ARTICLES: I can defeat Go-Ogle even when asleep and you can too and The mighty Don-Key can do it standing, sitting, or sleeping—whatever

I can defeat Go-Ogle even when asleep and you can too and The mighty Don-Key can do it standing, sitting, or sleeping—whatever


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 I can defeat Go-Ogle even when asleep & you can too & The mighty Don-Key  can do it standing, sitting, or sleeping—whatever.

Go-Ogle Vs Guruji Who Wins?

Go-Ogle- Why?

Because Guruji does not compete with the weak and the incompetent.

Donkey Vs Guruji- Who Wins?

Donkey - Why?

Because, Guruji is reverential enough not to compete with Seniors. 

So in Short


 First things first, I highly recommend that you view the video ( featured in this post) recorded live in one of the sessions of Humans of Gemstone Universe. Once you do, you might not need to read any further. 


But if you want, Here we Go- Again 

 That being said, I still like Go-Ogle, but maybe a little bit less now.

 In 1996, two highly intelligent fellows by the names of Page and Brin were working on something very exciting, which, for lack of a better name, was called BackRub.

 I think because.. Chalo Let it be.

 May I refresh your memory quickly: my own journey on the internet started in 1995 on a dial-up connection. At that time, In the United States -AOL was number one, and there were other exciting players like Excite, Lycos, and Ask Jeeves. 

 My personal favorite and go-to search engine was AltaVista, but this post is not about that. 

 In early 2001, I saw a very elegant line of code that excited me. It was just 2 lines of code- It still is. 

 After a preliminary chat on that IRC thing (the original messenger), the unanimous view after the initial shock was that this is going to be a game-changer, which it indeed was. 

 The shock was because when that line of code rendered on a webpage, what you got was an incredibly blank white background with a center search bar and just two options—one button for "Search" and another button, "I'm Feeling Lucky." -THAT MY FRIEND IS CONVICTION AND CONFIDENCE. We don’t need words- We show.



Now, may I draw your attention to the fact that the best brains working at Stanford thought it fit to have the question and option of

"I'm Feeling Lucky," bringing in the element of luck, astrology, blah blah blah, right on the front page. -So You connect the dots my as per science logical friend.

 The phenomenal thing, as per me, was the lack of any explanation about the brains behind it and why they made it, which speaks volumes about how confident they were, knowing what they were doing.

No visiting cards, no contact numbers, no explaining to anybody about the Stanford background—that takes some guts. 

 There was some reservation on my part about the slogan/motto of "Don't be evil." I preferred the motto, and also suggested, "Don't do evil," but this is a story for another day.

 Somewhere around August 2003 was the first time I got access to see Go-Ogle search in action- This was actual deployment stage and that I got to test it was a huge gift for me rather than an honour and a privilege.

and the first thing I searched for was "astrology." I was mighty pleased to see the result of my own webpage on Yahoo Geocities as the first result.


Best Gemstone Recommendation in India | Best Gemstone Astrologer | Guruji Shrii Arnav


 This is a massive life-changing contemplation, and you must attempt this:

 What is better—"Don't be evil" or "Don't do evil"?   and Why

 Done right- It will change your Life.

 Somebody very wise once remarked, "Do not underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers," and what was Go-Ogle's strength became the world’s biggest problem. - The Bane of Reviews, influencers, ads and endorsements.

 The single most important and biggest thing that made Go-Ogle stand apart from others was that it depended, among many other factors, on something called PageRank and link health.

In short, if you were getting a link from a third-party site, Go-Ogle viewed it as an endorsement—the same thing you do with so-called influencers speaking about your product or celebrities visiting your store, etc.

 Now, please pay attention carefully. This is important to you:

For a decade or so, this particular logic of links was great because the internet and its spread were limited, and in the majority of cases, one used to get a link generally from a third-party site who found your link useful.



 An Ideal Example and What Go-Ogle Would Like and estimated:

For example, somebody on a forum writing,

"Hey, I think to get a fresh perspective on astrology, you should read Guruji’s article," and sharing the link.

In Reality whats happened

Click here to view the Best Astrologer In India and What he recommends. Limited Time Offer- 20% off- Hurry.

 The nuisance  started to take epic proportions roughly around 2008.

Once the giant understood the potential and the sheer size of the Indian market, the problem became that certain individuals and companies came into existence whose job it was to make links, whether they were relevant or not. 

 So, point number one: the algorithm, sorry to say, does not have the means to evaluate the quality of the links, which are ever-growing and what that means.

even though they keep trying but

 It means that search results are because... as because... as because... people don’t know how to search and are also too lazy to search thoroughly.

 Case in point: Most individuals searching for a particular term or thing will take information from the first three results. Around 70% of the internet population will take their information from the first three results,


20% of the population will take or browse results from the first page or the first 10 results.

That means 90% of the population will be satisfied or satiated with the answer to their query from the first page-THAT,MY FRIEND IS NOT RESEARCH-DON’t INSULT THE WORD AND YOUR INTELLIGENCE.

 Less than 0.1% of internet users will go beyond the third page. 

 So- I hope, now you know what the problem is?

If you have understood the link above, let me explain this once again, briefly: as Einstein said,

"Two things are infinite—the universe and human stupidity," and he was not sure about the universe. 

 So-you are getting a result that is coming out on top, most probably due to the number of links being built to portray it as a leader.

Your conditioned response to choose from the first three results and call it "research" and satisfy your information hunger ensures that most of the time, you are not relying on or making decisions based on good research.

 For example, if a good old Austrian doctor did landmark work on a particular condition called scleroderma in 1995, and whose recommendations are actionable and bring great results, that work is unlikely to be in the first 10 pages.

What is going to be in the first 10 pages are multiple products claiming to cure or manage scleroderma, and then every single application or social media you open will keep tailoring products to your style to sell rather than actionable information that works—because the good old doctor is now busy doing other work rather than sitting in some internet cafe in Gurugram making links.

 Also, I must say, and I understand, that this is not Go-Ogle's fault. It is human weakness to look correct and not be labeled as stupid, so people use phrases like "I read it on Go-Ogle," "Go-Ogle said it," "many people say this," etc. This is a way to protect oneself, so-called respect, and also bring a sense of security.

 But you must understand that Go-Ogle is nothing more than a search algorithm.

It scrubs the internet for whatever information is available and presents it to you. It is up to you to take what you want, which, in most cases, leads you to wrong results.



 Allow me to share two examples.

A nice little birdie that I like spent a considerable amount buying some kind of skin cream that is supposed to give you the ultimate facial and make you look like an ethereal beauty queen.

To make a long story short, after she used the product and asked me, "Tell me, how do I look?"

Umm-Shakal Toh Waisi Hi Dikh Rahi Hai-Glow Zyada Ho Gaya.

This was the most diplomatic response I could give.

So, regardless of any creams, pills, or potions, your face will remain the way it is.

The only two things that can make a considerable difference for a brief moment of time are makeup and your expression.

 Another thing is that people want to believe what they want to believe.

Now, if a young and a poor boy managing his grandfather’s property and engaged in agriculture gets influenced by hearing that for XYZ views on YouTube, you earn in dollars, and subsequently goes and sells a portion of that land to buy some kind of vlogging equipment, and after uploading his first video, gets frustrated by seeing the views at 109,

he will understand the next day that nine views came from his family and friends, 70 came from his own device, and that he has made a grave mistake. Similar things have happened.

 A simple thing like whey protein that you are consuming—you have no idea what it is doing to your body chemistry, body constitution, the overload your kidneys are taking, or the effect of those pre-workout supplements full of stimulants capable of short-circuiting the brain—all because the next-door guy is doing it, looks fab, it’s coming at a 27% discount, and promises you six-pack abs in three months.

That is why I said that the most appropriate motto to follow, to the best of your ability, would have been "Don’t do evil." 

 So, in my ecosystem, the moment somebody says "I read it on Go-Ogle" or something like "Go-Ogle ne kaha tha," that automatically disqualifies that person from my time because he or she has not reached that level of understanding where they can handle power. 

 Today, as of this moment, clever people would use vague language like "less than 3% of the internet has been crawled by Go-Ogle."

That is not  the Guruji Shrii Arnav 9:12 way.

As of today, this moment, on this date, Go-Ogle has crawled just 2.75% of the internet, and you are making decisions based on those 2.75% of results, which are overwhelmingly huge.

But out of those 2.75%, you are making your choice from the top three results only, and calling it research. -Socho-Yeh Ladka Chingari 

 I have no problem with that, but if you are in my ecosystem and call something research, I will check it.


If it is incorrect, I will first ensure that I teach you what research is, and that may not be a good thing for your energy or sanity.  -Everything Izzz Energy-Apparently and those



 Mehnat Karne Walon Ki Haar Nahi Hoti 


 Go-Ogle is still reasonably good for something like instant translation, knowing about weather conditions, reviews about restaurants and hotels, but most importantly, I think the most phenomenal thing to have come out of the Go-Ogle stable is Go-Ogle Maps. It helped you to have ride-hailing apps, which brought you convenience and a reasonable degree of safety. For that, I have to say kudos to the Go-Ogle team. and i pay my respect by taking a bow - literally and Not saying Hats Off without an actual hat or its meaning.

 With all the self-help life coaches, inspirational tapes, tons of research papers, new cutting-edge supplements, blah blah blah, people are still poor, sick, depressed, angry, and in a problem zone. Basically, they remain as they are, because... as because... as because... they like being asleep, and that might actually be a good thing.

 Kuch Bhi Lagao-Shakal waisi hi rahegi-Samajh Toh Gaya Hi Hoga Tu

 Now, for those who have reached the state of just about waking up, or who have woken up, let me tell you that I have been saying that the word is very powerful, and the word was there before the world.



 Very Important 

In 2019, Go-Ogle underwent a major management change and was renamed Alphabet( mark my words )


Larry and Brin stepped down from strategic roles as President, CEO, etc.


in 2023, Brin, while working on Butterfly and Dragonfly, and Larry supplying organic vegetables to Michelin star restaurants,

came back briefly to fine-tune Go-Ogle’s AI offering called Gemini—another astrological coincidence, for God’s sake. 

BTW Butterfly and Dragonfly both =9 

 But what you don’t know

is that it was in 2019 that the pandemic started and reached a crescendo, and it was in 2023 when the pandemic finally reached a state, as per Go-Ogle, that was manageable, normal, predictable, and boring.

You can connect these dots of coincidences.

 As far as Guruji and the donkey are concerned, both of them assure you of two things:

 We deliver what we promise, even though it may not be flashy. We do it without any frills. We are happy with what we get, and we are here for you till we are alive-Same Goes for Gemstoneuniverse. At your current Level give your best to

Do Gems Work-No They Don’t for 90% if the people.


Do Gems Work| Astrological Gem Impact| Celebrity Reviews| Gemstoneuniverse


Most importantly, we are there, we are happy, and we don’t need to prove anything to anybody—and the same goes for Gemstoneuniverse. 

 Until that time, I wish you well, and I hope that you will utilize the beautiful gift that God Almighty has given you, which is called the brain and I am sure -100% sure-You Have One.

But before I go, let’s go back to school with the Guruji Shrii Arnav  9:12 way:

Dragonfly is nine,

Butterfly is nine,

Go-Ogle is six,

Don is three,

Key is three,

Donkey is six,

my backrub is nine,

rub your back is 12

So is

Donkey Go-Ogle,

and so is

Go-Ogle Donkey,

and so is

my Donkey Kong. 

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong—Round two, we are ready. God bless you and see you soon. 



Maine Kya Kaha Tha:

 Gadhe Ko Halwa Nahi Pachta 

Gadha Kaha Tha..Gadhi to bola hi nahi main..Samajh to gaya hi Hoga Tu .... Kyon.. Hai Na..

 Listen, son and listen carefully at this moment, and this date-Google is 25, just one short of completing the alphabet set of 26,

so be alert, be aware and be on standby 

but in this moment, also,

Apple is 48 and is still Apple and will remain the Apple, as we shall see in September, come September ka party, and when does Guruji win ?

Guruji wins when he sees a genuine smile on your face,



genuine smile 

A tip to get the best out of Go-ogle.

Use it like a highly effective and trained search Dog-never forgetting that the leash is in your hand,

and if you know how to control the hand,

you will control the leash, and you will delighted with what your hand brings to you,




Happy humans of gemstone universe. God bless you, and hope to see you soon .

Sunate Hai..

Haan To Sun

 your assuming that Guruji is intelligent, is cruelty on your part

 and Guruji, assuming you are intelligent, is stupidity on Guruji’s part

So, who is stupid?

I am not stupid

I am “the stupid”

Bhau- Tu Go-ogle he Kar Le

And when it is written, don’t touch anything, no photography. No nothing.

It means something,

and it should be followed for

One’s Own safety.

Bol Bam

Sab Kehte Hai.. C..BC.

Where CBC= Complete Blood Count

Chal Pooch


 Key To Symbols/Formulae


 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9

 12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation

 9/12: Power of 108

 Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square

 9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.

 MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye

 Namaste- I bow to your Soul

 One Light

 Standard Disclaimer Applies

 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav “ Search Term”

……  Fill in the blanks that makes you happy

 .. Fill My Bank.


From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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