ARTICLES: Choosing Rewarding Friends and Partners As Per Vedic Astrology and Guruji Shrii Arnav's 9 by 12 Way

These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.
Help ..My Friend/ Partner Cheated Me.. Betrayed Me.. Let me Down…Friends or Siblings.. Who to choose .. Who to trust
IMPORTANT-Do NOT View the Video without reading this
First and doing the exercise below
Congratulations.. You are about to find out.. THAT .. This problem does NOT exist as per 9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way..
Understanding Social Media Relationships( F B .. Tin.. der.. Tok.. Tik.. Any other SM
platform) in a post pandemic world and using them effectively while maintaining sanity and preserving mental health
This rubbish heading for outdated universities/ courses and …. Fill in the blanks yourself
Guruji Shrii Arnav On Friendship/ Partnerships & Sibling Relationship
Back to School with Guruji Shrii Arnav
9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way
The 9 Questions Friendship Exercise the 9:12-The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way- A first hand tool for ultimate reality check and course correction
Answer the 9 Questions below only in Yes Or No or a Number or Just 1 sentence/ line. You can think any number of things( Essential) but what you put down on paper should only be Yes/ No/ A Number/ Just 1 sentence.
Take a Print Out of the 9 Questions- Yeh bhi Batana Hota Hai.
What is Friendship
How Many Friends do you have
What did you provide to your friend at the start of your relationship? Are you still providing that?
How many friends would you trust with a significant secret or important decision?
How Many friends will help you in emergency( such as you wanting $5000 etc) without asking any question or context.
How many friends can you call in a moment of crisis and say things as they are without decorating them.
How many friends have been consistently present in your life for more than 5 years?
With how many friends you have actively sought criticism or appreciation in last 1 year
Friend/s or Family- Make a choice.
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Two things:
If you are brutally honest most of your friends/ partnership problems will be resolved asap and you will have a clear blue print for the next steps- How awesome is that.
If the monkey mind made you watch the video first or make you scroll up/ Down multiple times- You need serious help- This material is not for you- Stick to ordinary, Organised and no result material and methodology.
Suggested Reading:
The 9 Must Ask questions before Marriage
The Problem
Most of you will STOP watching the video once the branding / Outro starts.. Don’t do that. Watch in full. Aren’t you just plain tired of this absolutely ridiculous approach that is making you do several starts over the years with 0 results.
Watch In full
The context
This was an impromptu talk as I was coming out after the coronation ceremony of the Chief Abbot at the Wat Reung Suttharaman Monastery and Temple on 03rd August 2024- Yaad Aaya- Nahi- Koi Nahi Koi Nahi.
A text on a similar problem and the bane on social media made me speak this on the instruction of the Divine Buddha.
So Impromptu that the camera overheated , there was no mic and some trousers became wet and some eyes too…
Remember my Friend
A Friend In Need is a Friend Indeed.
Now Watch the video and then attempt the 9 questions again and then
Compare the answers/ Responses before and after
9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way.
Ok My Friend- Will You be Friends with me- MUJH SE DOSTI KAROGE…
BTW I am not looking for Friends or experts.. Just some Terminally Unique Buffoons of the first grade who can live and laugh as if nobody is watching.. Welcome to a Whole New Word and a Whole New World
My Friend
Students: Use emojis to decrypt the bigger message.
Do You Like me?
Dose’nt Matter- I like Myself and you?
Key To Symbols/Formulae
Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9
12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation
9/12: Power of 108
Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square
9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.
MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye
Namaste- I bow to your Soul
One Light
Standard Disclaimer Applies
Search Guruji Shrii Arnav “ Search Term”
…… Fill in the blanks that makes you happy
.. Fill My Bank.
From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities
Gemstoneuniverse is the world’s leading authority on Astrological Gemstones and Jyotish Gemstones. To view a treasure chest of 3500+ articles written by Gem Professionals and Astro Gemologists please click here or visit the Gemstoneuniverse Blog.
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