ARTICLES: My Virtual High-power Frequency Metaverse: Finding your right frequency in the age of Bots & AI

My Virtual High-power Frequency Metaverse: Finding your right frequency in the age of Bots & AI


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.


My Virtual High-power Frequency Metaverse: Finding your right frequency in the age of Bots & AI

There is a lot of brouhaha (read chaotic confusion) for regular folks about the rise of AI and its impact on society.

But first Our Mysterious Friend-9 and a Friendly announcement/ Disclaimer

My Virtual-9

High-Power- 9




PS1: Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9

PS2: Before the World there was the WORD and the word is very powerful


So the bad news first: Unemployment is a real thing but unemployable is by sinister design.

How can someone be unemployable?

C’mon think about it, people in owner segment are always looking to hire someone worthy and loyal?

Every single man can perform some task.

Now, you are saying that we do not need humans to do repetitive ordinary tasks and we can use human intellect somewhere else- That is a spin off my friend.



Think, the task assigned to the human is not just for him to earn a living.

It means a lot more to him and the society.

It gives him sense of worth, recognition and sometimes it becomes the identity of his dependents also.

That repetitive task that you are taking away by saying He needs something better may actually be helping him manage his time, tendencies, tribulations ( 3 T’s).

Not so fast dear- Think of this as an example-

That simple ordinary job may be helping that man contain his criminal tendencies and thereby making the society a safer place- Isn’t it?

I could go on but you get the drift. Or maybe better still - It might be giving him/ her a sense of stability and thereby overcoming anxiety.


Which AI can stop an addict criminal from violating societal norms?

So, the JOB is much more than a job.

With News about Firing abundant, after one crisis after another- I deliberately omitted the word engineered .

In next 8 months you will have a wave of Unemployment like no other and when the objective of removing the whole Middle class fails you will start a new experiment and that shall fail too- take my word.



What AI are we talking about?

Some lunatics that the world calls as scientists inserted chips to control nearly everything with a remote machine at the larvae stage so that when the organism became a moth the chip became a part of its organ system effortlessly.

And that was 5 decades back when no one heard of Artificial Intelligence.


5 decades back- Good God My Lord.

Now straight question- For who do you design the Meta Verse experience or for whom is the AI?

It is for the human experience- Right, or No? So, what’s happening here- Contradictory Dichotomy.


Now to Frequency- 9


I will stay away from that deliberately boring and guided to confuse definitions from the science books in High School.

For our purpose, the word frequency comes from the word Frequent which in other words may be interpretated as something that repeats in a fixed manner. Such as breathing. Inhale.. exhale in a rhythmic manner

Normal Effortless Frequency

Inhale exhale Inhale exhale ( Yes Boss watch your Breath)

Forced or practiced Frequency such as those conducted in breathing training workshops and peddled as Pranayama: see example below:

Inhale.. exhale… exhale… Hold…. Inhale- Om


Now the above frequency appears fancy but it is not sustainable and cannot be done for long periods of time.

For those in great condition max 10 mins tops and what happens after that:

Inhale.. exhale.. inhale.. Exhale

Your inherent beautiful rhythm set as per your OWN frequency- Your unique frequency… your own life pattern.

Ab tak Samjah Aa Raha hai Betwa Ki sab upar se hi jaa Raha Hai?

Ok those who have stayed and read till here- You will find Gold rest assured as with any of my posts.

So Frequency is current- Alternation and Oscillation and you are automatically built to for higher VIBRATION (9).

You are current, you have current. You my good friend are current. TU CURRENT HAI.


Applying current

When you meet other people--- read other frequencies--- your Wisdom auto selects the correct ones or the ones that create spikes.

Ok to simplify, how many radio frequencies are there in your room.

Several but your radio tunes into and selects the frequency that is agreeable to your system.

Exactly this is what you have to do in the business of life or life and business.

Let your inbuilt wisdom remote select the frequency rather than that undeveloped brain- I think Einstein had a brain development of 8% so I will be around 1% or less and you can put a number for yourself.

See the patterns and gravitate towards the right frequencies and leave that planning book to the trash can.

You are the best teacher and the best judge.


Tuning into the Guru’s Frequency:

You know one of the less desirable things of the current is “SHOCK”.

If you tune into a real Guru expect a spike and shock because the Guru wants you to go back to your own innate natural frequency that is God Like, You know you are a God but they(who ?) want you to seek it externally-

NOT- Not in my order at least.

As you start frequenting the right frequency you will find what you are looking for but there will be power cuts and shocks. That’s what it is .. what max bad can happen… frequent your frequency.

A Good Old-World advice- When fixing electrical problems ensure that you are wearing dry rubber footwear.

Good as Gold advice. Science would refer some of it as Insulation and earthing I call it Hawai Chappal.


So, there will be an unemployment wave. The weak minded will engage in a social war because to spread something you gave them a device that keeps their head at 45 degrees for most part of the day rather than looking right in front.

Babes, Look right in front- that is where your future lies.

When searching for alliance, partners, collaborations in my word’s frequencies respect the current.

No need drama like xyz is obnoxious etc. Check the current especially the spikes, shocks and the power cuts.

If you still like that frequency-that is the one. Go create enjoy explore.

Your innate frequency has always been a part of many metaverses or multiverses or whatever next fancy verse.

No need to panic or think about the rise of the machines.

They will still be that… Dud headed machines.

Imagine a plain dried white rotten not fresh bread without any sauce or jam or patty.

Nah not happening.

You are that sauce, jam or patty or whatever rocks your world.


Do Gems Work| Astrological Gem Impact| Celebrity Reviews| Gemstoneuniverse


Since I work with Gems- Literally including people and products Let me tell you Planetary Gem therapy has the power to configure your frequency to the higher level so that you vibrate like a Boss- that you are.

I said BOSS- Not Boo..s

An old frequency asked me this around two months back:


This does not seems so innocuous or profound eh?


In the system of Pythagoras has a sacred frequency key of


After 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence for him I replied

I am the God -9


The Sacred Frequency of


Yes, I just said it.

I will let you know soon when you can request your sacred frequency key: It will unlock the many doors and give you the answers to those pesky questions that bother you my dear frequency.

All verses stay in the Gemstone Universe- Gem Stone Uni VERSE- Let them bring whatever.

Kuch Bhi – hadd ho gayi yaaara.

Jai Gurudev Dhan Dhan Gurdev.

Guitar Bajata hai Baal Lambe Kar ke- Arey Kuch toh original Kar.. Beta Frequency.


First be your own frequency then find 3 resonating frequencies and then we will get to


Mera Baccha.

Paroo bhi kehte hain .. abbey paroo not PARO

Kabhi Kabhi-K-Abhi

Why Did God Permit EVIL on earth?

The answer lies in the book of JOB

Love Job, respect job, create job, be loyal to JOB.


Listen- Don't Get Short Circuited

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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

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“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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