ARTICLES: And The GAME CHANGER of the Year Award Goes to ..The Time Thief.. Yours Truly.. Your IN ABSENTIA Guruji Shrii Arnav

And The GAME CHANGER of the Year Award Goes to ..The Time Thief.. Yours Truly.. Your IN ABSENTIA Guruji Shrii Arnav


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 And The GAME CHANGER of the Year Award Goes to ..The Time Thief.. Yours Truly.. Your IN ABSENTIA  Guruji Shrii Arnav 

 Ok Good Morning.

 Yesterday- September 20th - I was awarded the Game Changer of the Year award at the prestigious Bharat 24 Conclave organised by the Government of Gujarat and Bharat 24 at Gandhinagar. Thank You.

 It is an honour to be named Game Changer of the Year in the Gujarat Edition of Game Changers 2024.

 Receiving this recognition from Honorable Chief Minister Shri Bhupendra Bhai Patel, alongside proven stalwarts like

Mr. RS Sodhi (Ex-MD of Amul), Mr. Darshan Patel (Vini Cosmetics), Mr. Vikas Sahay (Director General of Police, Gujarat), Mr. Piruz Khambatta (Founder of Rasna), Mr. Nilesh M Desai (Director of ISRO), Mr. Pankaj Patel (CMD Zydus Cadila), Mr. Sanjeev Chaturvedi (Head of Marketing, Reliance Industries), Dr. Lata Anilchandra Desai (Padma Shri, Medicine), and Smt. Ramilaben Raysinghbhai Gamit (Padma Shri, Social Work) was a moment of deep reflection for me.



 But somewhere in the late afternoon I had a brief meeting with one of the Senior Directors of one of the Top 50 companies of India. His Family still owns the majority stake and despite all the corporate governances and processes- His Father is Still the major decision maker.

 At 43, with a deep desire for faster growth and far reaching impact He said: Guruji I know you and Dad share a special Bond but now I am in the process and I would also like to share with you and take your blessings and guidance.

 What exactly is the issue here- I asked to which is said: I think Dad is very secretive . He does not share his knowledge and keeps most of the things in his mind. I think it is insecurity. He is suspicious of new people joining, does not want anyone else to know the intricate ins and outs.

 So I said to him, You may be partly correct but there is a bigger play here and I told him- I share freely.. Everything.. What people call as cutting edge secrets not written in the most sought of books and masters- I share freely, I train but People cannot take benefit from it. So you see what I do is reverse to your Father but the end result is the same.

 As I had to go to Apple for a Landmark Development and event( Yes I think You guessed it- I am the first official recipient of the Iphone 16 in Asia. The first official- read official device stripped down to my way- Depending on where you are located at if you pre order now- You can have it from the official Apple store- Not partner/ participating stores etc between Oct 7- Oct 16.

 O my Buddha- I veered off topic- As I was leaving I told him- Your vision is good and honest but your father is moving from the perspective of Once Bitten Twice Shy and not what you are imagining.

 Talk to him and stay away from Ordinary Limiting beliefs, emotions and people that harbour Jealousy, Insecurity, Sloth and plain inefficiency. Just stay away from such and actively weed out these elements who quitely creep into an enterprise if it is doing something worth-While. No person is small. It is their mind, limiting beliefs , perspective and horizon that is small. I promised to join him and his father soon to which is expressed his gratitude. Just looking at his face that moment I know He had had a new realisation and a radical mind shift.


And Now to the Award and The Learning

 The Time Thief Leads the Game Changers to a New Dawn of Cutting Edge Results, Gets Awarded in the Process 

Ok I am a Thief- A Time Thief.

In life, we often hear that time waits for no one. But what if I told you that time, in fact, can be captured, shaped, and used to our advantage?

I call myself a 'Time Thief,' but I wear that title with pride because every moment I save is a moment of creation, a moment where something new is born—a thought, an opportunity, or a success. Stealing time from the most efficient of processes, I strive towards the best towards cutting-edge results.

So without Boiling the Ocean let me give you a small example. If I have to move from point A to point B- Such as From the Dining Table to My Work Desk- In between I will clean an artefact or an idol, dust the surface, arrange papers etc. In doing that- I have organised and stolen 2-3 seconds. When these add up- you get a big number read time to spend on stuff that matters and I teach the same to my students/ clients- Start becoming Good Time Thieves.

We are not just game changers in name; we are game changers in action—leading by example, providing mentorship, generously sharing knowledge, and empowering the best around us.

In times of emergency, when swift decisions make the difference between success and failure, it is this mindset, this commitment, that makes all the difference.

 Time is a luxury, but leadership is about using that time wisely. 



A Learning from the Ramayana:

In the Ramayana, when Lord Rama needed to cross the mighty ocean to rescue Sita from Lanka, the challenge was daunting.

Days passed without a solution in sight. But then, with deep concentration and commitment, Lord Rama prayed to the Ocean God.

The waters parted, and the bridge of stones, Ram Setu, was built. This wasn't just about divine intervention; it was about strategic use of time, applying the right action at the right moment, and rallying everyone around a common goal.

Like Lord Rama, we are constantly faced with challenges that require us to act swiftly, saving precious time and resources in the process.

 Now Let me share( Yes I do - Always Have ) But Kismet  and 

Let me share with you how to be a Good Thief - A Good Time Thief: With  9:12-The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way


T.I.M.E. T.H.I.E.F. =

 Tactical Initiatives Managing Everything, Transforming Humanity Into Efficient Force 

Each letter represents a deliberate action or quality that aligns with the planetary energies.


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Let us see how the 9 planets manifest to make a good time thief:

1. Sun (Surya) = Tactical

Like the Sun, a true leader tactically shines a light on all endeavors, radiating energy that drives purposeful action.

2. Moon (Chandra) = Initiatives

The Moon governs emotions and adaptability. It represents the initiative required to navigate through time's shifting phases.

3. Mars (Mangal) = Managing

Mars teaches the lesson of boldness and action, reminding us that managing time means controlling our drive and ambition.

4. Mercury (Budh) = Everything

Mercury's quick-thinking and intellect ensure that everything, including the smallest details, is taken into account and aligned with purpose.

5. Jupiter (Guru) = Transforming

The wisdom of Jupiter is expansive and transformative, turning time into a pathway for growth and opportunity.

6. Venus (Shukra) = Humanity

Venus, with its association to love, wealth, and pleasure, governs humanity's pursuit of harmony, beauty, and success in all undertakings.

7. Saturn (Shani) = Discipline

Saturn is the disciplinarian, turning abstract concepts like time into tangible realities, reminding us that effort and patience are key.

8. Rahu (North Node) = Efficient

Rahu's innovative and unconventional energy teaches us how to break the mold, becoming more efficient by thinking beyond the ordinary.

9. Ketu (South Node) = Force

Ketu symbolizes spiritual detachment, guiding us to become a force of time itself by recognizing what truly matters and letting go of distractions.


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Are you a time thief or a time waster? Ouch.. Yes..Someone has to do it.

By becoming a Time Thief, you not only align yourself with the energy of the 9 planets but also take control of your personal universe, turning every second into a potent tool for transformation.

The cosmos may move in cycles, but you can choose how to master them, just like Lord Rama in the Ramayana.

 9:12 The Guruji Shrii Arnav's Way

 Who is Guruji’s customer- How to take appointment with him:

 Guruji does not meet anybody or consult and he is very busy.

 Incorrect Answer

Guruji’s customers are the people to whom other people come to consult. The experts are customers of Guruji and hence mentor of mentors and Guruji has all the time for the right reasons and the right people- Not people who repeat the same thing in 5 different ways and end up with the same result- That is Criminal.


So, you see, it's not about waiting for the ocean to part. It's about building the bridge yourself!

(Though, if you're short on time, a prayer might still help speed things along.)

 A Reflection for the Moment:

They say time flies like an arrow. I say, let it fly. I'll just get a faster bow!

 Special Mention and appreciation

They Say Business is in the air and Blood of Gujarat- Quite Apt but in a rapidly changing world with radical new challenges and economic realities- I would Like to Laud and Thanks:

Sri Vikas Sahay- The Director and Inspector General of Police- The State of Gujarat for periodically organising The training and sharing sessions on Cyber Crime in the most remotest of areas in the local language.

OTP related fraud and crime is now least in Gujarat- The state once considered least knowledgable on Computer Literacy and Fraud. It is an honour to see the “ The Secret of Jyotish Gems” in Your hands. You deserve the applause and the credit.


“The Secret of Jyotish Gems” honoured by Sri Vikas Sahay- The Director and Inspector General of Police- The State of Gujarat


"Kalaya Tasmai Namah" — Salutations to Time, the divine force that governs the universe (Mahabharata). 

I am grateful for this recognition, but more importantly, I feel blessed to be surrounded by those who continue to strive for excellence and that is my way and the way of Gemstoneuniverse- Expansive, Future Ready and Open.

Together, we are not just witnesses to change; we are leaders of it.

This award is dedicated to those unknown warriors of the Gemstoneuniverse ecosystem who really eat “ Risk for Breakfast” and never come in the limelight- Good Thieves and God Thieves Work Like That.



Connecting the Dots.

Gandhi Speech.. Opening of Gandhi Corner Library.. The Adani foundation in UP.. The IQA award.. That Big Fat Wedding….

PS: I have not seen the AV about me screened the awards But I am sure It might have some good things about me.. If it helps someone great.. If it does’nt-I Don’t Know.

Samay Chor

Chit Chor

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 9:12 The Guruji Shrii Arnav's Way





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 12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation

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 Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square

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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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