Horoscope 2022 | Annual Forecast & Predictions For Your Sun Signs By Guruji Shrii Arnav

Horoscope 2022 | Annual Forecast & Predictions For Your Sun Signs By Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Business, Career, Marriage, Love, Health, Wealth, Education, where would you get an uplift or dwell? We're in a phase of bidding farewell to 2021 and entering 2022, a year full of opportunities. Here is what Vedic Astrology speak about your star signs.
Whether you're planning to go abroad, starting a new venture, preparing for further studies or thinking to go out of the box, take this comprehensive 2022 horoscope as a guide. After the rigorous and utmost accurate observations backed up with years of experience, the most awaited Annual Forecast & Predictions from the Spiritual Guru, Mentor of Millionaires & Champions - Guruji Shrii Arnav, is here to sail you through the year 2022.
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. This year is going to be transformational, to say the least, given your focus is not on negative people around you. The comfort zone that you have created around yourself is bound to get broken and you will find yourself amidst change and little chaos initially. Professionally this will be the year when you will opt for new job or a startup that you always dreamed of. Nothing in life comes without struggle and the hurdles you face this year are only going to propel you towards the high goals that you have set for yourself. This is a good year from the perspective of your finances, and you will see gain of wealth. Professional life will precede your personal life this year, so have a good work life balance.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A year of change and marked with your sheer grit and determination
Wealth: A period wherein you will get benefitted with speculative gains and stock market gains.
Professional life: A major change in your professional life is indicated this year. You will need to work very hard in your job/business and will also be rewarded too.
Tips: Avoid animosity or arguments and be practical about your approach in life as your emotional tendencies might make things difficult for you.
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Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. The year 2022 is about introspections, retrospections and changing the life gears. The materialistic pursuit that has become an integral part of your life is not only jeopardizing your personal growth but also casting some shadows on your relationships. This is the year wherein you will slow down your pace and focus more on things which are more important than money and opulence. Relationships will be under limelight, and you will not only focus on building bridges in relationships, but also ensuring good work life balance. Financially this is going to be a year of highs and lows. While you can expect decent gains on your investments, but you might have to face some hurdles for the expected salary hike or business gains.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A year of seeking a good work life balance and slowing down a bit on professional front.
Wealth: Expect investment gains / speculative gains. You might face initial obstacles in getting expected salary hike or business gains
Professional life: A period wherein you will work hard but work harder on making good work life balance.
Tips: Be very practical about your financial decisions and seek professional advice if need be
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When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us. This year is about forgetting the unpleasant past and focus instead on the positive things in life. The challenges and hurdles you faced last year have not only made you much stronger, but also highly flexible as far as expectations and desires are concerned. You will be much more capable of handling the hurdles and the achievements this year with much more maturity. The key for you is to calm your mind and surround yourself with positive people who care about you. Financially speaking, this will be a year of getting more aggressive as far as investments are concerned. Speculative gains are also foreseen. A year to speak less and listen more.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A period of maturity and dealing life issues with utmost practicality.
Wealth: Good financial gains foreseen. Stock market gains also on the cards.
Professional life: A good period wherein you will work hard towards your goals, and also set realistic expectations from yourself and also from your professional life
Tips: Be flexible and mature. Listen more.
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Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions. The emotional upheaval that you have had to go through has certainly taken a toll upon your happiness and harmony and this year is about healing from inside. The more you think about things you have no control on, the more you will carry the pain. The year will teach you to let go and move on in life. There is nothing wrong in being over emotional, but it’s certainly wrong to let those emotions drive you towards oblivion. You will understand this clearly this year and also realize the path of nirvana for yourself. Do not be people oriented this year and let go of the negative people around you who are more of an aberration in your life. Meet new people, opt for a job switch and see good in life and good things will certainly happen in your life this year.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: Emotions and sentiments will consume your energy, but you will learn to move ahead in life this year overcoming your emotions
Wealth: An average period wherein you will be reluctant towards your financial life.
Professional life: A period of procrastination and laziness at workplace. Be careful and do not let these lazy tendencies take a toll on your professional reputation.
Tips: Be practical and do not take decisions using your heart.
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Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder. You have been chasing your desires and needs for a really long time and this year will teach you to overcome the shackles of desires before you become enslaved to them. The fast life and higher goals have conditioned your mind in a way that you no longer appreciate the little good things in your life. Relationships will be in limelight this year and its high time you realize that you should give more importance to your relationships than the boardroom meeting. Financially this year is amazing for you.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A period of confusion and inner conflicts. You will be treading the narrow path of materialism vs inner happiness.
Wealth: A good year wherein gain of wealth and financial growth is foreseen
Professional life: You might face some resistance at workplace. Stay low profile and avoid inviting unnecessary animosity.
Tips: Work on your relationships and spend more time with your loved ones
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He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything. You have been negligent about your health for quite some time now and the laziness and fatigue that you have been experiencing is a byproduct of your lifestyle. This year will require you to slow down a little and focus on your emotional and physical health. Having said that , you have great support from your loved ones and this year will be an exceptional year wherein you will have great time with your family and loved ones. Professionally you will face some hurdles and obstacles at workplace, but you will be able to overcome those. Whether its personal and professional life, you should learn to avoid arguments and reactive tendencies for you own mental peace.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: This year is about good social life, family and maintaining good health
Wealth: A good year wherein you will see your wealth grow
Professional life: Your hard work and persistence be rewarded but not without initial obstacles and confusion
Tips: Eat healthy, imbibe a good lifestyle and do not take any health issue lightly
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Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. The highlight of the year is going to be the ups and downs in your financial life. While gain of wealth is foreseen, so are the unexpected expenses. You should learn to save money while the sun is shining so that you face the hurdles of the rainy days with ease. Social life and relationships will also dominate your life this year and you will have good time with your friends and family. You will enjoy your social life and also enjoy the vacations you so yearned for. Professionally this is a year of change wherein you will witness change in your project, profile or the employer itself.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A period marked with financial and professional highs and lows wherein luck will be on your side. Keep a good work life balance though.
Wealth: Financial matters will be in your mind most of the time and while gain of wealth is foreseen, you should avoid unnecessary expenses on opulence and luxury
Professional life: This will be the period of change and you might finally witness the changes in your professional life which you so much wanted
Tips: Save money, Curb unnecessary expenses on luxury and enjoy your social life
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Without communication there is no relationship. Without respect there is no love. Without trust there is no reason to continue. Relationships will continue to be the centerstage of your life this year and you can expect lot of ups and downs in the gamut of relationships that your life is connected with. You are expected to maintain a good work life balance this year or else you will be under pressure in both personal and professional life. Work hard and party harder should be the motto of the year and you should ensure that you not only work hard at your workplace but also spend quality time with your loved ones and friends. Financial life will be much better this year as your plans seem to be falling in place now. It's always a good idea to get rid of debt and this year is one of the best times in your life to get rid of debt , if any.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: Focus will shift to relationships and social life. Good work life balance is the need of the hour.
Wealth: Best time to get rid of the debt or reduce
Professional life: You will be under some pressure this year as you will be juggling between your personal and professional life. Keep working harder this year and you will reap the benefits.
Tips: Take periodic off from your workplace and set for a vacation with your loved ones
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The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not. The year will teach you contentment and true bliss. All these years you have been part of a materialistic race that doesn’t seem to be taking you anywhere other than mental fatigue, exhaustion and desire for more. This year is a great time to explore your spiritual side and religious outlook. You will not only be interested in occult and spiritual matters but also enhance your inner wisdom. Financial woes will bother you to some extent as your investment doesn’t seem to be performing the way you wanted, but you now have immense patience for fructification in future.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A period of self-realization and exploring your inner spirituality.
Wealth: A lot of patience will be needed this year, especially in stock market. This patience will pay you handsomely in future.
Professional life: Your professional desires will take slight backseat in the year 2022 as you are not only bored of your current professional setup, but also have lost the steam to continue the way you have been.
Tips: A great year to enhance knowledge and learn or explore spirituality
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There are three things you can do with your life: You can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time on Earth. This is the year to start this investment and change the trajectory of life towards something you truly love. You have been living a life of oblivion all these years and although you are happy in a way that you have accomplished material success, but this path is making you happy from inside. Whether it’s changing your job or working on the new startup or change of place, this is an excellent time to bring that much needed change in your life. Financially this year will be great as speculative gains are foreseen in your life.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: Major changes are foreseen in your life, and you should accept and adapt accordingly
Wealth: Good speculative gains are foreseen, especially in stock market.
Professional life: Take risks this year and do not hesitate in taking life changing professional decisions as they will be great in long term.
Tips: Do not be afraid of changes at professional front.
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You cannot control everything that happens to you; you can only control the way you respond to what happens. In your response is your power. The year will not be devoid of obstacles and hurdles, but your perseverance and resilience will ensure that you overcome all hurdles with elan. More specifically this is going to be a challenging year from professional life perspective, and you might face animosity and resistance at workplace. Our advice will be to keep a low profile at workplace and avoid any arguments or hostilities around you. It is very important for you to maintain good relationship with your superiors. Financially this is going to be an average year, wherein you will maintain status quo as far as your wealth is concerned.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: Obstacles and hurdles are foreseen, but so will be your resilience and triumph over them
Wealth: An average year. Although your goals will not be met, but it will not be a disappointing.
Professional life: Hostility and animosity is foreseen at workplace, so maintain caution.
Tips: Respect your boss//elders and avoid any animosity
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You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both. This is going to be an emotional year wherein relationships and emotions will be in the limelight. As usual you will prioritize your loved ones over anything else in life and you will be appreciated for your caring nature. Do not take emotional decisions this year, especially pertaining to your financial and professional life. Professionally, you will taste success and recognition but do not let that go above your head and maintain a modest outlook. This is a good year to introspect and improve your relationships. Your social life will rekindle again, and you will be very happy this year with your friends and family.
2022 Annual Sun Sign outlook: A year of emotions and relationships wherein your finance and professional life will take a backseat
Wealth: Speculative losses are foreseen , so invest only after seeking professional advice
Professional life: You will be under some pressure this year as you will be juggling between your personal and professional life. Keep working harder this year and you will reap the benefits.
Tips: A good year wherein your hard work will be recognized.
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Guruji Shrii Arnav
Spiritual Guru, Mentor of Millionaires & Champions, Astrologer & Planetary Gemologist, Thinker and Author.
He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America).
He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems.
Acclaimed Spiritual Guru, World renowned Astro Gemologist, Author, Thought Leader, Mentor of Millionaires, Hailed as the Father of Astro Gemology he has been featured in publications of international repute such as Forbes, Fortune, Entrepreneur, Business World and Times of India Etc.
To View Revered Guruji Shrii Arnav’s public posts please click here.
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