ARTICLES: The Gemstoneuniverse | Author Submission Guidelines | Gemstone Articles

Write for Gemstoneuniverse
At Gemstoneuniverse we believe in providing and sharing great content that is a value add for our patrons and visitors. We welcome and love new quality contributions from our growing community- Contribution that is different, original, and special and delivers real value. Here are some guidelines to submit your contribution:
Word Count - There is no set word count but in general posts that are 500-1200 words are great. Please stay under 1200 words. If your contribution exceeds 1200 words then split it into parts.
Tone - Friendly, accessible, positive. Please browse the blog and the Gemstoneuniverse website to see what we have posted previously.
Content - The content should be different, original and special. Something that delivers real value! Your post should be unique to Gemstoneuniverse and should not have been published anywhere including your own blog if you have one. Submissions shall not be accepted in case your contribution has been published elsewhere or you intend to distribute your content to other websites. Your content should be different, inspiring and should give a message.
Keyword Farmers are not welcome - As specified earlier in tune with the Gemstoneuniverse philosophy your content should be original and should deliver real value. No average and ordinary lists such as which gem for which planet etc. If your submission is for the sole purpose of increasing link popularity or for promotion of a product or service it’s not in line with our philosophy.
Acceptance - All content on Gemstoneuniverse is free and written with the sole aim or awareness and service. There is no monetary compensation for your contribution. However we shall be more than happy to give a by-line and a short 3 sentence bio. Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold standard in Planetary Gemology is a great resource to be on and you shall be noticed by many. It shall be an invaluable resource to promote something original that you are doing or are passionate about.
Some Tips
- Gemstoneuniverse is one word and not three.
- If you post is using hyperlinks please include hyperlink in a bracket after the word you want to hyperlink, like this ( Please do not hyperlink the word.
- Please send your post in the body of the e mail or as a Word attachment.
- You shall get an e mail confirming receipt of the submission and also if your post gets published.
- Gemstoneuniverse reserves the right to publish or reject the contribution as per the company’s philosophy and guidelines.
- Once your post goes live we shall inform you. Share the your with your friends, fans, followers by e mail, facebook, twitter or any other social media that you use. If your post becomes famous/ valuable and you become regular contributor (One Post a month or more), you can earn the title of an expert at the Gemstoneuniverse website.
So All Set? Please email us the following if you are ready to submit your post:
- Your full post with the title in the message body or as a .doc attachment.
- All images relevant to your post as separate attachments. Please don’t paste your images in the word document.
- Your brief bio (less than 150 words) with links to your website, Facebook, Twitter, pages. Again, please put any relevant links in brackets like this []
- A headshot or photo that you would like to be featured with your bio.
- All of the above can be sent to
- Please keep in mind that if your post is approved it might require editing which can include copy, title, and image changes. By submitting to Gemstoneuniverse you acknowledge that you accept any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the Gemstoneuniverse editorial team.
We welcome you and look forward to our association with you
Love and Light