ARTICLES: 9 Secrets of Attracting permanent wealth & money and Getting the Blessings of Mahalakshmi- The Goddess of Wealth

9 Secrets of Attracting permanent wealth & money and Getting the Blessings of Mahalakshmi- The Goddess of Wealth


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.


Rich Minds (9) - How to attract Money

You Are ATM- Invoking the Goddess of Wealth in 9 mystical ways to attain Limitless Wealth.

How to Access- PWC- Personal Wealth Code

YOU-3 ARE-3 ATM- 3


Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the Power of 9


Hello My Rich Friend

In a Normal Regular World the ATM Stands for Automated Teller Machine.

In the World of Guruji Shrii Arnav ATM Stands for

Abundance Translating Money Machine.

This Sound-- Whirrrrrr ( Speak It aloud)

Is Music to most of our ears when the ATM spits out crisp bank notes.

Do You Like It?


What if I told you that you can have your personal ATM, Operate it without any pesky regulations or rules, operate it as and when as per your desire and in any Geographical Location!

Is that Possible?

Of Course it is?



Last Tuesday in the HOGSU program there was a discussion on The Deepawali Festival- The Festival of Lights also a significant festival for Maha Lakshmi- The Divine Goddess of wealth.


Today I will give you the secret of being a true ATM not that atrocious looking metallic plastic insipid Kiosk.

In the realm of wealth and abundance, there exist mystical paths that transcend conventional means.


These enigmatic avenues, shrouded in ancient wisdom and mystical allure, promise the attainment of limitless riches.

Embark upon this journey of discovery as we unveil the nine mystical ways that lead to unparalleled wealth.


Unlock the secrets of the wealth universe and open the floodgates to a life of opulence and prosperity.

1. The Power of Manifestation: Sun

Prastut Lakshmi

Harnessing the power of manifestation is the first key to unlocking mystical wealth.

By aligning your intentions with the universe, visualizing your desires, and employing affirmations, you can attract wealth and abundance effortlessly.

Believe in the infinite potential within you and let your thoughts shape your reality.

Exercise- Write your Money Number today. Think and put a number that you would like yo have on 01st Jan 2024.

2. Invoking the Law of Attraction: Moon

Aakarshan Lakshmi

The Law of Attraction, an age-old principle, asserts that like attracts like.

By radiating positive energy, you draw wealth towards you.

Engage in rituals, such as creating vision boards or practicing gratitude, to amplify your attraction powers. Embrace the belief that you are a magnet for boundless riches.

Exercise: You are the sum total of the 5 people you meet and interact with the most. Write the names of these people. If any of these are not aligned to your goal then replace them with those who do.

3. Embracing Abundance Mindset: - Mars

Karma Lakshmi

Cultivating an abundance mindset is crucial on the mystical path to wealth. Release limiting beliefs and replace them with thoughts of abundance and prosperity.

Embrace gratitude, practice generosity, and visualize yourself surrounded by opulence. By shifting your perception, you open the gateway to attracting limitless wealth.

Exercise: Spend your own money on something that will delight you and is not in your budgetary priorities. Listen Don't be desolate. Example: Get a Magnum Bar, Add some heavenly rabri to it, Eat it like a King or Queen without looking at that mobile device.

4. Seeking Divine Guidance: Jupiter

Para Lakshmi

Connect with the mystical realm by seeking divine guidance. Tap into your intuition, meditate, and embark on spiritual practices that align your purpose with universal forces.

Through these sacred connections, you gain access to hidden opportunities, synchronicities, and divine interventions that pave the way to unparalleled wealth.

Exercise: Imagine your ideal house and world for 90 seconds. Let it float between your brain cells.

5. Unleashing the Power of Crystals and Gemstones:

Ratnamaya Lakshmi

Crystals and Gems possess potent energies that can be harnessed to manifest wealth. Amethyst amplifies intuition and attracts financial abundance, while citrine is known as the stone of prosperity.



Find out your abundance Crystals and Place these mystical gems strategically in your environment or carry them with you to enhance your wealth vibrations.

Legends should opt for Jyotish Gemstones Therapy ™ .

6. Rituals of Wealth Empowerment: Mercury

Aakasmik Lakshmi

Engage in mystical rituals designed to empower your wealth manifestations.

Create an altar dedicated to abundance, perform candle magic to attract financial success, or practice sacred ceremonies to invoke the benevolent forces of the universe.

These rituals fortify your intentions, aligning your energy with the cosmic flow of wealth.

7. Channeling Universal Forces: Saturn

Nyay Lakshmi

Tap into the vast reservoir of universal energy by channeling its forces. Explore disciplines such as Sound Frequency, Mudras- Sacred Gestures and Fragrances etc to harmonize your energy with that of the universe.

By attuning yourself to these mystical practices, you become a conduit through which wealth flows effortlessly into your life.

8. Unveiling the Secret of Sacred Symbols: Rahu

Gupt Lakshmi

Unlock the power of sacred symbols that hold ancient wisdom and divine energy.

Symbols such as the infinity sign, the pentacle, or the golden ratio possess mystical properties that invite abundance.

Incorporate these symbols into your daily life, from jewelry to home decor, and let their magic infuse your wealth journey.

9. Grasping the Cosmic Timing: - Ketu

Dhumra Lakshmi

Understand the cosmic rhythms and align your actions with opportune moments. The mystical realms operate on cycles and vibrations that influence the flow of wealth. Harness the power of numerology, astrology,astro Gemology or lunar phases to make informed decisions and seize the auspicious moments that where your right decisions and actions contribute towards miraculous Breakthroughs.

To Do

Try implementing these slowly and conciously in your life and get your Fully Loaded ATM- Umm So Nice


What NOT to do:

Stop wasting time in chanting Kilit, Incorrect and Ineffective Mantras etc accessible to all on the search. If these worked there would be no poverty.


PWC- Personal Wealth Code

What if I told you that your unique personal wealth code exists within you.

Would you like to have that 90 second clip that engages all your 5 senses( Search Gurujj Shrii Arnav and Panch Pakshi) that will

make a terrific start and make your day a roaring day.

Seek and Your Shall Find It- My ATM



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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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