ARTICLES: A Life of ATOMIC epic Levels with the ATOMICITY power ring of Guruji Shrii Arnav- The Scientific World Agog at Guruji’s Insight

A Life of ATOMIC epic Levels with the ATOMICITY power ring of Guruji Shrii Arnav- The Scientific World Agog at Guruji’s Insight


 A Life of ATOMIC epic Levels with the ATOMICITY power ring of Guruji Shrii Arnav- The Scientific World Agog at Guruji’s Insight

"Welcome to the art of   Squaring the Circle and Circling the square. The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way."


Above- The Romantika- Another Masterpiece from the Grandmaster


Without further ado treat yourself to the ATOMICITY straight in the inimitable style of Guruji Shrii Arnav produced IN VERBATIM so that you stand to gain to the fullest regardless of your position now in the   9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way. Gratitude to Gemstoneuniverse Global for permitting to print Revered Guruji Shrii Arnav thoughts on this important matter:


Revered Guruji Shrii Arnav at an ancient Monastery during the consecration of ATOMICIT


 Big Bang News.. Guruji Has FAILED.. … A New Epic Experiment starts to live & Lead an epic life.


 Living An Epic Atomic Life with ATOMICITY- The next Level Gem Therapy 



Ok Good First the Big Bang News:

 In less than 25 years the “Big Bang Theory” would be radically altered or all together discarded.

 Big Statement and claim put politically correctly. I am putting it publicly. You can customise it as per my language and as per your understanding of me.

The above sentence and language is for the “ As Per Science  People” not the real Men of Science- One of them is yours truly 


 Guruji has Failed but has “ HOPE” to try Again”

 Above 9 words. Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9.

When people ask what is the difference between you- I think that Above philosophy would be the most appropriate.

I hope, I try. Because it is worthwhile and it is vital regardless of failure. Unless something is done there will be no outcome and then life will not progress.

I cannot comment on others but that is my way.

That being said.. Allow me to state:

 This is not going to be a boring science lesson.

 This is not some philosophical rubbish.

 This is not an advertisement for this ultra rare ring that can bless with a life of epic proportions etc.



 Let me present you my creation of Love that I have christened as the ATOMICITY.


 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9.

Underlying fundamental:


Briefly: What is inside is outside and what is outside is inside.

 Main Point of Above is The Atom( Anu- In Sanskrit) is part of everything including all of us. It is in motion, It has energy

 Simple conclusion - You can be what you want- Yes- If you understand and apply ATOMICITY.

 What Is ATOMICITY as per Guruji Shrii Arnav:

At The Origin Motion Involves Circulations  In Total Yield.

Summary: Keep Moving , change is the only constant and look at maximising the total yield.


The “ ATOMICITY” has been one of my most cherished creations. This is the harmonious amalgamation of the best of science and occult towards magnificence.

A Labour of Love for nearly 6 months that included severe austerities and some wild and tough outcomes- It was well worth it.



 The Divine Trinity of Universal Order:

Brahma- The Creator

Vishnu- The Preserver

Mahesh- The Destroyer & Renovator

 The ATOM = PEN- That one that will change life but also that you conviniently forgot to engrave.

P: Proton

E: Electron

N: Neutron

Here I share with you “ AS A MAN”

not as per the science person etc.. What does the  ATOMICITY  Ring signify and you can choose what you want.

Below is the  9:12 Way of ATOMICITY and my offering today at the Feet of my Master- The Lord of the 3 worlds - yes and the Lord of the 3 Words( Yes today I have disclosed it- The First time in the World)- Shri Mahavishnu who in today’s time gives his blessings and majestic power as “ BALAJI” in Tirupati.

This is also my offering to the True Doyens of Science.


Let us start our ATOMIC Journey . Presenting- The ATOMICITY.

The Full power of 3,6,9,12 - And Of course the 9 planets:

1. Accept Thoughts, Observe Mindfully, Indulge Creativity, Ignore Trivial, Yield Wisdom** - This principle emphasises the importance of mindfulness and creativity in personal growth. It encourages ignoring minor distractions to gain deeper insights and wisdom.

**Scientist: Albert Einstein** - Known for his creative problem-solving and ability to focus on groundbreaking theories amidst trivial academic norms.

2. Ambition Thrives On Meticulous Intent, Courageous Imagination, Tenacious Yearning

It underscores the need for clear goals, imaginative solutions, and unwavering determination in achieving success.

**Scientist: Marie Curie** - Her ambitious pursuit of science, relentless work ethic, and imaginative approach to research led to groundbreaking discoveries. BTW: She is the only scientist to win the Nobel Prize twice.

3. Act Tactfully, Optimistically Move, Inspire Change, Influence Transformation, Yearn Success**

This principle advocates for strategic action, positive outlook, and the drive to inspire and effect change.

**Scientist: Nikola Tesla** - Tesla's innovative spirit, optimism, and tactful negotiations propelled the electrical revolution, transforming modern society. BTW: He was very near to understand the real power of 3,6,9 before…

4. Always Treat Others Mercifully, Integrity Counts, Introspect Thoughtfully, Yield Respect.

Highlights the importance of mercy, integrity, self-reflection, and respect in interpersonal relationships.

**Scientist: Jane Goodall** - Her compassionate and respectful approach to primatology underscores the importance of mercy and integrity in scientific observation and conservation.

BTW: Her Birthday falls on April 3 exactly 21 days- 22 for some before mine. Connect the dots my Tiger

5. Acknowledge Trials, Overcome Missteps, Improvise, Cherish Innovations, Thrive Youthfully** - Encourages embracing failures, adapting creatively, valuing innovation, and maintaining a youthful enthusiasm for learning.

**Scientist: Thomas Edison** - Edison's relentless experimentation, despite numerous failures, and his youthful energy for innovation exemplify this principle.

6. Aspire To Outgrow Mediocrity, Instill Confidence, Illuminate Trails, Yield Progress** - Suggests aiming high, building self-confidence, pioneering paths, and making significant advancements.

**Scientist: Rosalind Franklin** - Franklin's aspirations, confidence in her research, and contributions to the discovery of DNA's structure highlight this principle.



7. Adaptability Transforms Obstacles Miraculously, Invest Consciously, Inspire Tenacity, Yield Growth** - Advocates for flexibility, mindful investment of effort, resilience, and personal or professional growth.

**Scientist: Charles Darwin** - Darwin's adaptability in developing the theory of evolution, and his tenacity in the face of scientific controversy, signify this principle.

8. Adopt Thankfulness, Offer Mercy, Immerse Compassion, Ignite Truthfulness, Yield Harmony** - Stresses the values of gratitude, compassion, truthfulness, and the pursuit of harmony.

Scientist: Albert Schweitzer** - As a physician, theologian, and philosopher, Schweitzer's life of service, compassion, and promotion of peace embodies this principle.

9. Aim To Observe Momentarily, Interact Considerately, Identify Tendencies, Yield Insights** -

Emphasises the significance of observation, considerate interaction, recognising patterns, and gaining insights.

Scientist: Isaac Newton** - Newton's meticulous observations, thoughtful interactions with the natural world, and his ability to identify and articulate the laws of motion and gravitation capture the essence of this principle.



An Important Mention 

Neils Bohr. Even if you dont read about his work his mention here is important. What you can do is just search for his image and focus on the shape of His Head and Skull. 

All of the above energies form a part of ATOMICITY and this was finally consecrated in the sanctum sanctorum with the divine gaze of The Buddha with 9 monks( 9 planets) and of course Einstein

It takes Power to Create and Power to Wear and some resultant energy shocks- That I managed.


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View the video with headphones on. There will

be 9 synergistic powers and energy circuits of Atomicity that will do for you what you want. Level 2: Just Hear the video Yes Sir and Tell Me what did just happen.

 Life and Death- NOT for Dummies 

 There are also 999 dumb ways to die and all of them start with WTF.

 There are 90 million ways to LIVE and all of them Start with Ahhh..

So make a choice


The 9 stories posted today has the energy cycle, wave patterns and Key Frequencies carrying the 9 outer powers of ATOMICITY- Please enjoy, rejuvenate but responsible.

For Sake of Time and Energy- The 9 No answers for the ATOMICITY.

Ignore the Grammar- The Answer is NO- NADA- Dead End. The answer to each one below and various permutations and combinations is just “ NO”. Don't waste time on it.. Because Time is Money- Hai Ki Nahi..

 Is this available for sale?

 How can I get it?

 Does It suit my horoscope?

 Who can tell me more about It?

 What are those Gold bullets?

 Are those rubies and Diamonds?

 How do I meet you?

 This is not fair?

 Will it work?

 9 and the answer is NO

For you the best way is to embark on your own epic Journey with

Do Gems Work- No They Don’t for 90% of the people.


Do Gems Work| Astrological Gem Impact| Celebrity Reviews| Gemstoneuniverse


But if you say

I am ready for the test?

Now - We are talking.

Dear Ones- You are the ATOM- Already the best. You have seen its destructive power in Hiroshima and Nagasaki but that is actually a very minuscule Range of its total “ YIELD” . You have million times more postive power in you.


I wish you a great day and a great life … Your Greatness.. Now- I have to go.. Because a certain tunnel has to be opened…


 12-  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way.

इतना सन्नाटा क्यों है भाई

श्वेत चरित्र का दिखावा करे खूब

मन रहवे अश्लील

इसका धन खावेंगे

वैश्य वैद और वकील

जय सिया राम भैया

अब दूर से ही आपके पैर पकड़ लेते हैं

Agnipath Agnipath Agnipath

Aham Tatvamasi

The Gemstoneuniverse ecosystem welcomes you whole heartedly but I may say: If you are in my dwelling please do NOT touch anything without asking. This is for your safety- Just now you saw the ATOMICITY- Didn’t you.





#BigBangNews #EpicExperiment

#ATOMICITY #GemTherapy

#GurujiFailed #Hope #AtomicLife

#SciencePhilosophy #AtomicJourney

#DivineTrinity #UniversalOrder

#AtomicRing #3Words #EpicProportions

#ScientificRevolution #NobelPrize

#ScientificInnovation #PersonalGrowth

#ScientificPrinciples #InnovativeSpirit

#Harmony #Observation





 Key To Symbols/Formulae


 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9

 12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation

 9/12: Power of 108

 Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square

 9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.

 MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye

 Namaste- I bow to your Soul

 One Light

 Standard Disclaimer Applies


From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities

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