ARTICLES: Which are the tests to identify real red coral from fake coral

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Real Organic Coral Certified using Raman Spectroscopy-lot Mangal
Which are the tests to identify real red coral from fake coral?
What is Coral?
Corals also precious biogenic material is actually the skeletal remains of a marine polyp. The fleshy skin polyps secrete a carbonic substance from which Coral grows like branches and trees in the warm waters of the ocean at a depth ranging from 10 feet to 500 feet.
Around 95% of the Coral is made up of Calcium Carbonate, around 3 % of magnesium carbonate and trace elements of iron.
How to identify if the Red Coral is Natural or No?
There are two different questions here:
1) Identify if the Coral is fully Natural or No?
2) Identify if the Coral has gone through any enhancement.
Is there any DIY ( Do It Yourself) Home experiment that you can do that will establish the authenticity of coral in both the questions by 100% then the answer is NO? The chemical experiment can give you a fair idea but is it 100% accurate? The answer is no.
Real Organic Red Corals Section from the Gemstoneuniverse exhibit at the Bangkok Gem and Jewelry Fair
Chemical tests for a Red Coral
Since Coral is made up of Calcium Carbonate it will react with HCL( Hydrochloric Acid) to give a effervescent bubbling action. Genuine Coral shall react with HCL to produce CO2( Carbon Di Oxide) and shall react with lime solution to form white limestone.
This chemical reaction is a method to identify a real coral from other materials such as plastic or bone. However this test fails on reconstituted Coral?
What is Reconstituted Coral?
Reconstituted Coral is made from low quality coral pulverized and mixed with epoxy-an adhesive, plastic, or other material made from a class of synthetic thermosetting polymers containing epoxide groups. This material is cast into blocks and further undergoes dyeing and then is fashioned in losse stones, artefacts, beads or coral jewellery. The reconstituted coral shall give the same reaction as the normal coral to acid since it also contains Calcium Carbonate. Most of the commercial coral available in the market belongs to this class. This Coral is not natural and has no used in Planetary gem Therapy
How to identify if a Coral has been dyed?
The simplest method is to dip an ear bud with acetone and rub an inconspicuous area of the Coral. If it has been dyed the dye color will attach to the cotton bud. The same can be done using a piece of white cotton cloth.
The ultimate test for identifying Genuine Red Coral
Raman Spectroscopy Microscope for Red Coral Identification
Since you can see that the chemical tests listed above have their limitations and are not 100% accurate and if being 100% natural and organic is a parameter that is vital for you (It is in Case of Jyotish Gemstone therapy) then In addition to recording the Refractive index, specific gravity and observation of species specific growth structures the Coral should be tested with Infrared Spectroscopy.
Infrared Spectroscopy of Red Coral also referred to as Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopy is the best, most accurate and 100% accurate test and method of determination of a real coral from fake coral and a natural coral to a treated coral. Raman Spectroscopy answers both the questions that chemical tests don’t without an iota of doubt. Raman Analysis is a non invasive and non destructive method that conclusively determines and answers both the question. The color causing agent in red Coral is carotene and it can be easily identified because of its signature Raman Spectrum. Treated and dyed Corals do not exhibit Raman Spectrum associated with Carotene
Certificate of Natural Red Coral with Raman Spectra Findings
Where to do Raman Spectroscopy?
Raman Spectroscopy is available at all major and accredited gem labs. It is available at most of the GIA Labs that test Colored gemstones. In India Raman Spectroscopy is offered by the Gemmological Institute of India located in Mumbai. Standard and Good Coral certification should always be done based on Raman Spectroscopy and the same should be mentioned on the certificate.
What about Milk test and Turmeric test?
In this day and age both these so called tests that have been mentioned on various websites as a result of poor copy and paste jobs are ambiguous, full of errors and shall not give answer to the question whether
1) A coral is Natural or Not?
2) Whether the coral is fully natural or has gone through enhancement.
It will be a sheer waste of time and resources on these so called tests that have not been discussed in any standardized text. Your best bet is to rely on an established and accredited Gem Lab that offers facility for Raman Spectroscopy.
What is Jyotish Red Coral?
Triangle Shaped Italian Red Coral for Mars in Indian Astrology Lot Praval
Natural Red Coral from Italy Lot Name Vyoma
For a red Coral to be used for Jyotish Purposes it has to have some special features in addition to being fully Natural and Organic. Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present its new lot of organic red Corals” Mangal” for its patrons. Salient features of every single red Coral of this lot are:
- All natural and organic certified Red Coral using Raman Spectroscopy.
- Fully treatment free Red coral free from Dye, epoxy, wax or fillers.
- Free from any flaws listed as listed in the sacred texts. For example amongst the many flaws listed for Corals one such flaw is called as “Duranga”. A Duranga Coral has two distinct shades of coral within the same gemstone. A red Coral having such a flaw destroys wealth and property.
- Top quality Cabochons with Mirror Finish and superb polish.
- Pleasing and even surface free from flaws such as pits holes and fractures.
- Most importantly is precious organic coral and is not reconstituted coral (see above), plastic or Camel Bone.
- These Red Corals are from the Mediterranean Sea off the course of Sardinia; these today are benchmark since the supply of the Japanese Red Coral is nearly non existent.
- The colour is very attractive, robust reddish orange. It is a deep Shade that is much preferred in prestigious top of the line jewellery.
- This Coral Lot fulfils all these criteria and is full of robust and vital Mars energies. Mars is the planet of health, vitality and courage and these essential elements are present in this lot.
While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy.
Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work as per the guidelines given in Do Gems Work- No they don’t for 90% of the people- We ensure that.
Your whole focus should be on good rewarding therapy and for that we do the basic groundwork.
Gemstone Certification and appraisal of these lots are complete and you can find them in the Online Red Coral inventory in the next 3 days or earlier.
The Colored Gemstone Pricing Index- Information on how Gemstones are priced.
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