ARTICLES: Eating Away to Glory & Abundance & Riches -Literally, the Guruji Shrii Arnav 9 by 12 Way

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Eating Away to Glory & Abundance & Riches -Literally, the Guruji Shrii Arnav 9-by-12 Way
By Guruji Shrii Arnav
Author | Astrologer | Mentor of Mentors | Father of AstroGemology
Also the man who appeared on the cover of Wall Street & the same day 4 trillon was wiped out from the market.
First things first, wish you a very happy Friday a super Friday with Venus in Pice, Saturn in Aquarius
What does that mean?
That simply means that today is yet again, an opportunity to celebrate and harness the Venus powers of happiness, joy, style, luxury, and abundance.
Seriously, there are many reasons for celebration, but to be honest with you.
This is a celebration of YOU on this planet and there is no better day than today to invite all these blessings of Venus that you are basically yearning for and the PAUCITY of these are causing most of the problems in your life.
Some of you speak about how astrology can be used to one’s benefit how it can take you to tue next level but when it comes to real time application- the dedication and verve is missing.
Venus comes into exaltation only once in a year, and this is the golden corridor, whether you want to take your life to the next level or do sacred spiritual practices to attract love and wealth.
This is the day - So don’t miss its power and then regret for the whole of next year.
So the celebration is to celebrate you and harness Venus, but if you still need a reason, reason is that my feature on the cover of Wall Street and the associated story with it is reverberating all over the globe.
Do you feel it ? If you don’t there is some problem with your Venus
How to activate Venus and subsequently attract Love and Wealth?
So what to do?
You don’t have to do elaborate rituals.
You just have to eat, drink dance, enjoy company, laugh, share a joke and have fun etc.
That is what Venus wants and once it sees that its blessings are applied in the true sense- More and more of Venus things will start coming into your life.
Now think of the statement below
“The jewel doesn’t reveal its brilliance in darkness—it is the presence of light that awakens its fire. Be that light. One person at a time, one act at a time. Your dharma is not just duty—it is divine choreography.”
QP- Guruji Shrii Arnav
So if I may, I would like to ask you that why is this contradiction in your life? Why are you doing the same things and suffering?
Why are you not hungry and go out and hunt for newer and better things?
You want the fine things in life, but are hiding behind some shadow, and in that created complex, you are hiding your best assets and your best people also in the shadow and justifying it by making them emulate yourself.
Energy is kinetic that is the fundamental role. Let the energy play
Activate Venus- Dance- Organise a Party.
And if you are STILL gravitating towards darkness and ordinariness, then maybe you have to do some work before you enter my ecosystem.
Step 1: Of Irony, Existence, and Appetite
The human condition is deeply ironic.
Strip away all philosophies, and ask just this:
Why do we live?
To live.
And to live, we must eat.
So, by the same logic—we live to eat.
Not indulgently, but essentially.
That’s your first truth.
Let it simmer.
Truth: We live to eat, we work to eat.
Step 2: The Sacred Neglect
If all our karma—our striving, our ambition, our toil—is directed toward earning our food…
Why do we ignore it the most?
We don’t pause to see what’s on our plate.
We eat with haste, not grace.
And thus, a strange emptiness creeps in.
It’s not hunger. It’s neglect.
And that, my dear seekers, is the root of many voids in your life.
When was the last time you cooked you food differently or served it in a beautiful way?
Step 3: The Stomach is Smarter than You Think
Hippocrates once said:
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”
Allow me to add a contemporary insight:
“An empty stomach will alert you. An empty brain will not.”
QP : Guruji Shrii Arnav
Speaking from an empty mind- Has only one result and conclusion.
I don’t have to tell you that- You already know it- Don’t you?
Your brain doesn’t operate on metaphors.
It needs real, sacred fuel.
Right food. Right timing. Right awareness.
This is not nutrition—it’s neuroalchemy.
Picture golden dal bubbling in a copper pot, steam rising like incense…
Or a bowl of juicy strawberries under morning sun…
Step 4: Emptiness – The Grand Illusion
We chase success for food, then forget to honour the food itself.
That creates emptiness—a nine-letter word that perfectly fits my 9-by-12 framework.
But here’s the Guruji Shrii Arnav reframe of emptiness: I can surely turn things around. Earlier I could carry all drawbacks but as the ecosystem is expanding at the speed of light- The speedbreakers and drawbacks are hurting.
Let me Give You a Golden Sutra Regarding your food- it is the Ultimate Mantra/ Sutra
Eating My Portion Timely and Tastefully Invites New & Novel Energy Sensations Successfully & Subtly.
From void to vitality.
From craving to contentment.
Just follow the above - In Verbatim- And You are looking at a 360 degree positive overhaul of your life.
Step 5: Mother Annapurna & the Nine Sacred Questions
In my article on Margashirsha Poornima, I wrote of Mother Annapurna—the cosmic provider of nourishment.
There, I asked:
“Is your food a lady or a man?”
Not a question of gender, but of energy and consciousness.
I then presented 9 vital questions to awaken deeper food awareness.
You may read the full article below to have a double dose power.
Food and Spirituality – Mother Annapurna and the Nine Sacred Questions
Step 6: The Nine Sacred Questions – A Poetic Offering
But some of you are now approaching the legend level yourself- congratulations. So for this group the question gets changed?
Yes These are two different questions.
Before you take your first bite, ask yourself:
Was this food sung to by the sun?
Did it come with kindness or coercion?
Do I chew wisdom—or just taste?
What mood stirred the cook’s flame—love or fatigue?
Is this meal a whisper of prayer or a forgotten task?
These aren’t questions.
They are mirrors.
Each meal is an answer—echoing your karmic awareness.
Step 7: Break the Pattern, Bless the Plate
India reminds us with two eternal folk sayings:
- “दाने दाने पे लिखा है खाने वाले का नाम।”
(Every grain knows who it’s meant for.)
- “जैसा अन्न, वैसा मन।”
(As the food, so the mind.)
So here’s a sacred practice:
- Cook one dish differently today.
Be the Annapurna in your own kitchen.
- Present it beautifully.
Because food is ruled by Venus—the goddess of aesthetics, pleasure, and refinement.
Add a sprig of mint, a painted plate, a folded napkin…
You’re not just eating.
You’re worshipping.
Step 8: Stop Looking for Bigger. Start Seeing Better.
Perfection is a seductive trap.
The real gems lie in the obvious.
I once worked with a tennis World No.1.
His team included the best scientists, chefs, and therapists.
The problem- He reaches #1 4-5 weeks then tumble to 5-6. Repeat cycle of many time.
I said nothing for 3 weeks. Just observed.
Then gave one instruction:
“Stop consuming Avena sativa juice.”
He followed it.
And within a month:
- Allergies gone
- Sleep improved
- Vital capacity increased
- And he dominated tennis like never before
Profound change does not require grand action.
It requires clear seeing.
Not everything has to be “more profound.” Sometimes, it just has to be present.
Step 9: Venus on the Plate – The Taste of Your Destiny
Let’s reflect:
If your food is bland and careless, what kind of energy are you offering to life?
I once served plain white rice—nine times.
Same grain.
Different vessels.
Different emotions.
And it triggered nine different emotional responses in the people who ate it.
That’s the Venusian alchemy of food.
But beware:
Eating on your bed
Scrolling your phone
Consuming food while distracted
What you feel while eating will become who you are.
So eat as if your future depends on it.
Because it does.
As I said at Siriraj Hospital recently:( The photograph of that talk accompanies this post)
“An Empty Stomach Will Alert You. An Empty Brain Will Not.”
– Guruji Shrii Arnav
Think and Think Hard.
Siriraj Hospital - Bangkok- Thailand
Conclusion – The Full Plate of Life
This isn’t just about food.
This is about how you see, feel, offer, and receive.
It’s about taste not just on your tongue—but in your spirit.
The Guruji Shrii Arnav 9-by-12 Way is a divine choreography of intention and ingestion.
Because when you eat right,
You think right.
When you think right,
You act right.
And when you act right,
You don’t just live—you shine.
If this stirred your soul, share it.
Let someone else remember their plate is a portal.
Tag someone who needs to fall in love with food again.
Let’s eat our way not just to health, but to healing.
Bon Appétit. Or as we say… Jai Annapurna!
Jai Guruji Shrii Arnav!
Mother Annapurna- The 9 Food Questions and Is your Food a Lady or a Man. Click link Below:
If you do the same thing.. Same way.. Every day.. The result
Is the same.. Just that in addition you have become older.
This is for As Becauz and for apparently as per Science people.. Yes
What if I told you that the secret to your joy, sorrow, energy, and destiny lies in just nine elements—not scattered across lifetimes, but encoded in your own body and plate in this life and in this very moment.
There are nine core hormones that rule your moods and motives—dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins, cortisol, adrenaline, melatonin, insulin, and anandamide.
There are nine sacred gemstones in the Navaratna, each vibrating with a planetary frequency that governs your karma and consciousness.
And there are nine questions about food—posed not as curiosity but as cosmic checkpoints—each one with the power to shatter illusions and reset your life’s trajectory.
When your hormones, gems, and questions come into alignment, you don’t just break brain patterns—you dissolve them. What you feel becomes fine-tuned. What you eat becomes encoded.
And what you believe becomes embodied. This is not a diet. Not dogma. Not doctrine. This is the Guruji Shrii Arnav Way—where science bows to mysticism, and mysticism dances with chemistry.
Celebrate and have a happy friday- You deserve every bit of it.
BTW: I Don’t Need that BP Shield- Bullet Proof Shield- The Hand of God Is out.. Come On Take Aim- Show me what you have Got.
My Name is Guruji Shrii Arnav and I am GEMSTONEUNIVERSE.
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#GurujiShriiArnav #9by12Wisdom
#SacredEating #SpiritualNutrition
#EmptinessToFullness #AyurvedaWisdom
#AstroGemology #ConsciousKarma
#EatPrayShine #RasaAndReverence
From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
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