ARTICLES: Bless to Bliss- The Vibrant World of Gemstoneuniverse and the Connecting Bridge of The Secrets of Jyotish Gems

These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.
Bless to Bliss- The Vibrant World of Gemstoneuniverse and the Connecting Bridge of The Secrets of Jyotish Gems
#TSOJG Series
Very Happy to receive warm wishes and greetings from Industry Doyens- Shri Rakesh K Ojha Ji and Shri AK Saxena Ji for The Secrets of Jyotish Gems.
Shri Rakesh Ojha ( Left) - Is a highly distinguished Corporate Commercial Lawyer.
Rakesh specializes in M&A, corporate finance, infrastructure especially real estate, power, and telecommunications, I.T enabled businesses including Outsourcing and human resource law.
Shri A K Saxena ( Right) - is a Globe trotting Entrepreneur of the new era, He is Managing Director of Multi-Million Dollar AUM Group of Companies. AUM Group today operates in 40 countries. He has Distinction of being appointed by Government of Oman (OCIPED), Syria, and Kuwait (KBCC) to promote their interest of trade and commerce in India. He is also an office bearer of commercial interest societies of different countries like Vice President of Indian – Vietnam Friendship Association.
The Bless - Bliss Network
The Gemstoneuniverse Bless Network
- B: Business
- L: Law
- E: Education
- S: Science
- S: Statesmanship
Covers the entire spectrum of the universe and I am thankful that these incredible individuals who are a part of the Gemstoneuniverse Ecosystem Enrich us and Get Enriched in turn leading to High Performance and full realisation of the Human Potential.
Yesterday Night , during a conversation- I spoke of a highly potent and secret implementation of Gem Therapy.
Two of the Individuals in that conversation have been associated with me for last 10 years plus.
But, As they sat quietly and digested what I said- I told them Let alone all my writing till date- Just the Secrets of Jyotish Gems has the encrypted knowledge, information and implementation that makes the Science of Gem Therapy so special and it will reach only those who are capable and destined.
Yes Its there but only will reach those who can take this arduous journey uphill.
Rest will just keep scrolling and hit next for they search for something that does not exist.
Thank you once again- Great Ambassadors. May your clan be enriched and May your clan Grow.
Jai Hind
Jai Gurudev
Jai Gemstoneuniverse
Do Gems Work| Astrological Gem Impact| Celebrity Reviews| Gemstoneuniverse
From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities
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