ARTICLES: Manthara vs Mantrana: Banish Parasitic Shadows and Find Bliss as per The Guruji Shrii Arnav ⚛️ 9:12 Way to Overcome Manipulation

Manthara vs Mantrana: Banish Parasitic Shadows and Find Bliss as per The Guruji Shrii Arnav ⚛️ 9:12 Way to Overcome Manipulation


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Manthara vs Mantrana: Claustrophobic Shadows & Paralysing Parasites making your Life Dead & How to Regain your Bliss 

 Mausi Ji- Stop being Dead for a while & Start Living by banishing Manthra’s Parasitic Shadows from your Life- the Guruji Shrii Arnav  9:12 way 

 First things, first, wish all a very-

very happy, healthy, sensual, and stylish Friday.

I have started my day on a good note with piping hot big glass of Badam milk mixed with Shuddh Desi Ghee of Shuddh Desi cow along with 18  other herbs and condiments.

Listen- this is Desi Nuskha is not available in pouches/ sachets available through those pedestrian apps- so you know that the milk keeps good in the mind- Taree Beta Taree.

and I hope that this divine Gemstoneuniverse concoction will do what it is supposed to do, and this is what follows.( Its in My story Section Today) 



 Now, since this year, Diwali and Halloween are falling on the same night, which is the moon less night.

This information is given to you way ahead and finally -I think you should be able to make something out of it and with that hope I offer this post for your welfare to the feet of my Lord, Lord Narayana- the Lord of the three words

 By the way happy Friday, one more time, and if you intend to do the opposite, stay away from my ecosystem .

In the ancient epic Ramayana, the cunning figure of Manthara is a subtle yet powerful force, manipulating Queen Kaikeyi with whispers of fear and jealousy.

Manthara’s influence was not that of loud commands or forceful imposition. It was the quiet manipulation of emotion, the planting of a single seed of doubt that grew into a decision that changed the course of an entire kingdom.

Rama’s exile, a consequence of this manipulation, echoes through history as a reminder of how easily our minds can be swayed by the wrong counsel. 

But the Mantharas of today are not limited to ancient texts—they live among us, in our offices, homes, relationships, and even within our own minds.

They appear as well-wishers, colleagues, or family members, who, while presenting themselves as trusted guides, subtly lead us astray for their own motives.

Manthara and mantrana represent two contrasting forces, not just in epic literature but in life’s decision-making process, which offers a significant lesson.

Manthara, the character from the Ramayana, is often seen as the personification of evil counsel and manipulation.

Her actions were driven by selfish motives, and she symbolizes negative influence disguised as concern.

 The name “Manthara” itself has come to represent one who incites discord and spreads poisonous thoughts under the guise of care.  


 Manthara’s Role in the Ramayana:

Manthara was a maidservant to Queen Kaikeyi, the second wife of King Dasharatha.

Despite being in a position of trust, she exploited Kaikeyi’s insecurities and desires for personal gain.

When Dasharatha decided to coronate his eldest son, Rama, as the next king, Manthara sowed seeds of jealousy in Kaikeyi’s mind.

She reminded Kaikeyi of two boons that King Dasharatha had promised her and urged her to demand that her son, Bharata, be made king instead of Rama, and that Rama be exiled for 14 years.

Manthara’s manipulation led to disastrous consequences, causing pain not only to the royal family but also to the kingdom at large.

Her actions are often seen as a pivotal moment in the Ramayana, setting in motion the exile of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana, and the subsequent events that followed.

Despite being in a position to provide wise counsel or mantrana—which represents advice for the greater good, based on wisdom, foresight, and empathy—she chose the path of deceit and division. This stark contrast opens up a powerful question:

The challenge of recognizing these shadow influences, these parasites, and choosing Mantrana—wise, righteous counsel—over manipulation is as relevant today as it was in the time of the epics.

The Shadows of Influencer Parasistes in Modern Times

In every corner of life, there are Manthara-like figures—those who, through subtle words and masked concern, lead us away from our true path.

These people may not always act with outright malice; sometimes, they are driven by their own insecurities, envy, or desires for control.

But whether intentional or not, their influence can derail even the most well-intentioned individual. 



 The Obvious and the Not So Obvious Manthra’s:

Our ancestors have equipped us with good background information and protective rituals.

However in these so called Modern Times that celebrates terminal idiocy as recorded information on that absolutely stupid Platform called as Go- Ogle- My responsibility is to be as much factual as possible

 The Obvious Manthras: Danger Level:6

You are aware of Meldi Mai, Ded Footiya- The One Legged Ghost, Chudail- The One with Backward Pointing feet closer home and Phi Ta Kon etc elsewhere- and I am sure that your ancestors have provided sufficient protective rituals etc so I will not go there.

I for my part Have even explained how to pee properly and flush- So My conscience is clear.

  The Not So Obvious Manthras: Danger Level 8

These are explained in the 2 case file incidents below 

 The Maid owner of Manthra- Danger Level 10/10 

Remember here, I use the word maid-owner not maid- servant- Imagine- Epic Dangerous.

This is that spirit energy that made the groom lie down on bed with fever, nearly immmobile on his wedding night and then send some friends of hers with you that caused a near death experience with that fatal accident or that which made your mother jump unnecessarily like a lunatic or the brilliant and happy uncle go to his grave.

 This is the most dangerous Manthra that you have to be careful about The less the better. 

 From The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Case Files: Manthra At Work

Consider Rohit, a rising star in his company, whose career was on the cusp of a major promotion. A colleague, Dilip, played the part of a trusted friend, offering “advice” about the political undercurrents in the office.

Slowly, Dilip planted doubts in Rohit’s mind, suggesting that his boss may not support him, that others might be working against him.

These seeds of doubt took root, and soon Rohit found himself second-guessing his every move, hesitating, and eventually losing his confidence.

Dilip, who quietly coveted the same promotion, watched as Rohit’s performance faltered. Rohit’s career slipped through his fingers—not because he lacked the skills or talent, but because he had let the Manthara effect, this parasite, cloud his judgment, steering him away from his true path.

At Home & In Relationships- Manthra At Work

In the realm of personal relationships, the Manthara effect can be even more insidious.

Take Pooja, a young married woman living in a joint family.

Her husband, Anil, was loving and dedicated, but Pooja began to fall under the influence of Meera Maasi, Anil’s aunt.

Meera Maasi, though outwardly kind and caring, subtly sowed seeds of doubt in Pooja’s mind about Anil’s late nights at work.

 “Men can be easily distracted,”  - You Know Na - What I am talking About

she whispered, playing on Pooja’s insecurities.

Over time, Pooja’s trust in Anil eroded, replaced by suspicion and paranoia.

Her constant questioning strained their marriage, turning a once loving bond into one filled with mistrust and resentment.

The Manthara effect had taken hold—not through violence or harsh words, but through the slow, steady erosion of confidence and trust.

In this case, the parasite took the form of unfounded suspicion.


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Astrology and the Cosmic Influence of Parasites 

In the vast web of astrology, we see similar forces at play.

Just as Manthara used subtle influence to derail a kingdom, so too can the planets affect our minds and decisions.

Rahu, the shadow planet, is often associated with illusion, confusion, and misguidance—an astrological parasite that distorts reality, making us susceptible to poor choices.

Saturn, in its negative phase, can create delays, self-doubt, and fear, much like Manthara exploited Kaikeyi’s fears for her son Bharata.

But just as there are planetary forces that can mislead, there are also those that guide us with wisdom—Jupiter, the guru of the cosmos, brings clarity, truth, and righteous counsel.

In every decision, we face the choice between Manthara and Mantrana—between the shadowy influence that leads us astray and the wise counsel that guides us to our true potential.

9 Tell-tale Signs You Have Been Affected by Manthara - The Parasite

Recognizing when you are under the influence of a Manthara—or modern-day parasite—is crucial in reclaiming your life.

These signs can manifest in both the spiritual/occult realm and the workplace, where disturbances may arise unexpectedly, blocking progress and clarity.

Occult/Spiritual Signs: The Unseen Forces at Play

1. Disturbed Sleep Patterns : Waking up at odd hours( especially during wee hours of morning between 02:34 am to 3:33 am, experiencing frequent nightmares, or feeling a sense of heaviness upon waking could indicate spiritual interference.

2. Inability to Enjoy Food : Losing the joy of eating or feeling aversion toward food can be a sign of negative energies clouding your vitality.

3. Sudden, Unexplained Fatigue : If you feel drained despite getting enough rest, it may indicate you’re under a spiritual attack.

4. A Constant Sense of Gloom or Heaviness : A persistent feeling of heaviness in your environment suggests negative energy is clouding your surroundings.

5. Unexplained Conflicts or Misunderstandings : Simple conversations turn into conflicts due to the interference of negative energies.

Workplace Signs: Mundane Disruptions with a Deeper Cause

1. Losing Important Documents : Mysterious disappearance of critical paperwork could point to manipulative influences at play.

2. Unexpected Delays and Obstacles : Tasks taking longer than expected, or encountering endless obstacles, are signs of shadow influence.

3. Drop in Confidence or Productivity : A sudden dip in your ability to perform could mean you’re unknowingly being affected by a negative force.

4. Strained Relationships with Colleagues : Tensions with co-workers that seem to arise out of nowhere may be a result of someone’s subtle manipulations.

5. Missed Opportunities : Opportunities slipping through your fingers, despite your hard work, often indicate external manipulation at play.

 The Educated , Organised looking, Prim and Proper Manthras of the Modern Times: Yaar Pata Nahi Kya Kya Karvaoge Guruji Se Ek Hi Din Main:



The 9 Modern Manthras of This Age and Times: You pay for so called Therapist After Getting Affected by them:

Contemplation/ Meditation/ Exercise:

On a piece of paper- Write these characters in your life if any and then thank me and Then My Boss- Lord Mahavishnu.

1. The Narcissistic Manipulator

  • Traits: People with narcissistic tendencies are skilled at manipulating those around them for their own gain. Like Manthara, they tap into the fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities of others to assert control. They might feign loyalty or concern, but their true motives are selfish.
  • How They Operate: Narcissists excel at creating doubt. They often flatter the individual they wish to influence, while slowly convincing them that others are a threat. This is similar to how Manthara manipulated Kaikeyi by exploiting her maternal concern for Bharata, while subtly planting the idea that Rama’s ascension to the throne would diminish her power and Bharata’s position.
  • Psychological Impact: Narcissistic manipulators can cause self-doubt, anxiety, and erode one’s ability to make independent decisions. They trap their victims in a cycle of seeking approval or validation, leading to poor choices driven by fear and confusion.

2. The Gossip-Monger

  • Traits: Gossipers thrive on spreading misinformation or distorted truths. They often pretend to be ‘helpful’ or concerned, but their underlying intent is to create discord, much like how Manthara spun a story of imagined danger to manipulate Kaikeyi.
  • How They Operate: These individuals present themselves as confidants, subtly dropping seeds of doubt about others, creating conflicts without appearing overtly malicious. They act under the guise of giving advice or sharing “inside information,” making people feel like they have special insight while distorting reality.
  • Psychological Impact: Those influenced by gossipers become disconnected from truth, often leading to paranoia, mistrust, and poor decision-making. This is especially dangerous in professional environments or close relationships, where trust is crucial. Just as Kaikeyi trusted Manthara, people can be led astray by those they believe to be in their corner.

3. The Passive-Aggressive Adviser

  • Traits: A passive-aggressive person often pretends to offer support while undermining or sabotaging others’ efforts. They mask their true feelings of jealousy or resentment behind false smiles and seemingly helpful advice.
  • How They Operate: Such individuals offer suggestions that sound wise or insightful but are actually designed to lead others off course. They may highlight negative possibilities or inflate risks to discourage positive actions, just as Manthara highlighted imagined threats to sway Kaikeyi’s decisions.
  • Psychological Impact: Passive-aggressive advisers create confusion. Their influence can lead to hesitation, self-doubt, and poor decisions due to overthinking or fear of failure. Over time, this erodes confidence and promotes a mindset of playing it safe, much like Kaikeyi’s fear of losing her status.

4. The Fearmonger

  • Traits: Fearmongers use anxiety and fear to manipulate others into making irrational decisions. They thrive on creating worst-case scenarios, often exaggerating or distorting reality to influence outcomes.
  • How They Operate: Like Manthara, fearmongers amplify doubts and insecurities. They constantly paint pictures of disaster and doom, making people feel as though they have no choice but to act in a certain way to avoid catastrophic outcomes.
  • Psychological Impact: Fearmongers trap people in a state of high anxiety, where decisions are made out of desperation rather than clarity. They exploit people’s need for safety and security, leading to actions driven by panic rather than reason, much like Kaikeyi’s decision to exile Rama out of fear for Bharata’s future.

5. The Emotional Blackmailer

  • Traits: Emotional blackmailers use guilt, obligation, and threats to influence others. They manipulate relationships by preying on emotional bonds, often framing their manipulations as being “for your own good.”
  • How They Operate: These individuals, like Manthara, claim to be acting out of love or concern, but their advice and counsel are driven by their own desires. They might manipulate family members, partners, or friends by suggesting that if the person does not comply with their advice, they will face dire emotional consequences or be perceived as ungrateful or uncaring.
  • Psychological Impact: Emotional blackmail leads to guilt and fear of conflict. Victims often find themselves making decisions to avoid emotional fallout rather than based on what is truly best for them. This emotional manipulation can distort reality, leading to actions that benefit the blackmailer rather than the victim.

6. The Overly Critical Authority Figure

  • Traits: These individuals are often found in positions of power—teachers, parents, bosses—who, rather than offering constructive guidance, focus on criticism and limitation. They often discourage bold decisions or creative thinking.
  • How They Operate: By constantly pointing out the negatives or diminishing successes, overly critical authority figures sap people of their confidence and autonomy. They might suggest that certain actions or ideas are too risky, unrealistic, or foolish, leading individuals to doubt their capabilities.
  • Psychological Impact: People under the influence of such figures may develop imposter syndrome or become risk-averse, afraid to step outside their comfort zones for fear of judgment or failure. This is much like Kaikeyi, who, despite her earlier strength, was reduced to insecurity and fear under Manthara’s influence.

7. The Envious Friend or Colleague

  • Traits: Envious people often hide their true feelings, presenting themselves as friends or colleagues who have your best interests at heart, while secretly undermining or sabotaging your progress due to jealousy.
  • How They Operate: Envious friends or colleagues may offer advice that appears well-meaning but is designed to limit or hold someone back. They might discourage people from taking risks or pursuing opportunities by pointing out potential pitfalls, making them question their worth or abilities.
  • Psychological Impact: This can lead to self-sabotage, as the victim begins to internalize the doubts and concerns planted by the envious individual. Like Manthara, who feared for her own status in Kaikeyi’s household, these individuals work subtly to ensure others do not outshine them.

8. The Subtle Saboteur in Relationships

  • Traits: This type of person often operates within close personal relationships, subtly undermining a partner or friend’s self-esteem, confidence, or independence. They may act supportive while secretly planting seeds of doubt.
  • How They Operate: Subtle saboteurs often express concern for their partner’s well-being or the stability of the relationship, while subtly encouraging them to doubt their own judgment or abilities. They might criticize decisions in a roundabout way or suggest that their partner isn’t capable of succeeding without their input.
  • Psychological Impact: Over time, this erodes the victim’s confidence, creating a dependence on the saboteur for validation or decision-making. Much like Manthara’s influence on Kaikeyi, this creates a dynamic where the victim becomes increasingly insecure and reliant on the negative influence.

9. The Power-Obsessed Mentor or Leader

  • Traits: This type of leader or mentor often uses their position to maintain control over others, exploiting their influence to guide others toward decisions that benefit themselves rather than those they lead.
  • How They Operate: Power-obsessed leaders subtly guide decisions that keep them in a position of control. They might discourage autonomy or independence in their followers, suggesting that only through their guidance can success be achieved. They may use fear, flattery, or manipulation to maintain their power.
  • Psychological Impact: This leads to stunted personal growth, where the individual under such leadership becomes afraid to step out of the mentor’s shadow. The mentor’s influence becomes a barrier to true success, similar to how Manthara’s manipulation led Kaikeyi to make a choice that ultimately led to her downfall.



Situations Resonating with Manthara’s Influence:

 Toxic Work Environments: Environments where office politics, gossip, and underhanded tactics dominate, leading to distrust and manipulation between colleagues.

 Dysfunctional Family Dynamics: Families where one member manipulates others to maintain control or influence, often using guilt, emotional blackmail, or favoritism.

 High-Stress Competitive Environments: Situations where jealousy, fear of losing status, or insecurity lead to backstabbing or manipulation among peers.

Beware the Parasites of the Mind: The Sinister Forces Lurking Within 

But what if these parasites—these Manthara-like forces—are not just external? What if they exist within you, disguised as your own thoughts?

That, MY DEAR, is where the true danger lies. The parasite does not shout.

 It whispers, unnoticed, feeding on your self-doubt, fear, and insecurity, steering you into choices that, while seemingly small, ripple outwards, leading to disastrous consequences. 

 Guruji Shrii Arnav

Like Rahu, the shadow planet, these internal parasites distort reality.

They prey on your deepest fears, turning them into self-fulfilling prophecies.

Your mind becomes the battlefield, and the parasite is already winning if you do not recognize it.

You might think you are simply “being cautious” or “taking advice,” but before long, these parasites will take root, growing into crippling indecision, paranoia, and misery. ;


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9:12 Parasites – An Expansion  - The  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way.

The word Parasites holds the key to understanding how these forces operate. By expanding the term in a 9:12 style:

 P – Poisonous Thoughts

 A – Anxiety-Inducing Doubt

 R – Restless Energy Drain

 A – Attachment to Fear

 S – Sabotaging Success

 I – Insecurity Amplified

 T – Toxic Relationships

 E – Emotional Manipulation

 S – Spiritual Confusion

These are the 9 forces that represent parasites in our lives, draining us of our clarity and power, and leading us astray from our true potential.

Recognizing these signs allows us to break free and align with Mantrana, the righteous counsel that leads to success, harmony, and fulfillment.

Conclusion: The Choice is Yours—Chaos or Clarity

The sinister truth is this: The Manthara effect, these parasites, can ruin your life without you even realizing it.

They start small, a word here, a suggestion there, but they grow insidiously, invading your mind, corrupting your relationships, your career, your spiritual peace.

In the end, you must choose: Will you fall prey to these subtle, shadowy parasites, or will you awaken, recognizing their influence before they derail your life completely?

In every moment, life offers us a choice. Will we succumb to the Manthara parasite, letting fear, doubt, and manipulation drive our actions?

Or will we seek out Mantrana, the wise counsel that comes from truth, clarity, and alignment with the cosmos?

For in the end, the choice between fear and wisdom, between doubt and clarity, is the choice between chaos and harmony.




What will you choose?

Accha Suno:

Main Ghosts se Darta Nahi- Unhe Kha Jaata hoon- Yaad Aaya.

Maasi Ji Ab Yeh Lijiye- मौसी- चक्की पीसिंग। मौसी गोइंग जेल

मन्थरा बाई

कैसे है तू आई

कभी बने दूसरी माई

उसके पाछे ताई

जगत लुगाई

दे राम दुहाई

खा गई जो आत्मा मलाई

साथ लगा दी जो दवाई

कोन करे है अब भरपाई

बन गई जो इसकी तू परछाई

जाग मच्छेंदर गोरख आया

भाग अब ना दे भोले की दुहाई

गुरु दंड से काँपे सब सवाई

अब बता कहाँ है तेरी ख़ुद परछाई

बोल बम बाबा बोले जय गुरुदेव धुनि लगायी

गुरुजी ने धूम मचाई

ओम नमो आदेश गुरु का

बोल बम

Since I should complete my Responsibility and knowing current generation capacity or rather inability to read properly with concentration:

I suggest these 4 movies that will help you get a grip of this Manthara and Banish It from your live once and forever- Because you have the

full right to life a full life of Happiness and Health.

Chalo Picture To Dekh Hi Loge:


Gupt 1997

Raaz 2002


Black Swan 2010

Gone Girl 2014

Ab Kya Karen


भागे मंथरा

जब गुरुजी दबावे संतरा

हैं जी जी


#MantharaEffect  #AstrologyAndInfluence

#9TelltaleSigns #ParasitesOfTheMind

#ChooseMantrana #SpiritualWisdom

#ModernManipulation #ShadowForces




 Key To Symbols/Formulae


 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9

 12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation

 9/12: Power of 108

 Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square

 9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.

 MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye

 Namaste- I bow to your Soul

 One Light

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 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav “ Search Term”

……  Fill in the blanks that makes you happy

 .. Fill My Bank.


From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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