ARTICLES: Could Gem Therapy Aid in curing Psoriasis| Gems for Psoriasis

A Patron Speaks of Remarkable Results of Planetary Gem Therapy and Jyotish Gemstones
This came to us through his divine grace Guruji Shrii Arnav in the form of a heartfelt share by a patron. Surprising & pleasing at the same time, this one share energized our soul with a positivity being a part of such miraculous healings.
The patron shared the images over the phone with a gratitude. We were surprised to see that Psoriasis nearly got cured within 6 months of wearing a Jyotish Red Coral.
It was surprising to see such a recovery process. In the above pictures sent by the patron, the healing could be seen clearly.
Live answer by Grandmaster Guruji Shrii Arnav in Humans of Gemstoneuniverse
To follow Guruji's public post please click here.
To read about more benefits of wearing a Red Coral, please click here
This could be a revolution in the medical history. Because, as a matter of research, Psoriasis is a chronic disease, with no clear cure or cause. This disease affects people of all age groups, and is a serious global issue. Immense negative effect are seen in peoples suffering from Psoriasis. Around 100 million individuals are suffering worldwide from Psoriasis as per the reports of World Health Organization.
We recall a quote from ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking,
“The future development of medicine lies with treatments based on light and colour”
To get a more clear idea about how this miraculous & pure energy of nature work in healing, click & read Navaratna Stones and Planetary Gem Therapy
“Don’t aim perfection that’s delaying everything in your life. Just be yourself just be natural.” - Guruji Shrii Arnav
We at Gemstoneuniverse, Thank You, Dear God that you heal through us. We strive to work in the honest & correct way to leverage the power of Gem Therapy & Medical Astrology.
Thank You Revered and Beloved Modern Mystic - Guruji Shrii Arnav for the sacred knowledge and inspiring guidance.
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