ARTICLES: Unlock the Power of the Connected Dot: Atomicity 3.1 and the Secrets to Transforming Your Life

Unlock the Power of the Connected Dot: Atomicity 3.1 and the Secrets to Transforming Your Life


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Just ONE insignificant DOT has the Power to Tilt the World.. Once it becomes the  CONNECTED DOT & Yes You Have It too  -ATOMICITY 3.1

 At the very outside, I would like to say that I am nothing but an insignificant dot..

when compared to the grand design and working of the universe.

I am of no value, no assets, no special talents, but God has given me this talent to connect interconnected dots in ideal conditions to bring reasonable outcomes- Read explosive  change in the dictionary of some people.

And without going into the last 1500 posts of 4 1/2 years, let me start a fresh again without the disappointment of knowing that those people who really matter to me did not connect the dots to put it in a gentle mild manner.



 We are today living in a hyper connected world where information is available at the speed of light at your fingertips- courtesy the internet and mobile devices.

 Compared to the previous generation, you do not have to allocate your precious time in travelling to meet people, buying your groceries, paying public utility bills, et cetera.

 But- despite saving up so much time and maybe getting Mundane tasks at 10 X speed, we still have the basic challenges of the previous generation which remain as -lack of adequate money, insecurity and harmonious relationships, lack of recognition, et cetera

 So -the contemplation is - what has freeed up so much time done for us?

and what has the hyper convenience of having so much so many apps for our comfort, such as paying bills, et cetera has done for us?

 The only difference perhaps is compared to previous generation- We are sleeping less. We are less healthier. We are less peaceful and in fact, we have less human connection.

 In fact, we have reached a stage of life where let alone joining our neighbour for a cup of evening tea, we don’t even know, or don’t even care who is living next door.

 So somehow, these dots do not add up. and there is a huge gap between so called hyper connectedness and great speed of communication and the end outcome of having a very poor happiness and living index.

 Now- for the last 4 1/2 years, my public profile status on Facebook reads as:

an energy rich bio molecule, trying to be a good human and learn C and C++ and that being said, let me ease your inhibitions that this is not a boring science post

In this , you will delve into the wonderful world of colour, heart creativity, and of course Healing divine gemstones, no boring stuff comes from- Guruji


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 How Guruji an insignificant dot becomes the CONNECTED DOT:

STARS FOREVER-II  = 12: The Power of Art, Trust, and Connection

Today, I want to share something truly special—my portrait, a creation that is far more than just a painting. It is a testament to trust, connection, and the power of art to transcend the ordinary.

This unique work of art was painted entirely from memory by a very distinguished artist, who, despite struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder, embraced dot painting as her path to healing.

There was no reference image of me in sight, no portrait to follow—just her memory and the music I gave her to immerse herself in.

Imagine this: A Jew, a painter with OCD, creating a portrait of someone the world sees as a Hindu.

But for me, these labels don’t matter. What matters is the connection, the energy shared, and the trust—between the artist and myself, and even more importantly, between the artist and her own journey.

You see, I had instructed her to ask for a change of soundtrack if ever she felt her concentration waver.

But that moment never came. When she sent me the first cut of the painting, I offered her the chance to change the music.

She wasn’t definitive but open to a new soundtrack to hear while bringing me to life on canvas with so many dots.

And that’s what amazed me—the trust in the process, in her own ability, and in the environment she had created.

The path wasn’t clear, but she never strayed from it. She trusted the journey.-BTW this outcome is a result of a 33 min meeting in which we had lunch and a nice lemon tea in two different restraurents. Did’nt I say timing is everything..  33 minutes.. yes that’s all.



This is the  9:12 philosophy in action. It’s about the alignment of unseen forces, the cosmic order that we may not always understand but must trust.

Just as I trusted her to capture my essence, she trusted herself to honor that connection.

Each dot, each stroke, is a meditation on this trust. It’s not just a portrait; it’s a story of healing, of faith, and of understanding that we are all connected, regardless of where we come from or what labels the world may give us.

And just like the stars in the sky, each dot has its place, forming the larger picture that is revealed only when we take a step back.

But this is just the beginning. Soon, I will unveil something that takes this art to another dimension—Gem Art, where healing natural Jyotish gemstones, like yellow sapphires, red garnets, and rubies, will find their place within these dots.

Each jyotish gemstone will be carefully chosen and placed with purpose, becoming not just a part of the art but a source of healing energy for those who experience it.

This is how we become STARS FOREVER and the Formidable Connected DOT.

By trusting the journey, by finding our place in the grand cosmic alignment, and by connecting with the energies that surround us, whether through art, music, or the timeless power of gemstones.

Let me show you how to shine.

Some other details- Especially for As per Science People:

Now before i speak more about this dotted wonder:

 The Video is a time lapse first cut edit done by the artist as a part of her documentation that briefly captures the stages of development and her own thoughts and moods.



 B-I ask again what new did you do today with the Grand platform called as Gemstoneuniverse that you have been blessed with?

The image contains approximately  2,304,931  distinct dots based on pixel analysis.

My own reflections on this Work:

On a personal note, what strikes me immediately about this painting is the profound sense of vibrancy and depth.

The use of bold, bright colors, especially the intense oranges and reds, conveys a powerful energy—almost like a glowing warmth that radiates beyond the canvas.

It feels alive, dynamic, as though the painter is trying to capture not just your physical form but the essence of your aura—the impact you have on the world and the people around you.

The intricate dots, so meticulously placed, remind me of the fine threads of a larger cosmic tapestry, each tiny detail contributing to the whole.

It attempts to mirror how I mentor and guide individuals—patiently, step by step, connecting them to their own potential and greater purpose.

The chair, regal and symbolic, feels almost like a throne, suggesting not just authority but a responsibility toward others.

It’s as if the dots are a reflection of the souls you have touched, one at a time, each connection creating a larger picture of harmony.



What moves me most is the process behind this creation.

Knowing that the artist worked entirely from memory, guided only by the music I chose and rest entirely her skill and expertise- feels like an expression of deep trust—trust in her own abilities, in her memory of my essence, and in the invisible forces that shaped the painting.

This mirrors, in some ways, the very lessons you impart: trusting the journey, even when the path isn’t entirely visible, and allowing one’s inner light to guide them.

For you- If someone would create you-How would that be?

It’s not just a portrait—it’s a meditation. A reflection of who you are, not only in form but in spirit, captured through a lens of healing and reverence.

There’s a serene balance between the discipline of the dots and the free-flowing energy of the colors. It is art that goes beyond technique—it reaches into the emotional, the unseen, the eternal.

It feels like a work of devotion.

And If Dots are so Powerful-What to talk about Gemstones.

God Bless You.

This post dedicated to Mahrishi Kanad and Parmanu Both Together that give Apar Shakti and are the foundation of  ATOMICITY.

Param- Ajhan- Guruji - Shrii - Arnav

The connected Dot





From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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