ARTICLES: White Sapphire Benefits | White Pukhraj | White Sapphire Stone

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White Sapphire Stone
What is White Sapphire Gemstone?
The colourless variety of Sapphire is called as White Sapphire. It is used as an alternative Gemstone to Diamond and carries pure and omnipotent Venus Energy. In Hindi the White Sapphire stone is also referred to as the” Safed Pukhraj”
What are benefits of White Sapphire Stone?
As stated earlier White Sapphire stone carries the energies of Venus. Venus represents beauty, power, wealth, luxury, fine taste and good things in life. A Jyotish Quality White Sapphire is worn to enhance the planet Venus in the horoscope.
Can anybody wear White Sapphire Gemstone?
No a thorough analysis of the Vedic Birth chart is required before white Sapphire can be worn. A Jyotish Quality White Sapphire has a powerful impact on the body physiology and should be worn only after a detailed astrological analysis of the chart.
Are White Sapphire stones rare?
According to Vedic astrology, natural White sapphire is the alternative for diamonds and is a very rare gem and the natural occurrence of pure white sapphire is very limited. Most of the sapphires occurring naturally are pale or muddy brown. Those gems are subjected to treatment to obtain the clear colourless look and to add lustre. Lab certification will reveal treatments if any and one must insist on getting the same to verify authenticity of gems.
Buy White Sapphire Online in India
White Sapphire Benefits
- Since White sapphire is the Gemstone of Venus it is the Gemstone that has direct impact on wealth levels. It is an excellent Gemstone for gain of wealth and use for wealth also in a judicious manner.
- Since Venus is the planet of luxury and beauty, White sapphire gives one an alluring persona and a presence. It makes the person charming and attractive. It is one of the best gemstones for artists, singer, people in creative field, event management, public relations etc.
- White Sapphire stone is excellent for harmony and joy in relationships and is also an excellent Gemstone to heal abusive relationships and trauma because of relationships.
- The White sapphire gemstone has a positive impact on confidence, self-esteem and personality. It removes fears and complexes.
- White Sapphire boosts the immunity and grants good health. It is especially beneficial for reproductive health.
- It provides protection against evil eye, hexing and spells.
- It is helpful in case of nightmares and helps in getting a good peaceful sleep.
- It has a positive impact on the beauty of the body. The person wearing a White Zircon gets the Venusian Powers of attraction.
New Lot of White Pukhraj / White Sapphires for Gemstoneuniverse Patrons
Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present its new lot of White Sapphires aptly named as Vajra for its patrons. Symbolic of the divine celestial weapon Vajra signifies supreme strength. Every single White sapphire in the lot Vajra is:
- Is so beautiful that it compares to the famous Golconda mine Diamonds of the Yore (Please play video- the 2d image cannot capture the beauty of these White Sapphire Gemstones in all its glory.
- Premium Top Quality Flawless Colourless white Sapphires.
- Unheated, untreated, radiation free and earth mined White Sapphires from Ratnapura Srilanka.
- Brilliant step cut, cut and fashioned in Idar Oberstein One of the most premium Gem Faceting facility from our own roughs.
- Look at the electric lustre and appreciate the miracle of Nature.
- Top Quality Jyotish Gemstone free from any of the flaws as listed in the sacred texts.
- These are collectible and this quality comes rarely.
While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy. Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work- We ensure that.
Gemstone Certification and appraisal of these lots are complete and you can find them in the online White Sapphire inventory in the next 3 weeks or earlier.
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Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology
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What Problems Can Astrology & Jyotish Gemstones Solve? Can they solve My Unique problems
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Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the People-Why?.
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