Aries/ Mesha
(Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but he is silenced with just a few pieces of chocolate cake. You would want to eat a lot of junk food this week and also splurge in overeating. While you will enjoy your social rendezvous, but this will come at a cost of overeating and indigestion. Enjoy this week, socialize, but mind what you eat.
Lucky Gem: Red Coral
Lucky Colour: Crimson, Deep Red
Lucky Number: 9
Advise: Avoid overeating
(Apr 20 - May 20)
Success is the best revenge. While you are offended by some of the events and people recently, you should let go of any feeling to retaliate. Just keep working hard on your goals and stop worrying about people who do not matter. Your love life too will be in focus this week and it is very important for you to have a good work life balance.
Lucky Gem: Diamond
Lucky Colour: Green
Lucky Number: 6
Advise: Seek a good work life balance
(May 21 - Jun 20)
Winners know they are not perfect. They respect their weaknesses while making the most of their strengths. You have set really high expectations for yourself and its high time you remove this burden of expectations from your head. Avoid thinking too much about your materialistic pursuits and instead focus on your family and love life.
Lucky Gem: Emerald
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Lucky Number: 5
Advise: Avoid overthinking
Abhijita Kulshrestha
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsDr.Meenal Rathi
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsShri Rajkumar Tulshyan
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsCancer/Kataka
(Jun 21 - Jul 22)
The tighter you try to hold on to a Cancerian the more they will slip through your fingers. This week will be a testament to this, and you will shrug off one and all who are trying to control you and your life. Health will be a cause of concern as some digestive issues might crop up. Eat a balanced diet and avoid overeating.
Lucky Gem: Natural Pearl
Lucky Colour: Silvery Grey and White
Lucky Number: 2
Advise: Eat a balanced diet
(Jul 23 - Aug 22)
I'm done with trying to seek other people's approval. From here on now it's just me approving myself. I'm done. This week will start with this thought process and end with the same. You have changed yourself a lot all these days just to please someone and this is the time you realize that it isn’t worth the effort. Rather than pleasing others, try and focus on your own goals and happiness.
Lucky Gem: Ruby
Lucky Colour: Gold, Orange and Ruby
Lucky Number: 1
Advise: Focus on your goals, not people
(Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Love may be blind, but jealousy has 20-20 vision. Off lately you have been thinking that all the people in the world have better life than yours. This stress and overthinking has taken a toll on your happiness and you are living with a constant mental fatigue. Surround yourself with optimistic people and get out of this pessimism that had gripped your thought process.
Lucky Gem: Emerald
Lucky Colour: Blue
Lucky Number: 5
Advise: Be optimistic
Mr.Maheshwar Singh
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsRonit Roy
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsAnya P
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsLibra/Tula
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)
Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up. This week will infuse a renewed realization in you that it’s time to get out of your reluctant and lazy way of life. You have been avoiding key decisions and tasks since quite some time and it’s high time you look into your backlog and clear your pending tasks before it becomes impossible to even think about it.
Lucky Gem: Diamond
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue, Rose Pink and Pastel Colours
Lucky Number: 6
Advise: Avoid piling up your work
(Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Hustle in silence and let your success make the noise. If you introspect, you have been doing exactly opposite. It's time you focus more on your hard work and realization of goals, rather than boasting about them. Avoid showoffs and stay low profile in this week. Avoid confrontations or unnecessary arguments or else you might lose your peace.
Lucky Gem: Red Coral
Lucky Colour: Dark Red, Maroon and Burgundy
Lucky Number: 9
Advise: Stay low profile
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
If you have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don't have that you wouldn't want. This gratitude and wisdom comes only with age, and it’s high time you realize the good things you have in life. You have been thinking a lot on the recent failures and this has only resulted in not enjoying what you already have. Try and celebrate your small victories and appreciate your own efforts.
Lucky Gem: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Purple
Lucky Number: 3
Advise: Appreciate what you have
Javeed Ansari
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsThe Gemstoneuniverse Workshop
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsSophie Choudry
Real People..Real Gems..Real ResultsCapricorn/Makar
(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Time heals everything in life, be patient and everything will be alright. No matter how impractical or bookish this sounds, this is what life is all about. You have had a lot of struggles recently and your perseverance and persistence has been top notch. This is the week wherein you will realize that your hard work is finally paving the way to success. Be patient and keep doing your work meticulously.
Lucky Gem: Blue Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Black and Dark Blue
Lucky Number: 8
Advise: Be patient
(Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Some people are like clouds. When they disappear, it's a brighter day. These are the kind of people you will be surrounded with this week and these are the people you should avoid getting into confrontation with. There will also be some drama and confrontation at home and you should choose your battles wisely.
Lucky Gem: Blue Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Black and Dark Blue
Lucky Number: 8
Advise: Choose your battles wisely
(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
The testing of your faith produces perseverance. Don't look at trials and tribulations always as a bad thing. The recent turbulent phase has been quite overwhelming for you and you have been through a lot of ups and downs. The changes that have been forced upon you seem difficult currently but the same will provide you the requisite path towards your goals.
Lucky Gem: Yellow Sapphire
Lucky Colour: Sea Green and Lavender
Lucky Number: 1, 3 and 9
Advise: Accept changes

Guruji Shrii Arnav
Spiritual Guru, mystic, Astrologer, Gemologist, thought leader & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems