ARTICLES: PUNISHED! The 9 past Life Karmas that create problems, Debts and roadblocks in present life and how to rectify them.

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PUNISHED! - The 9 past Life Karmas that create problems, Debts and roadblocks in present life and how to rectify them.
Do Gaz Se Dojakh
In Many Instances in Life- we see perfectly sane people with good qualification and background and with the right work ethics suffering and not getting their due. Life seems to be an unsurmountable barrier.
One Vital Component in life before Gem
Therapy or any other remedy is to identify past life blockages and rectify them.
Till then any materialistic or esoteric effort will yield little to no results. That can be frustrating but it is what is it. The Key Lies to identifying the punished, punisher, Punishment and solve that puzzle- The 4P's of Past life Karma that hinder present life prospects(6 P's now- Now we are talking)
So to reach peak performance we need to turn towards piety in a properly organised way- Now the 9 doors of solutions have been identified.
What are the 9 Past Life Karmas for punished people.
Paternal Animousity and Curse- The symptoms for this are lack of Paternal support and influence. Punishment or
disappointment with the Government, Rulers, Administration and Law. This can work in many ways including early death of Father to be disowned or abandoned by the Father or Father being partial towards others. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Sun in the birth chart.
U- UPA- Under Pressure Always with Mind Maladies- The Maternal Curse.
The Punishment Giver is the mother or
mother like figure and the number 1 symptom by which it expresses it regardless of financial or emotional input the mother does not value it in a physical material world. This lack of recognition from mother riles the individual so much so that it affects marital life even other relationships. Bitterness, Sadness and still making efforts to make mother and mother like figures impreseed and happy. Does Not work my friend.
This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Moon in the birth chart. Skin diseases, maladies of the mind and melancholia make
it to this group. Also suspicion that one is an illegetimate child is the outcome of this curse.
This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Moon in the birth chart.
N: No Sibling Better than this life siblings.
This past life karma causes deep rooted problems between siblings of either sex. It can lead to unwanted comparison, favouritism, Illicit relationships including abuse and incest, parasitism becoming the feature of this relationship including a 1 way street of help including financial. In our emotional being we forget that what we justify as help in our mind is altering the Karma of the opposite party that Karma has to go somewhere- Same like energy. Karma causing Childlessness or issue with progeny also make it to this group. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by Mars in the birth chart.
I: Instructor causing Grave Grief. If you studied hard to acquire a particular qualification and if that qualification/ skill is not providing you money ethically and you are earning from any other skill then that indicates this karma. Your time, effort and money has been wasted. Doing Various courses, Occult practices and meditations that actually mislead you and cause grief also make it to this group. Rejected by the true teacher and accepted by the false Gurus and becoming a part of a cult also
make it to this group. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Jupiter in the birth chart.
S: Subordinates And Memory causing grief. You cannot choose Family but you can choose friends- Well said but does it work out like that. This shows curse and sufferings due to past life negative karma with friends and cousins. Being misled, taking incorrect decisions and financial/ mental strife due to their influence leads to this punishment. Severe disappointment to even the most perfect relationship gone wrong make it to this group. Manufacturing accounts from memory, laziness, lethargy, lack of stamina to enjoy physical intimacy and listlessness make it to this group. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Mercury in the birth chart.
H: Helplessness when it comes to Divine Feminine. This is primarily called Stri Shapa- Curse of the women and is caused by causing grief to them
in past life. Lack of Love and understandinf, yearning of companionship, duped or disappointed in love, being misunderstood, financial loss from women all make it to this group. The wife is comes under this domain so also childlessness and defamation. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Venus in the birth chart.
E: Evil Spirits Unchained. This is a rare karma but happens. Individuals who die in unfortunate circumstances such as Murder, Accidents, Suicides etc are driven by such influences. Taking control of a being from the other realm for nefarious outcomes becomes a big part of this group. Untold maladies and symptoms, being stuck in a time warp, a static and inspid life may well indicate a passive possession by a paranormal spirit leading to a hidden parastic phenomena. Imagine your energy and vitality being sapped on a daily baisis in such a dose that you may not even notice. Now do you remeber those medical reports that come across as prrfectly normal but still your energy levels are low or there does not seems to be a cure- It might be due to the curse of the spirits. Repetetive abortions or lack of child luck also form a part of this group. This is caused by negative karma in past life towards these people and is primarily Indicated by the Rahu- Ketu in the birth chart.
Doomed to Death: This is a difficult position perhaps the most miserable of all controlled by Father time- Saturn Himself. If you have a combination of 2 or more described above then this is the group and needs to be addressed on priority with discretion.
So we have identified the problem and our next goal is to move from the position of Punished to positively prosperous.
Next steps:
No remedial measure, worship of Kuldevi, Blessings from Saints and Gurus, Charity etc can break this circle. The circle need to be broken and then remedial measures adopted for a desired end result.
The Path:
The True Path is to Invoke Adi Parashakti and her apporpriate life form as per the curse identified in the appropriate manner and then let her break the shackels.
Today is the auspicious Vasant Panchami where the Goddess is invoked as Saraswati- The Goddess of Knowledge. One must worship the instruments of Knowledge such as pens and diaries/ books. The following stotra of Ma Saraswati will please her.
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता।
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना॥
या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता।
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा॥१॥
शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमामाद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं।
वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्॥
हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थिताम्।
वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम्॥२॥
With this you will also pray and give obeisance to Adi Parashakti. Happy Vasant Panchami. May you be blessed.
Dedicated to Ma Sarawati and The Mother Divine Adi Para Shakti.
In Pic: Worshipping the Adi Parashakti as Mahakali.
Jai Ma. Other Pics/ Vids Relevant Karmas.
Protip: Now Go and investigate retrograde planets in your horoscope and invoke Adi Parashakti In an appropriate manner.
Jai Bhavani.
Sri Sanatan Sadev Vijayte.
And Yes
Happy Republic Day- Bharat Mata Ki Jai.
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