Jupiter Transit to Aries | 22 April 2023 - 1 May 2024



Jupiter Transit 2023 | Guru Gochar 2023 - Predictions & Remedies


A major Jupiter transit is happening on 13th April 2022 which will impact everyone’s lives. Want to know what effect this transit or Gochar will have on your Rashi and what remedies you should do to alleviate any negative effect ? Read on !

The transit of the most benefic planet Jupiter form its own zodiac Pisces to the sign of Aries ruled by its friendly planet Mars is indeed an exciting phase as Jupiter’s wisdom & knowledge will be in the domain of new beginnings, high energy and innovation represented by Aries. One thing that stands apart in this phase is that whether its individuals or countries – There will be lot of energy going into knowledge and research. The importance of knowledge and information will be hallmark in this phase and this will also be a phase which will ensure that humanity will benefit with the enhanced research and knowledge driven projects.


These Sanskrit verses beautifully capture the essence of Jupiter in the Aries zodiac.


सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या नास्ति विद्यार्थिनः सुखम्।

सुखार्थी वा त्यजेद्विद्यां विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत्सुखम्॥


English Translation:

There is no knowledge for the seekers of comfort, and no comfort for the seekers of knowledge.

A seeker of comfort should give up knowledge, and a seeker of knowledge should give up comfort.


Hindi Translation:

आराम के साधकों को ज्ञान प्राप्त नहीं होता, और ज्ञान के साधकों को आराम प्राप्त नहीं होता।

सुखार्थी को विद्या और विद्यार्थी को सुख त्याग देना चाहिए।


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The History


Jupiter , the most benefic and influential planet in Vedic Astrology is transiting from Pisces to Aries zodiac on 22nd April 2023 and this Guru Gochar or Jupiter Transit will have tremendous effect not only on your life , but world events too. The all benefic planet Jupiter has been transiting comfortably in its own zodiac Pisces and is now coming to the zodiac of new beginnings Aries after 11 long years.


Few world events that can be foreseen in this period:

  • More focus on research and development
  • The importance of education and information will be felt more than ever
  • People and countries will use their intellectual resources more into innovation and development
  • Being in the fire sign Aries, Jupiter can induce certain level of restlessness and high energy across the board.
  • On flip side, the modern warfare will be fought using information and hacking


For Aries or Mesh Rashi, Jupiter owns the auspicious 9th house of luck and dharma and the 12th house of foreign lands / spirituality. Jupiter is a highly benefic planet for Aries Rashi, and it will be transiting their 1st trine / quadrant house of self. By transiting in the 1st house, Jupiter will aspect the important 7th quadrant house during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This is a highly positive transit for you as Jupiter is transiting your Rashi Aries. This phase will be marked with growth and prosperity, and this will also be a good phase to start something new, like a job change or a new business.

Wealth: Good wealth creation is foreseen in this period, and you will also be very lucky in speculative activities as your 9th trine house lord Jupiter will be transiting your 1st house. You should ensure that you make the most of this good phase by taking calculated risks.

Family: The positive impact of Jupiter will also be felt in your personal and domestic life. You will spend quality time with family and will also ensure good work life balance. You should ensure that you spend good time with your family, especially your elders.

Professional life: Although this will be a good phase, but your professional life might take a backseat. Your focus is completely on your own happiness and ensuring work life balance. You will do well in your professional life, but not to the extent that you envisaged.

Remedies: Share knowledge with others, donate books / educational material to needy people and be compassionate with others. Jupiter or Guru is the most sattvic planet in Vedic astrology and a great friend of your Rashi lord Mars.

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For Taurus or Vrishabh Rashi, Jupiter owns the inauspicious 8th trik house of miseries & sorrows and the 11th house of gains. Jupiter is not a benefic planet for Taurus Rashi, and it will be transiting their 12th house of losses. By transiting in the 12th house Jupiter will aspect the important 6th house of debt & diseases during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This transit is not favorable for you as it can bring some stress in your financial life as well as some health issues are foreseen. Since Jupiter is transiting your 12th house, you will be prone to making financial mistakes and also losses too and hence you are advised to be extremely cautious in your financial life and decisions. Although this transit will not be negative on your professional life, but you will be prone to animosity and arguments at workplace.

Wealth: A difficult period wherein your expenses will mount, and you will also incur some unexpected sudden losses. Since your 11th house lord is in 12th house, you should also ensure that you maintain status quo and also ensure that your financial decisions are practical in nature. Avoid any major financial risks in this period.

Family: Family life will be good, but as your focus will be completely on your financial and professional life. You will not be able to maintain a good work life balance. Having said that, you will get all the support from your family. You should strive for a better work life balance and also take good care of your family.

Professional life: This will be a period wherein you will use your intellect and wisdom to the fullest at your workplace and it will reflect positively too. Having said that, you might experience animosity and negativity at workplace. You are advised to exercise extreme caution at workplace and maintain cordial relationships with everyone, especially your boss.

Remedies: Visit religious places on Thursdays, listen to Vishnu Sahastranama and maintain an active lifestyle. Jupiter or Guru is the most benefic planet in Vedic astrology but shares an inimical relationship with your rashi lord Venus.

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For Gemini or Mithun Rashi, Jupiter owns the 7th quadrant house of partnerships and marriage and the 10th house of professional life and karma. Jupiter is not a benefic planet for Gemini Rashi owing to the Kendradhipati Dosha and will be transiting their 11th house of gains. By transiting the 11th house Jupiter will aspect the important 5th trine house of creativity during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: There will be lot of focus towards financial growth and gain of wealth and you will ensure that you use your wisdom and intellect completely towards prosperity in life. Since the lord of your 10th quadrant house is transiting 11th house of gains, you will experience growth in professional life and also gain of new opportunities. Overall, a good transit which will ensure harmony and growth in life.

Wealth: An exceptional period wherein your hard work and patience will result in gain of wealth and speculative gains too. This is a good period to take key financial decisions as Jupiter will ensure that you use your wisdom to the fullest for gains in life.

Family: With a lot going on in your professional and financial life, the personal life will take a backseat. You should ensure that there is no misunderstanding in domestic matters and also that you do not take your family for granted. It's important for you to have good communication with your family and ensure that you do take care of their feelings. An auspicious period for people who are looking for a match / marriage as your 7th quadrant house lord will be transiting the 11th house of gains.

Professional life: A period of growth and recognition wherein your hard work will be appreciated and recognized. There will be opportunities knocking at your door and you should ensure that you grab them with both your hands. Just ensure that you avoid procrastination and laziness at workplace and rest everything will fall into place.

Remedies: Drink Saffron milk regularly, Visit Vishnu temple as and when you can and donate food to needy people. Jupiter or Guru is the most benefic planet in Vedic astrology but shares an inimical relationship with your Rashi lord Mercury.

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For Cancer or Kark Rashi, Jupiter owns the 6th quadrant house of debt and diseases and the 9th house of luck. Jupiter is a benefic planet for Cancer Rashi and will be transiting their 10th quadrant house of professional life. By transiting in the 10th quadrant house Jupiter will aspect the important 4th quadrant house of domestic matters during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This Jupiter transit will be most auspicious and favorable for Cancer or Kark Rashi people as the lord of 9th trine house of luck will be transiting 10th quadrant house of professional life. This will be a game changer period for you as you will move to the higher trajectory in your professional life. Luck will be on your side and hence you are advised to make the most of this period by taking key decisions in life.

Wealth: A great period wherein you will take key financial decisions which will prove to be highly beneficial in long term. Jupiter will bless you with the wisdom and knowledge to attain your financial goals and ensure growth and prosperity in life.

Family: A good phase wherein you will ensure a good work life balance. Work will be hectic, but you will ensure that your busy lifestyle doesn’t affect your relationships adversely. A good period to strengthen your relationship and ties at home by imbibing better communication. Love life will also be in limelight in this period.

Professional life: This is a phase of glory, recognition and gain of opportunities as Jupiter will ensure that your hard work and perseverance gets rewarded handsomely. A good period which will ensure salary hike, business growth and promotion too. You should make the most of this favorable period by being vocal about your professional aspirations.

Remedies: Wear more white shades, offer milk to Shiva Linga and respect elders. Guru is a natural benefic for you and a great friend of your Rashi lord Moon.

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For Leo or Simha Rashi, Jupiter owns the 5th quadrant house of creativity and speculative gains and the 8th trik house of miseries and sorrows. Jupiter is a benefic planet for Leo Rashi and will be transiting their 9th house of luck. By transiting in the 9th house Jupiter will aspect the important 3rd house of communications during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This is a favorable transit for Leo Rashi as their 5th trine house lord will be transiting to the 9th trine house of luck. You will be at your creative best during this period and also witness harmony and prosperity in life.

Wealth: A good period wherein you will see financial growth and ensure that you take good financial decisions. You will also be lucky in speculative businesses as your 5th trine house will be transiting 9th trine house of luck. A good period for Leo Rashi people who are into finance and stock market activities.

Family: A great period wherein you will take care of your loved ones and their feelings too. Your ability to maintain a good work life balance will be the highlight of this period. Ensure that you are kind to your family members, especially your parents and be more empathetic too.

Professional life: Your communications skills will be amazing in this period, thanks to Jupiter’s 7th direct aspect on 3rd house of communications and hence you will do very well at your workplace. You will also ensure that you maintain cordial relationships and also work towards expanding your network / connections.

Remedies: Eat in moderation and avoid oily / spicy food, visit religious places and do Surya Namaskar. Jupiter or Guru is a natural benefic for you and a great friend of your Rashi lord Sun.

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For Virgo or Kanya Rashi, Jupiter owns the 4th quadrant house of home & academics and the 7th quadrant house of partnerships and marriage. Jupiter is not a benefic planet for Virgo Rashi and will be transiting their 8th house. By transiting in the 8th house Jupiter will aspect the 2nd house of family and wealth during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This is not a favorable transit for Virgo Rashi as Jupiter will be transiting to the 8th trik house , which is not a favorable position for Jupiter. Although you will work hard towards your goals and will be successful too, but not before facing lot of hurdles and animosity. There will be some level of negativity surrounding you, especially at your workplace.

Wealth: You need to be careful about your financial dealings in this period as financial losses are foreseen. You need to ensure that you do not take any hasty financial decision and also avoid any speculative activity that can result in losses.

Family: Your patience level will be tested as far as your domestic life is concerned. Your relationship dynamics will also be under stress and hence you should ensure that you exercise utmost caution as far as your interpersonal relationships are concerned.

Professional life: Although you will work hard towards your goals and will also get appreciation and recognition in the process, you will face animosity and hurdles at your workplace. This is the period to stay away from gossips and any type of confrontations. Focus on your hard work and avoid procrastination.

Remedies: Be polite with your elders, Feed green grass to cows, Apply kesar/haldi tilak on your forehead. Jupiter or Guru is not a natural benefic for you and also shares an inimical relationship with your rashi lord Mercury.

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For Libra or Tula Rashi, Jupiter owns the 3rd upachaya house of communications and the 6th upachaya house of debt and diseases. Jupiter is not a benefic planet for Libra Rashi and will be transiting their 7th quadrant house of partnerships and marriage. By transiting in the 7th quadrant house Jupiter will aspect the most important 1st trine/quadrant house of self during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: There will be lot of focus on personal life and relationships in this period as your 3rd house lord will not only transit your 7th quadrant house, but also aspect your 1st house. You will ensure that you gain knowledge and enhance your skills in this period. This will also be a period wherein your communication skills will be in limelight in both your personal and professional life.

Wealth: A good period wherein you will witness gain of wealth. Having said that, you will also need to handle unnecessary unexpected expenses that might come your way.

Family: Your personal life and interpersonal relationships will be in limelight, and you will need to ensure that you spend good time at home. There will be a certain level of stress in your relationships as your 6th lord is transiting your 7th house. But you will ensure that your good communication and patience alleviates all the negativity that comes your way.

Professional life: All your endeavors will be towards your personal life, and this can impact your professional life negatively. You need to ensure that you maintain high level of professionalism at workplace and maintain good relationships with your peers.

Remedies: Listen to Vishnu Sahastranama and wear more white colors since Jupiter or Guru is not a natural benefic for you and also shares an inimical relationship with your Rashi lord Venus.

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For Scorpio or Vrishchik Rashi, Jupiter owns the 2nd house of wealth / family and the 5th trine house of creativity and speculative gains. Jupiter is a highly benefic planet for Scorpio Rashi and will be transiting their 6th house. By transiting in the 6th house Jupiter will aspect the 12th house of foreign lands during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: Jupiter will be transiting your 6th house, which is not a favorable position of this benefic planet. This transit can bring certain level of stress and inner chaos, which you will be able to alleviate using your sheer wisdom and knowledge. There will also be certain level of solitude in your life and mind, and you might feel a little isolated too. This is a good period for enhancing knowledge and improving skills. Long / Foreign travel will be highly fruitful.

Wealth: This will be a period wherein you should focus on wealth accrual and savings. You should take all financial decisions with utmost care as any carelessness on your part can result in financial losses.

Family: There will be certain level of confusion and chaos at home, which might make you a little uneasy. There will be high expectations from you as far as domestic matters are concerned, and you should ensure that you take good care of your family. A good period to spend quality time with your loved ones with high level of patience.

Professional life: Your hard work and patience will be rewarded at workplace. Having said that, you will be prone to unnecessary animosity at workplace which can lead to confrontations. You should ensure that you stay away from negativity and maintain cordial relationships with your peers and boss.

Remedies: Wear more yellow colors, Offer milk to Shiv Linga and donate food to needy people, Jupiter or Guru is a great benefic for you and also shares great relationship with your Rashi lord Mars.

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For Sagittarius or Dhanu Rashi, Jupiter owns the Lagna or the 1st house of self and the 4th quadrant house of domestic environment. Jupiter is a highly benefic planet for Sagittarius Rashi and will be transiting their 5th trine house. By transiting in the 5th trine house Jupiter will aspect the important 11th house of gains during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: This transit will be highly favorable and auspicious for you as your Rashi lord Jupiter will be transiting your 5th trine house. A period of growth, harmony and abundance in life which will take you to next level in life. This is a good period to take key decisions in life and ensure that your hard work and patience is not only appreciated but rewarded too.

Wealth: A great period wherein you will witness gain of wealth and speculative gains too. You will set very high financial goals for yourself and will be able to attain most of them

Family: Although there will be lot of focus on financial and professional life, you will ensure that you maintain good work life balance. This is a period to socialize and also spend quality time with your family.

Professional life: You will be in high octane mode in this period and will ensure that you reach professional excellence with your sheer hard work and perseverance. This is a period which will ensure rewards, recognition and professional happiness too. You can also look for job change or new business opportunities in this period.

Remedies: Wear more yellow colors, apply saffron tilak on forehead in the morning and be kind to your elders. Jupiter or Guru is a great benefic for you and also your rashi lord.

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For Capricorn or Makar Rashi, Jupiter owns the 12th trik house of foreign lands and losses and the 3rd upachaya house of communications. Jupiter is a not a benefic planet for Capricorn Rashi and will be transiting their 4th quadrant house of domestic matters. By transiting in the 4th quadrant house Jupiter will aspect the important 10th quadrant house of professional life during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: Since your 12th house lord will be transiting your 4th quadrant house, there will be certain level of stress at home. There will be lot of focus on your personal life and interpersonal relationships. The one thing that stands out in this period is your communication. You will ensure that you not only face obstacles bravely, but also ensure that you use your good communication skills effectively to ward off misunderstandings.

Wealth: Although this is a good period when it comes to your financial life, but accrual of wealth is something you might face issues with. You will find it difficult to save money and these enhanced expenses / high credit card bills might give you some stress. Ensure that you do not spend on unnecessary things and focus more on savings.

Family: A lot of focus will be at home, and you might feel a little overwhelmed with the stress you are surrounded with. This is a period to have good and open communication with your family members and ensure that you avoid ego clashes and any type of arguments which can brew negativity at home.

Professional life: This is a good period professionally as you will ensure that your hard work and perseverance leads to work excellence. Your good communication skills will stand out in this period as Jupiter is the lord of your 3rd house of communications and aspecting your 10th quadrant house of professional life.

Remedies: Chant Om in the morning , listen to Vishnu Sahastranama and donate cloths/food to needy people. Jupiter or Guru is not a natural benefic for you and also shares an inimical relationship with your rashi lord Saturn.

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For Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi, Jupiter owns the 11th house of gains and the 2nd house of wealth/family. Jupiter is a not a benefic planet for Aquarius Rashi but controls the financial domains and will be transiting their 3rd house of communications. By transiting the 3rd Jupiter will aspect the important 9th trine house of luck during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: Your financial life and materialistic aspirations will be in limelight in this period. You will set unrealistic higher goals for yourself and might feel a little dissatisfied with the way your financial life will shape up. This is a period to be happy and maintain balance in life, rather than running after abundance and wealth.

Wealth: Matters related to wealth and finances will dominate your thought process and you will ensure that you take key financial decisions in this period which will prove to be fruitful in future. Do not expect quick gains , but rather slow and steady ones.

Family: A good period wherein you will spend quality time with your loved ones and ensure that you have good communication with your family and friends. This is also a good period to expand your social network and maintaining good relationships at both personal and professional front.

Professional life: The chances of you being misunderstood will be very high in this period and there are chances that your words or actions are construed negatively (although you do not mean to). This is a period to be careful with your words and maintain good professional relationships.

Remedies: Listen to Vishnu Sahastranama and wear more blue colors. Jupiter or Guru is not a natural benefic for you and also shares an inimical relationship with your rashi lord Saturn.

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For Pisces or Meen Rashi, Jupiter owns the 10th house of professional and public life and the lagnesh or the 1st house of self. Jupiter is a benefic planet for Pisces Rashi and will be transiting their 2nd house of family & wealth. By transiting the 2nd house Jupiter will aspect the important 8th house during this period (through its 7th direct aspect). Here are the effects this transit will have in your life between 22 April 2023 – 1 May 2024.

General Outlook: An exceptional period wherein your focus will be to on your family and financial matters too. This is a highly lucky and favorable period for you when it comes to matters related to money and hence you can witness gain of wealth and speculative gains too. You will be in happy frame of mind and will not get overwhelmed by anything that life has to offer.

Wealth: One of the best periods for you in recent times when it comes to financial matters. There will be gain of wealth, prosperity and abundance in life. You should make the best of this period by taking key financial decisions and also keeping your focus on wealth accrual.

Family: A good period wherein you will maintain a good work life balance. You will be kind and empathetic towards your loved ones and this period will ensure that your bond with family members deepens more.

Professional life: With your focus primarily on your domestic and financial matters, you might feel a little overwhelmed by what’s happening in your professional life. You should try to ensure that you do not neglect your professional life and avoid procrastination at all costs

Remedies: Listen to Vishnu Sahastranama and wear more yellow colors. Jupiter or Guru is a great benefic for you and also your Rashi lord.

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