ARTICLES: Invoke Your Personal Power Ganesha in your Horoscope to torch away all obstacles & chart a blazing path to Glory & Personal Power

Invoke Your Personal Power Ganesha in your Horoscope to torch away all obstacles & chart a blazing path to Glory & Personal Power


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Invoke Your   Personal Power Ganesha in your Horoscope to torch away all obstacles & chart a blazing path to Glory & Personal Power 

 Leveraging Secret Ganesh Sutras for Gems & Life that take one to the next Level 

 Om Shri Ganeshay Namah 

 In the winter of the year 2011, I was sitting at an airport of a doubly landlocked country somewhere in Central Asia waiting for the next flight to a destination In Eastern Europe.

As I contemplated on why I was attracted to desolate places and people while watching the torrid snowfall outside.. I saw an Old Wrinkled Man walking towards me with a pronounced stoop wearing a heavy military overcoat.

The events of the past week Had set my faculties on high alert and As I tried my very best not to look him.. Something in my brain said- Why doesn’t he walk faster and..

Finally he was in front of me. His sad blue eyes gazing into my eyes directly. He put his hands in his overcoat pocket and pulled out a parchment paper something that had been torn off from something larger.

He extended his hand and Said: Does this mean anything to you?

I took it that torn parchment and looked at it intently all the time on a mental high alert- remember this is the “ Silk Route”. and could faintly make out a truncated “ M” -मां in Sanskrit and a symbol.

Sorry- I have no Idea.

Thank You very much- I thought It was something that is searching for you. Have a Safe flight.

On the next leg of the flight- as I dozed off due to sheer exhaustion caused by the intense events of the past week for a brief moment I was transported to Year 1995- And what I saw - An old parchment tantrik Painting with a missing piece.

An immense sense of Relief followed by Wonderment and finally the realisation:




And then somewhere in 2019- A unknown phone call that said:

My Ganesha has spoken for 30 years and Now Its for yours to speak but before that give me my updesha( my cherished spiritual message and learning) of this life.

As I spoke consciously and very Gently to the Man who made Ganesha & Astrology horoscope popular to a majority of the Indian people- I remembered 2011 again and did my duty.

Somewhere around 2023- I gave the   Ganesh Approach   To Management and Life in a Humans of Gemstoneuniverse session- And I now Know- that…..NOTHING.

Now , since the context has been set- Let me share some thoughts of Your Favourite Ganesha and Mine Too…

 The Divine Presence of Lord Ganesha - Who he is and What does his signify:

**Lord Ganesha**, revered as the remover of obstacles and the God of beginnings, holds a unique place in the Hindu pantheon.

With the head of an elephant and the body of a human, Ganesha's form symbolizes profound spiritual truths. The elephant head denotes wisdom and understanding, while his large ears signify the capacity to listen deeply. 

**Son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati**,

Ganesha embodies the unity of cosmic consciousness and the divine feminine. Often depicted with a potbelly, he represents the universe's infinite capacity to contain and nourish all existence. The broken tusk he holds is a testament to sacrifice and the ability to overcome adversity. and a fine exponent of the Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Philosophy of


His four hands carry an axe, a lotus, a modak (sweet), and one hand in the Abhaya Mudra (gesture of protection), each symbolizing different aspects of his divine nature.

The axe cuts through ignorance, the lotus signifies purity, the modak represents the rewards of spiritual practice, and the Abhaya Mudra assures his devotees of safety and protection.

Ganesha’s vahana (vehicle), the mouse, illustrates that even the smallest creature holds significance in the grand tapestry of life. This mighty deity is invoked at the start of all ventures, ensuring a smooth and successful path.



 Why Ganesha is Called Ganapati 

**Ganesha**, often referred to as **Ganapati**, holds this revered title due to the profound significance it embodies.

The term "Ganapati" is a Sanskrit compound consisting of "Gana" and "Pati."

**Gana**: Refers to a multitude or group, specifically the divine attendants or followers of Lord Shiva, Ganesha's father.

These ganas are depicted as a troop of supernatural beings who serve and accompany Shiva in his celestial abode, Mount Kailash.

**Pati**: Translates to "lord" or "master," signifying dominion, leadership, and guidance.

Thus, "Ganapati" translates to the "Lord of the Ganas," highlighting Ganesha's role as the leader and protector of these divine beings.

This title underscores his authority, wisdom, and the reverence he commands among the celestial hosts.

Additionally, Ganesha's dominion extends beyond the celestial realms to include all beings and aspects of life. He is the master of intellect, the remover of obstacles, and the harbinger of auspicious beginnings.

Invoking Ganapati's name is a call to align oneself with his divine guidance, ensuring success, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment in all endeavours.

May his grace lead you through every challenge and illuminate your path with wisdom and clarity.



 Ganesha Pancharatnam: The Five Celestial Gems of Devotion 

The **Ganesha Pancharatnam** is a revered hymn composed by the great sage Adi Shankaracharya.

This devotional composition praises Lord Ganesha, seeking his blessings for wisdom, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles.

The term "Pancharatnam" translates to "five jewels," referring to the five stanzas of the hymn, each a gem of devotion and reverence.

 Guruji Shrii Arnav’s 9:12 way of the Ganesh Panchratan:

1. **Pranamya Shirasa Devam**:

- This stanza opens with a salutation to Lord Ganesha, who is worshiped with reverence by all gods and sages. It highlights Ganesha's power to remove obstacles and his supreme wisdom.

- **Translation**: "I bow my head and salute that God, who is worshiped by Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who is praised by great sages and poets, who removes the obstacles of devotees and who bestows wisdom."

2. **Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam**:

- This verse praises Ganesha’s tranquil and serene form. It emphasizes his ability to bring peace and calmness to his devotees, just as he remains serene amidst all chaos.

- **Translation**: "I salute that Ganesha who has a serene form, who holds a serpent as a couch, who is adored by the celestials, and who is the bestower of peace."

3. **Ajam Nirvikalpam Nirakaram**:

- This stanza describes Ganesha as beyond birth, free from duality, and formless. It extols his transcendental nature, indicating that he is beyond the physical limitations and is the ultimate reality.

- **Translation**: "I bow to that Ganesha who is unborn, who is without any duality, who is formless and attribute-less, who is beyond comprehension, and who is the essence of existence."

4. **Mushika Vahana Modaka Hasta**:

- This verse vividly describes Ganesha's appearance and his attributes, such as his vehicle, the mouse, and his favorite sweet, the modaka. It signifies his approachable and benevolent nature.

- **Translation**: "I bow to that Ganesha, who has a mouse as his vehicle, who holds a modaka in his hand, who is adorned with a sacred thread, and who is the embodiment of compassion and intelligence."

5. **Kavim Kavinaam**:

- This stanza highlights Ganesha's supreme intellect and poetic genius, acknowledging him as the foremost among poets and seers. It seeks his blessings for knowledge and eloquence.

- **Translation**: "I worship that Ganesha, who is the poet of poets, who is the seer of seers, who is the supreme among the wise, and who bestows knowledge and eloquence."



 The Ganesha Pancharatnam is a profound hymn that encapsulates the essence of Lord Ganesha's divine attributes.

Each stanza, like a jewel, reflects his multifaceted nature as the remover of obstacles, the bestower of wisdom, the serene and peaceful deity, the formless ultimate reality, and the supreme intellect.

Reciting this hymn with devotion is believed to invoke Ganesha's blessings, leading to spiritual growth, prosperity, and the removal of all obstacles.

May the recitation and contemplation of this Ganesha Pancharatnam fill your life with wisdom, peace, and divine blessings.

Iconic Celebrities Who Worship Lord Ganesha

**Many celebrities openly express their reverence for Lord Ganesha**, attributing their successes and spiritual well-being to his divine blessings.

Here are a few prominent personalities closer homr who worship Lord Ganesha:

1. **Amitabh Bachchan**: The legendary actor often shares his devotion to Lord Ganesha, especially during Ganesh Chaturthi. He has been seen participating in the festival with great enthusiasm, seeking the deity's blessings for prosperity and peace.

2. **Shah Rukh Khan**: Known for his eclectic spiritual practices, Shah Rukh Khan also reveres Lord Ganesha. He celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi at his home, Mannat, inviting the deity’s blessings upon his family and career.

3. **Aishwarya Rai Bachchan**: The acclaimed actress and former Miss World is a devoted worshiper of Lord Ganesha. She participates in various rituals and ceremonies, especially during festivals, to seek Ganesha's blessings.

4. **Hrithik Roshan**: The Bollywood superstar celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi with his family, welcoming the deity into his home and performing the traditional aartis and pujas with devotion.

5. **Madhuri Dixit**: The iconic actress celebrates Ganesh Chaturthi with her family, sharing glimpses of the festivities and her devotion to Lord Ganesha with her fans on social media.

6. **Ranbir Kapoor**: The talented actor has been seen visiting the Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai to seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings for his projects and personal life.

7. **Deepika Padukone**: The acclaimed actress often visits the Lalbaugcha Raja during Ganesh Chaturthi to seek blessings and express her devotion.

**These celebrities**, among many others, reflect the widespread reverence for Lord Ganesha across various strata of society. Their devotion to Ganapati underscores his universal appeal as the remover of obstacles, the harbinger of wisdom, and the deity of auspicious beginnings.

May the divine blessings of Lord Ganesha continue to inspire and guide them, as well as all who seek his grace.



But the power and influence of The Elephant God is not just limited to India or the Indian people- Recall that airport In Central Asia. But for the normal and regular - Ganesha Has loyal worshippers worldwide.

 International Celebrities Who Worship Ganesha 

The worship of Lord Ganesha transcends geographical boundaries with several international celebrities expressing their reverence for this beloved deity.

Here are a few notable personalities from around the world who have shown their devotion to Ganesha:

1. **Julia Roberts**: The renowned Hollywood actress has openly spoken about her conversion to Hinduism. She often expresses her admiration and reverence for Hindu deities, including Lord Ganesha.

2. **Russell Brand**: The British comedian and actor is known for his spiritual inclinations, including his admiration for Hindu philosophy and deities. He has been seen participating in Hindu rituals and has a deep respect for Lord Ganesha.

3. **Elizabeth Gilbert**: The author of the best-selling memoir "Eat, Pray, Love" has described her spiritual journey and experiences with Hinduism. She has mentioned her reverence for Lord Ganesha and other Hindu deities in her writings.

4. **Katy Perry**: The pop star has shown her appreciation for Hindu culture and spirituality on several occasions. She married Russell Brand in a traditional Hindu ceremony, which included invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

5. **Steven Seagal**: The American martial artist and actor has shown an affinity for Eastern spirituality, including Hinduism. He has expressed respect for Hindu deities, including Lord Ganesha.

6. **Miley Cyrus**: The singer and actress has been seen with a Ganesha tattoo, reflecting her admiration for the deity. She has shared images of her spiritual practices on social media, which include the worship of Ganesha.



 Tattoo and Guruji 

….. Above is not some random list. Connect the dots and ye shall find

These international celebrities demonstrate the global appeal and universal significance of Lord Ganesha.

Their devotion highlights Ganesha's role as a symbol of wisdom, prosperity, and the remover of obstacles, resonating with people across diverse cultures and backgrounds.

May the blessings of Lord Ganesha continue to inspire and guide devotees worldwide. 


 Guruji Shrii Arnav's Thoughts on Lord Ganesha  the  9:12 way: The 9 essential Lord Ganesha Attributes :


before you embark on the fascinating as well as a rollercoaster of a journey towards sacred invocation of Lord Ganesha for unparalleled power, it is very important that you arm yourself with these nine essential qualities signified by the elephant headed God.

Practice and contemplation of these nine essential Ganesha attributes will make you ready to harness the first preparatory stage of power:

**The Embodiment of Wisdom and Prosperity**

Lord Ganesha is the quintessential embodiment of wisdom, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Ganesha, with his elephant head and human body, symbolizes the harmonious blend of intellect and the physical realm. This duality serves as a reminder that true wisdom transcends mere intellectual knowledge, integrating compassion and understanding in all actions.

**The Remover of Obstacles**

Lord Ganesha's role as Vighnaharta, the remover of obstacles, is of paramount importance. Invoking Ganesha's blessings before any significant endeavor ensures a smooth and successful journey.

Ganesha’s divine intervention helps dissolve challenges and paves the way for achieving one’s goals with clarity and determination.

**The Master of New Beginnings**

Ganesha's significance as the harbinger of new beginnings is vital.

Devotees should seek Ganesha's blessings at the start of any venture, be it personal, professional, or spiritual. This practice not only invites success but also aligns one's efforts with divine will, ensuring that the foundation of any undertaking is spiritually fortified.

**Symbol of Unity and Inclusion**

Ganesha's veneration cuts across various sects and traditions within Hinduism, symbolizing unity and inclusion. Ganesha teaches us the importance of embracing diversity and fostering harmony in our lives and communities.

**Spiritual Guide and Protector**

Devotees should meditate on Ganesha’s form and chant his mantras to cultivate inner peace and resilience. Ganesha’s presence provides a sense of security and guidance, encouraging devotees to navigate life’s complexities with courage and wisdom.

**Reflection of Inner Divinity**

In Guruji's 9:12 philosophy, Lord Ganesha also represents the inner divinity within each individual. By venerating Ganesha, one acknowledges and nurtures their inherent divine potential. This self-recognition empowers individuals to transcend limitations and achieve higher states of consciousness.

The Tale of Lord Ganesha and the Syamantaka Gem

One of the lesser-known yet fascinating stories connecting Lord Ganesha with gemstones is related to the legendary **Syamantaka Gem**. This tale highlights Ganesha's role in the intricate interplay of divine events and the mystical properties of gemstones.

**The Syamantaka Gem**, known for its extraordinary qualities, was a divine jewel that brought prosperity and abundance to its possessor.

It was owned by Satrajit, a nobleman who was a devout worshiper of Lord Surya (the Sun God). The gem not only shone with brilliance but also had the power to produce eight measures of gold daily, ensuring prosperity and wealth.

**The Beginning of the Tail is the essence of the Tale- The  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way:

One day, Satrajit received the gem from Surya as a token of his devotion. Recognizing its immense value, he kept it closely guarded. However, this gem soon became the center of envy and desire, leading to a series of conflicts and misunderstandings.

**The Involvement of Lord Krishna**

Lord Krishna, known for his divine wisdom and sense of justice, learned about the Syamantaka Gem and its powers. He suggested to Satrajit that the gem should be presented to King Ugrasena, the ruler of Dwarka, to benefit the entire kingdom. Satrajit, wary of parting with the gem, refused the suggestion.

**The Disappearance of the Gem**

The situation took a turn when Satrajit's brother, Prasena, took the gem on a hunting expedition and did not return. Prasena was attacked and killed by a lion, and the gem was subsequently claimed by Jambavan, the king of bears and a devotee of Lord Rama. This disappearance led to false accusations against Lord Krishna, who was suspected of coveting the gem.

**Lord Krishna's Quest**

To clear his name, Lord Krishna embarked on a quest to find the gem. He tracked the lion's trail to Jambavan's cave, where a fierce battle ensued. After recognizing Lord Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Rama, Jambavan offered the gem and his daughter, Jambavati, in marriage to Krishna.

**The Role of Lord Ganesha**

In this story, Lord Ganesha's subtle yet significant role is emphasized through his symbolic representation of wisdom and the removal of obstacles. It is believed that Lord Krishna invoked Lord Ganesha's blessings before embarking on his quest to find the Syamantaka Gem. Ganesha, as Vighnaharta, removed the obstacles in Krishna's path, leading to the resolution of the conflict and the restoration of truth and justice.


The Lesson:

The story of the Syamantaka Gem and its connection to Lord Ganesha illustrates the deity's overarching influence in ensuring the triumph of righteousness and the dispelling of misunderstandings. It highlights the mystical properties of gemstones and their divine connections, underscoring the belief that with Ganesha's blessings, one can navigate the complexities of life and emerge victorious.

May the wisdom and guidance of Lord Ganesha lead you through all challenges, ensuring clarity, truth, and prosperity in your journey.

Powerful Information below.

Harnessing your Personal Power Ganesha. There are many forms of Ganesha but for each one there is special form.

Harnessing and Invoking that particular form will multiply your personal power millionfold and the results likewise.

Your Personal Ganapati is decided by your Nakshtra- The Birth star under which you were born.

Forms of Ganesha for the 27 Nakshatras

In the mystical realm of divine guidance, Lord Ganesha manifests in various forms to bestow blessings upon devotees, each aligned with their Nakshatra (birth star).

Worshiping the specific form of Ganesha corresponding to one's Nakshatra invites prosperity and spiritual fulfilment in particular.

**Ashwini**: Dvija Ganapati, venerated in the sacred Shri Ballaleshwar Temple, Pali.

**Bharani**: Siddhi Ganapati, worshipped at the renowned Siddhi Vinayaka Temple in Mumbai.

**Krittika**: Ucchhishta Ganapati, the bestower of purity and auspicious beginnings.

**Rohini**: Vigna Ganapati, the remover of obstacles and harbinger of success.

**Mrigashirsha**: Kshipra Ganapati, the swift granter of boons and wishes.

**Ardra**: Herambha Ganapati, the compassionate protector.

**Punarvasu**: Lakshmi Ganapati, the unifier of wealth and prosperity.

**Pushya**: Maha Ganapati, the great deity of grand achievements.

**Ashlesha**: Vijaya Ganapati, the embodiment of victory and triumph.

**Magha**: Nritya Ganapati, the divine dancer, symbolizing joyous expression.

**Purva Phalguni**: Urdhva Ganapati, uplifting the spirit to higher realms.

**Uttara Phalguni**: Ekakshara Ganapati, the single-syllable bearer of divine essence.

**Hasta**: Vara Ganapati, the granter of boons and blessings.

**Chitra**: Tryakshara Ganapati, the tri-syllabic deity of divine truth.

**Swati**:Kshipra Prasada Ganapati, swiftly fulfilling the devotees' desires.

**Vishak ha**:Haridra Ganapati, the turmeric-hued, symbolizing purity and health.

**Anuradha**: Ekadanta Ganapati, the single-tusked lord of wisdom.

**Jyeshta**: Srishti Ganapati, the creator and sustainer of the universe.

**Mula**: Uddanda Ganapati, the fierce warrior against obstacles.

**Purva Ashadha**: Rinamochana Ganapati, the liberator from debts and sins.

**Uttara Ashadha**: Dhundi Ganapati, the granter of hidden wisdom.

**Shravana**: Dvimukh Ganapati, the two-faced deity, symbolizing dual aspects of life.

**Dhanishta**: Trimukha Ganapati, the three-faced, signifying past, present, and future.

**Shatabhisha**: Sinha Ganapati, the lion-faced, embodying courage and strength.

**Purva Bhadrapada**: Yoga Ganapati, the master of spiritual discipline and union.

**Uttara Bhadrapada**: Durga Ganapati, the warrior form, vanquishing negativity.

**Revathi**: Sankatahara Ganapati, the dispeller of troubles and granter of relief.



**Invoke the appropriate form of Ganesha as per your Nakshatra, and may his divine blessings guide you to a path of prosperity, wisdom, and spiritual elevation.**


Practice and application for best results:

 During sacred consecration of Your Gemstones invoke your particular form of Ganapati.

 Contemplate on your personal Ganesha Form for 3 minutes and chant your personal mantra ( see below) for 3 times- just 3 times at the start of your day and see the magic.

 For the first time ever- I am

disclosing your sacred power spots. Visit this at least one time in a period of 3 years for complete protection, rejuvenation and overhaul.

Temples and Mantras for Ganesha's Forms as per the  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way:

**Here is the sacred reverential list detailing the most important temples and mantras for each form of Lord Ganesha**, corresponding to the 27 Nakshatras:

1. **Ashwini: Dvija Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Shri Ballaleshwar Temple, Pali

- **Mantra**: "Om Dvija Ganapataye Namah"

2. **Bharani: Siddhi Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Siddhi Vinayaka Temple, Mumbai

- **Mantra**: "Om Siddhi Ganapataye Namah"

3. **Krittika: Ucchhishta Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Ucchhishta Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Ucchhishta Ganapataye Namah"

4. **Rohini: Vigna Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Vighneshwar Temple, Ozar

- **Mantra**: "Om Vigna Ganapataye Namah"

5. **Mrigashirsha: Kshipra Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Kshipra Ganapati Temple, Madhya Pradesh

- **Mantra**: "Om Kshipra Prasadaya Namah"

6. **Ardra: Herambha Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Heramba Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Herambhaya Namah"

7. **Punarvasu: Lakshmi Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Lakshmi Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Lakshmi Ganapataye Namah"

8. **Pushya: Maha Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Maha Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Maha Ganapataye Namah"

9. **Ashlesha: Vijaya Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Vijaya Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Vijaya Ganapataye Namah"

10. **Magha: Nritya Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Nritya Ganapati Temple, Kerala

- **Mantra**: "Om Nritya Ganapataye Namah"

11. **Purva Phalguni: Urdhva Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Urdhva Ganapati Temple, Andhra Pradesh

- **Mantra**: "Om Urdhva Ganapataye Namah"

12. **Uttara Phalguni: Ekakshara Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Ekakshara Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Ekakshara Ganapataye Namah"

13. **Hasta: Vara Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Vara Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Vara Ganapataye Namah"

14. **Chitra: Tryakshara Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Tryakshara Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Tryakshara Ganapataye Namah"

15. **Swati: Kshipra Prasada Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Kshipra Prasada Ganapati Temple, Madhya Pradesh

- **Mantra**: "Om Kshipra Prasada Ganapataye Namah"

16. **Vishakha: Haridra Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Haridra Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Haridra Ganapataye Namah"

17. **Anuradha: Ekadanta Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Ekadanta Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Ekadanta Ganapataye Namah"

18. **Jyeshta: Srishti Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Srishti Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Srishti Ganapataye Namah"

19. **Mula: Uddanda Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Uddanda Ganapati Temple, Andhra Pradesh

- **Mantra**: "Om Uddanda Ganapataye Namah"

20. **Purva Ashadha: Rinamochana Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Rinamochana Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Rinamochana Ganapataye Namah"

21. **Uttara Ashadha: Dhundi Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Dhundi Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Dhundi Ganapataye Namah"

22. **Shravana: Dvimukh Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Dvimukh Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Dvimukh Ganapataye Namah"

23. **Dhanishta: Trimukha Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Trimukha Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Trimukha Ganapataye Namah"

24. **Shatabhisha: Sinha Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Sinha Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Sinha Ganapataye Namah"

25. **Purva Bhadrapada: Yoga Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Yoga Ganapati Temple, Karnataka

- **Mantra**: "Om Yoga Ganapataye Namah"

26. **Uttara Bhadrapada: Durga Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Durga Ganapati Temple, Maharashtra

- **Mantra**: "Om Durga Ganapataye Namah"

27. **Revathi: Sankatahara Ganapati**

- **Temple**: Sankatahara Ganapati Temple, Tamil Nadu

- **Mantra**: "Om Sankatahara Ganapataye Namah"



**May invoking these sacred forms of Lord Ganesha, through their respective mantras and temples, bring divine blessings, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment to all devotees.**

 The Sacred Key   for Ganesha Worship is given to you today. Use it responsibly.


3 Things and the End:

 Both the larger art and that parchment reached me some how. They will be handed over as and when the time comes.

 A reputed Taiwanese Jeweler asked me yesterday night:

 What happens to Gemstoneuniverse if something happens to you?

Me: What do you mean by something.

An uncomfortable silence

 I mean,ummm, mean, something like if you cease to exist.

Me: Meaning Die

 Umm Yes

Me: Nothing, I will die with the Satisfaction that I gave my best till I could.

And the Third

I love you and continue everyday in the hope that one day- You will be different and realise your potential.

I pray to Ganesha- May today be the start of this Journey:

Bejan became Anjan

As would you and me and All things


Ganesha will be there.. Always.

Jai Ganesh.


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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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