ARTICLES: Pure Spice Sex - Guruji Shrii Arnav Sex Series - The Eyes To See or Not To See

Pure Spice Sex - Guruji Shrii Arnav Sex Series - The Eyes To See or Not To See


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Do You close your eyes during  SEX.. Then This Post Might Be Just for You..

Alert- Sexy Post Ahead- Well not so Sexy.. For Now.. Not Yet.. Not Just Yet 

 Pure Spice Sex 

Guruji Shrii Arnav Sex Series-The Eyes

To See or Not to see- Is the Question

I Love My Kind of Love

I don’t

I love My Kind of Sex

I don’t

Pure Spice=9

Pure Spice Sex= 12

 9:12-The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way



Hello- Where do we start- Or better Where do I Start:

 First things First

What is Sex? 

 Not to be confused with What is Love 

Sex definition

 The term that signifies a Gender- Male/ Female etc

Also Sex

 The Act that leads to fusion of sperm and ova to create a new life.



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Two things

 Above is plain and simple definition as per me without any explanations or additions especially paralytics connectors such as If, Buts , ummm etc.

So the conclusion is :

Sex is important for life- Its continuation and survival.

So Second Conclusion

Sex is vital, essential and can be Good.


The Question is

Who considers sex only as an aid to procreate and who indulges in sex only for the sole reason pf procreation?


Oft and In Between

But do we think a lot about sex.

Don’t We and Why?




 We generally think a lot about things that we like or we are eager to experience as compared to things that scare us or offend us.

 Whilst there is no definitive data of the frequency of sexual thoughts this information might be useful for just getting the context right:


 More Frequent Thoughts: Studies suggest that men tend to think about sex more frequently than women. Some research indicates that men may think about sex several times per day.

The Ohio State Study: A well-cited study from Ohio State University found that, on average, men think about sex 19 times per day.

However, this number can vary widely among individuals.( Clever disclaimer- Not so smart study)


Less Frequent Thoughts: Women, on average, reportedly think about sex less frequently than men. The same Ohio State study mentioned above found that women think about sex approximately 10 times per day on average.

Context Matters: For women, sexual thoughts may be more context-dependent and influenced by emotional and situational factors.

Important Considerations

- Individual Variation: There is a wide range of individual variation in sexual thoughts. Some men and women may think about sex much more or less frequently than the averages mentioned.

- Other Influences: Factors such as personal libido, relationship status, emotional connection, and life circumstances can all influence how often someone thinks about sex.

- Self-Reporting Bias: Data on sexual thoughts often relies on self-reported information, which can be influenced by social desirability bias and personal insight.

Umm- I mean 19+10 =29 times a day - composite for both genders and we have only 24 hours in a day- So think again. That’s a lot of Sex

Now- Hey what about the closed eyes during the sex part?

Hey Tiger - Sabar- Patience- I will come to that.. But context first.. For everbody’s safety including yours and for the Greater Good.

Now, Let me tell you a story and you will understand what I am saying:

The Story of Jane and Mike and Nearly Everybody else

Meet Jane and Mike, a couple who loved to ponder life's quirks.

One lazy Sunday, after a hearty brunch, they found themselves in a playful discussion.

"Mike, have you ever wondered why people close their eyes during sex?"

Jane asked, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Mike smirked. "Trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe, are we? Well, I've got a theory, but it's a bit out there."

Jane leaned in, curious. "Oh, this I have to hear."

Mike settled into his armchair, adopting a mock-serious tone. "Okay, picture this: Evolutionarily speaking, humans needed a way to avoid interrupting important activities like, you know, continuing the species. Early humans probably found cave ceilings pretty distracting—stalactites dangling there, spiders spinning webs. Not exactly mood enhancers."

Jane laughed. "So you're saying it was all about avoiding stalactites?"

Mike nodded solemnly. "Absolutely. But that's just the start. Then there's the theory of The Great Distraction Deflector."

"The Great Distraction Deflector?" Jane echoed, giggling.

"Yes, exactly," Mike continued, eyes twinkling. "Our ancestors realized that to avoid distractions such as saber-tooth tigers strolling by or the neighbor’s strangely attractive cave paintings, they needed a solution. Closing their eyes became the ultimate defense mechanism."

Jane shook her head, laughing. "I can't believe I'm married to someone who thinks closing your eyes is a defense against sexy cave paintings."

"But wait, there’s more!" Mike said, thoroughly enjoying himself. "As time went on, humans discovered that closing their eyes enhanced their other senses. It was like enabling night vision for romance. Suddenly, you could feel the textures, hear the subtle sounds, even smell the wildflowers outside the cave. It turned every encounter into an immersive, multi-sensory experience."

Jane wiped away tears of laughter. "Okay, I’ll bite. What the - You know this part.

So Why Do we close Eyes During Sex

 The SIMPLE Truth for the majority

We close eyes to avoid or hide



Mimpathy & Melancholia

Pathological Jealousy or Imagined Promiscuity

Limerescence & Loneliness.

Emotional disconnect & complexes.

Do you see the Dichotomy, Irony and complexes.


 Sex is important for continuation of life

 We think of sex a lot

 We like it and search for it in myriad ways and

Then we get it - We close our eyes. We turn blind to the very thing that we want and we were searching for.

What just happened.

What you are doing with sex I hope you are not doing the same with your cherished life or your good luck.

Think and Think Hard-Babez

The  Greater Truth -The Ultimate Truth- The Eyes



 Look at the picture featured in my post carefully. How many eyes do you see?

About the picture: A reasonably accurate picture with no pedestrian alterations. Be careful of mostly incorrect pictorial representations of the Goddess- they create a lot more harm.

 This profound and shocking, for some picture belongs to the divine goddess Chinnamasta- which literally translates to the one with the severed head drinking her own blood along with two of her attendants.

 She is performing the cosmic dance while feeding on her own blood on a couple, which are in a position of reversed dominance with her on top.

 The lady on top is none other than Rati, the divine of Kaamdev, the Lord of desire and love something- Akin to the Cupid in the western world, but just thousand times more powerful and profound.

 View carefully, the profound embrace and sensuality of the couple and closely watch their eyes. The ratio is 2 is to 1 and in that orgasmic posture, you can see both eyes of the man and one of the lady think- think hard. Why is that?

 Let me make it simple for you. There are a total of nine eyes representing nine kinds of supreme enjoyments, nine orgasmic states, and nine punishment stages of previous life birds to enjoy sex in its real sense. You will first slowly have to understand the eyes and the powers, even though invisible for you at first, watching you in that act

 The next level will be to get the blessings and power from these energies to be in a state of orgasmic bliss all the time notice the picture carefully again, Mahadev Lord Shiva playing the Tanpura has his eyes closed, so what are the eyes in the picture, can you identify them?

 Get inspired and get out from this complex. Make believe web that is making you close your eyes to something that you want the most making you dependent to hide it in the darkness. When your brain needs the light to enjoy and view it the same thing you are doing in your life, and with your God, you go to the temple and the church, to have the uplifting site of your duty, and when you go there, you close your eyes and justify with all the rubbish in the world while you are self contradicting yourself .

Now- The Not so Truthful Justification of closing one eyes during sex

Pure Spice

 Sex is definitely spicy. That is why we get allegories of sex being hot and happening while doing the totally opposite.

Also, it is a pure thing that leads to creation and birth of new life, so how it can be a dirty or an impure thing?

Think- thin again, you are worshipping the Shiva Linga on the Yoni or the erect Phallus on the vagina, and you pray to it as the ultimate source of devotion and creation while at the same time, having a contradictory behaviour and belief of leading to much strife, and near to no enjoyment or a very immature level enjoyment, that is actually possible .

Let me set the context right with scientific data because you are so much as per science people and you like numbers and studies :

Ultimate tangible goal for Sex:


An orgasm is a complex physiological and emotional response commonly associated with sexual stimulation.



- Physiological Aspect: A sudden, intense release of sexual tension characterized by rhythmic muscular contractions in the genital area and often elsewhere in the body. In males, this typically includes ejaculation.

- Emotional Aspect: Often accompanied by feelings of pleasure, euphoria, and emotional release.

- Neurological Mechanism: Triggered by a series of nerve signals involving various brain regions, leading to the activation of specific pathways that amplify pleasurable sensations.

- Subjective Experience: The intensity and nature of orgasm can vary widely among individuals based on personal, psychological, and situational factors.


In essence, an orgasm represents a peak sexual response that involves both physical sensations and emotional reactions, contributing to sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.

The Ulta in Pulta: The Irony of Opposites.

My Dear you have read about how many times men and women think about sex. Now see the data for orgasm:


- Average Length: The average orgasm for men usually lasts about 5 to 10 seconds.

- Variability: Some men may experience shorter or slightly longer durations.

- Physiological Response: Often includes ejaculation and involuntary muscle contractions.


- Average Length: The average orgasm for women typically ranges from 10 to 20 seconds.

- Variability: Women may experience a broader range of orgasm lengths, sometimes longer or having multiple orgasms in succession.

- Physiological Response: Includes rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles, with the possibility of experiencing extended waves of pleasure.

Conclusions: Draw yourself.

So what I can conclude is

 After thinking so much about sex and after fighting the so-called right sexual part with emotional connect, what we are doing is, we are getting too little too less and too late, and if you be like to differ, that is also okay 



Now Pure Spice- The Tame and Right sounding reasons for closing the eyes:

 **P.U.R.E. S.P.I.C.E.** 

**P** - Privacy and Vulnerability

**U** - Uninterrupted Focus (Minimizing Distractions)

**R** - Relaxation and Comfort

**E** - Emotional Intimacy

**S** - Sensory Overload Management

**P** - Perception Enhancement

**I** - Intensifying Orgasms

**C** - Concentration of Sensations (Deep Focus)

**E** - Escapism through Imagination (Imagination and Fantasy)


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Detailed Explanation for As per Science, Genteel Cultured Folks:

People close their eyes during sex for various psychological and physiological reasons. Here are nine reasons why:

1. **Enhanced Sensory Perception**: Closing eyes can enhance the sense of touch, taste, and hearing, leading to a more immersive experience.

2. **Increased Emotional Intimacy**: It helps individuals focus on their emotions and sensations, promoting a deeper emotional connection with their partner.

3. **Privacy and Vulnerability**: Closing eyes can create a sense of privacy and safety, making individuals feel less self-conscious and more comfortable in a vulnerable state.

4. **Imagination and Fantasy**: It allows individuals to immerse themselves in their fantasies and desires, enhancing arousal and pleasure.

5. **Minimizing Distractions**: By closing their eyes, individuals can block out visual distractions, focusing entirely on the physical sensations and emotional connection.

6. **Intensifying Orgasms**: For some, closing eyes can intensify the buildup and peak of orgasm by concentrating on bodily sensations.

7. **Relaxation and Comfort**: It can help in achieving a state of relaxation, reducing anxiety, and allowing for a more pleasurable experience.

8. **Sensory Overload**: During highly stimulating moments, closing eyes can help manage sensory overload, preventing the experience from becoming overwhelming.

9. **Deep Focus**: It aids in concentrating entirely on the moment and the partner, creating a more mindful and present sexual experience.



 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of Sex oh sorry Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9

Absolutely correct data:

Women tend to close their eyes more than men during sex!



Some of the stuff discussed above and some I will not discuss.

BTW Tiger

There are not 9 eyes in that picture- There are 12- And Let alone sex- You do not know counting.

This is my first in series about sex and the senses starting with Sight and eyes and the next being Ears and sound, Tongue and taste and so on.

So what Should I do?

Start by fixing and celebrating Your Fridays.

Have a Wonderful Life My Dear- You Deserve it.

Can You sing:

I am sexy and I know it?

What echoes back- Yes or No

Now you have your work cut out?

What Gems can I wear- NONE

Are you conscious that you look good naked or not- or worse still that you look awful when naked- then sex is NOT for you- you still have work to do- lots-Start by keeping your eyes open.

Don’t close


Be Proud- Not ashamed

Suggested Readings 

Guruji Shrii Arnav On



 Kaam Kalaa Kali




Why are you eyes closed then?

Well, I have to play the TANPURA




From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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