will increase your will power and your ability to go over and beyond. Venus will enter Sagittarius zodiac on 4th January 2021 and will remain there will 28th January 2021 (before it moves to Capricorn!).


Mars will be joining your lagnesh Mercury in Taurus on 22nd February. Mercury will also be in Taurus this month, which is good, but it will remain retrograde till 21st February. A high-octane period wherein your energy and vigor will be sky high, but do control your aggressive tendencies.

Love and relationships will be an area of concern as Venus is getting combust on 19th February.

More importantly Jupiter comes out of combustion on 14th February and will give you the necessary wisdom to overcome financial woes. Venus will be in Capricorn till 21st February and will move to Aquarius after that (both ruled by great friend Saturn). This is an important transit for you since the planet of opulence, Venus will not only transit your 5th house of children/creativity, but also the 6th Trik house.


Mars will continue to be in Taurus (9th house) throughout March, raising your spirituality, energy and drive! The combustion of Venus will keep you engaged in matters related to money and family (Venus being your 2nd and 9th house lord) . Professional life will be in limelight and any callousness will not be good for your career! Venus moving to Pisces zodiac on 17th March will be good for your since it will become exalted. Since Mercury (lagnesh) will be in Capricorn till 11th March with great friend Saturn, you will use your intellect and communication to the fullest, but things might get difficult post March 11th when Mercury moves to Aquarius.


Mars leaves Taurus and moves to Gemini on 14th April. Venus will move to Aries on 10th April. Venus will also come out of combustion on 17th April, providing you the necessary respite in matters related to family and luck. Financial life will also stabilize now. Jupiter the ruler of your 4th house and 7th house will move to Aquarius (6th house) on 6th April. A lot of activities are expected in areas related to marriage, home and family. A great period to learn something new.


The best month for you!

Venus moves to Taurus (9th dharma sthan). Mars will continue to remain in Gemini. The theme of this month will be amazing work life balance. With Venus in its own zodiac Taurus in 9th house you will feel content, happy and blissful . Since Venus owns your 2nd house of family/wealth and 9th house of luck/father, you will not only witness superb financial gains, but also great time with family. Mercury (your lagnesh) in Taurus till 26th May will equip you with the right communication, intellect and entrepreneurial mindset to make the most of your professional life. Lunar eclipse - a major luminary event will happen this month which will directly impact your thought process. The eclipse will be on 26th May.


With Jupiter going combust on 19th June for the rest of the year, this will be the start of little issues at your home as Jupiter owns your 4th house of home and 7th house of marriage. This will have adverse effect on your family life. Mars will transit to cancer zodiac on 2nd June and will become debilitated. Mars is dehkaraka in Vedic Astrology and the planet of aggression and bravery. The debilitation of Mars might cause issues related to health and animosity or aggression. Alongside: Solar eclipse will happen on 10th June and will have negative impact on you as Sun is the lagnesh for you. The good news is that Strong and positive transit of mercury will improve your intellect and communication to withstand what life has to offer.


Venus will move to Leo on 17th July. Mars will come out of debilitation and join Venus in Leo on 20th July. Since a lot of activity is happening in Leo (your 12th house), expect a roller coaster ride this month. This period of Venus-Mars conjunction in 12th house might cause anxiety, depression or loneliness. Avoid ego clashes and possessiveness.

Mercury will continue to be very strong till 7th July, before it moves to cancer. Mercury in cancer will be a period of increased communication. Important thing to note is that mercury (your rashi lord) is going combust on 24th July and might cause some financial losses and health issues too.


Take care of your health this month.

A tough month as far as financial life (2nd house) and luck (9th house) is concerned. The movement of Venus (lord of your 2nd & 9thhouse) to Virgo will make it debilitated on 11th August! Financial losses on the cards! Mars combustion on 15th August will have adverse effect on your health and general well-being. This is the start of a period wherein you should be really cautious about your finances and maintain cordial relationship with people around you ! With Saturn remaining retrograde and a combust Jupiter, you will find things not working for you and a general feeling of being unlucky

Mercury in cancer (12th house) might lead to losses, health issues and misunderstandings.


With Venus moving to Libra on 6th September (it’s mooltrikona), you will have great time with family and financial life will be top notch too as Venus will be in 2nd house of family and wealth. Financial woes will alleviate and love life will also improve. On a negative note, Jupiter will be going debilitated in Capricorn on 14 September. Mars too will be moving this month to Virgo on 6th September, the zone of enemy mercury. Important thing to note is that mercury is going combust on 18th September creating health issues you as its your rashi lord.


The Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo (your rashi) will ensure that this is a high paced month for you. You will have no time at all and you will be involved in a lot of activities. Good communication will be the key in this hectic period.

This month on 2nd October Venus will be moving to Scorpio, the zodiac of passion and hidden things. Jupiter will continue to be in debilitated as well as combust state. Mars will transit to Libra on 22nd October in a combust state! Things will become difficult for you in general after 22nd October. On a positive note, Saturn retrogression will end on 11th October. Mercury will move to Virgo zodiac on 2nd October to its mooltrikona sthana, the best place for any planet!


The combustion of your rashi lord mercury will make it one of the most difficult months of 2021 for you.

Venus will be in Sagittarius (4th house) for the whole of November (after 30 Oct). Avoid getting into unnecessary arguments or ego clashes with your spouse. Jupiter will be transiting to Aquarius on 21st November but will continue to remain combust. Thankfully Jupiter will be out of debilitation state! Mars will continue to be in Libra (your 2nd house).

Mercury will move to Libra (your 2nd house) on 2nd November. Communication will take most of your time and energy! Mercury will go combust on 13th November. Being lord of your rashi and 10th house (profession) ,health issues and stress might disturb your peace of mind.


Venus will join Saturn in Capricorn (5th house) on 8th December and will ensure that you get your peace of mind and contentment. Happiness from children also on cards. Mars will be moving to Scorpio on 5th December, its own den ! Please note that Venus is going retrograde after 19thDecember.

Mercury will move to Sagittarius on 10th December.

All in all, a positive month for spirituality and finance but relationships might not be that favorable after 19th Dec.



You will be able to withstand the negatives and come out victorious. Time to continue planning and cut the expenses.


Your children will be your source of strength. Venus retrogression on 19th December will create little problems in your love life. Avoid ego clashes.

Professional life:

Avoid clashes!

Favorable dates: 5-6 Dec 14-16 Dec 24-26 Dec
Unfavorable dates: 7-9Dec 12-13 Dec 22-23 Dec

Time for a new job, new startup or a new project!

Sade Sati:

No Sade Sati during this period.
