ARTICLES: Ram Lalla’s Consecrated Gems & Energised Jewellery-The Full Bloom of 3,6,9 & More

These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.
Ram Lalla’s Consecrated Gems & Energised Jewellery-The Full Bloom of 3,6,9 & More.
First Things First- Om Namo Narayanaya- Wish All a very Happy Shat- Tila Ekadashi. I Pray that the Lord Blesses all for Good Health, Happiness & Abundance.
The Establishment of Shri Ram Lalla’s Idol ( Go back to my Krishna Shila post) means different things to different people. Overall it is an auspicious event that has bought much joy to majority of people. Jai Shri Ram.
Some Good folks asked me at a Satsang- Guruji - We know about the many things about your devotion and association with Shri Ram and how it has been a long journey towards the Temple Construction and establishment but how come you never wrote about the Gems of The Deity since you are all things Gems.
My Dear- I have written and you have missed and missed not only the Gems but many- many things leading upto this auspicious event.
The Only thing that you have to do is to search FB with the String: “ Guruji Shrii Arnav Ram” and you will find what you are looking for.
Now please note that Consecration - Energisation- Prana Pratishtha ( Invoking and instilling Life) are 3 different things and all 3 are required for Jyotish Gemstones as well as Deities for their full bloom power.
For this there is a brilliant write up at Gemstoneuniverse that will give you deep insights and that is Titled as Vedic Consecration of Gems and Your Talisman- Encrypting Your Spiritual DNA.
With All information above you will be able to connect the Dots
Better including how exactly 1 year back I was feeding and interacting with 106 monkeys and 2 dogs( That is in my stories today) in a very remote Area of the Word Blessed By Shiva and Ram- Shivram. 106+2=108= 1+8=9. Bolo Jai Shrii Ram.
Despite what comes in the media - I consider It my responsibility to share the divinity in the correct way( Please do not forget the information Above)
The 3,6,9,12 and the Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way:
The Ram Lalla Statue is 51 Inches=5+1=6 Jai Shrii Ram
The Gold used in Making The Jewellery for Ram Lalla is 51 Kg. 5+1=6. Jai Shrii Ram
The Entire Jewellery has a 18,000 carats mix of Diamonds and Emeralds. 1+8=9. Jai Shrii Ram
Now coming to the Divine Crown of Ram Lalla- It is 1.71 Kg( 1+7+1=9) and is made of 22 K Gold. May I ask you - A small interjection- For how many minutes would you be able to have a crown of 1.71 Kg on your Head. Jai Shrii Ram
The Crown Gets a Un Paralleled Resplendence with hand picked Rubies weighing 261. ( Point something) Carats. 2+6+1=9
The crown is adorned by the Image of Lord Surya= Denoting the Royal Lineage of the Suryavanshis- The Descendants of the Sun and the Sun takes 12 divine forms in a Year. =12. Jai Shrii Ram
The crown has exactly 75 carats of Fine Diamonds and 7+5=12. Jai Shrii Ram
The Crown also has 174….( Point something Carats) of Fine water Zambian Emeralds of a particular Mine. 1+7+4=9. Jai Shrii Ram
And The Divine Ratna Raj- The King of Gems adorns the Throat Chakra of Our Shri Ram and that is also connected to
9:12 but that will be told when it is time.. Now its exactly 9:33. Jai Shrii Ram
Above 9 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9.
Now My Dear:
If you have read till here .. I have no idea what you have done with the information but in the above You have read/ chanted/ mentally say aloud:
Jai Shrii Ram
- 9 Times and that is equivalent to getting the Nav Nidhis- The 9 Divine Treasures.
Jai Shrii Ram
Besides the above information it is vital to understand and appreciate that The Hands that have been chosen to create this divine Jewellery having powerful Gems- Is the most difficult part of the 3 step process of Consecration - Energisation- Prana Pratishtha- The Trimurti ( 3) of Vital Life. So the Assembly Line Method was used and I humbly bow down to the artisans chosen by Shri Ram to create this Resplendent - Alive- Ratna Jeeva Murti from the Krishna Shila to adorn the Ram Lalla.
A worthwhile resource to revisit would be- What happened When Shrii Ram Lost his Gemstone Ring and clicking this link will take you there:
Key Take aways- different roles, different people can take something from below 9 Drops- Pearls for some:
Take this write up and join to orginal consecration article.
On this platform Search for: Guruji Shrii Arnav Ram.
Connect the crowns of Sarbhog, Tirupati, Ganesha, Sphatikam at Kalahasti, Shaneeswara in 2012. Exactly 12 Years have elapsed and unfortunately these things are NOT PR Stunts- But to each to his own.
Yesterday the Lord Ordained that I Get involved in a New Corpse Freezer and Chiller Coffin to be used in 3 villages in Chiang Rai. It was his will for it to be royal and ornate.
The Fine Gentleman who was speaking about “ Prana Prathistha “ should read this post deeply and as many times and initiate the forgiveness process of Dehri Devi.
The Servant of the Almighty should live upto his name and be more careful and considerate When Offering the Statue of Shri Ram as Gift.
The Imperialists should know that no amount of Jugglery that you classify as Standard Management practices can get you any contract- You can forget about it.
Bharat is not becoming a Vishwa Guru- Bharat was, Is and will always be the Vishwa Guru.
Every one has his Ram and Ramayana. Tulsi, Valmiki and Hanuman had too.. Today by the Blessings of Lord Ram- “ MY RAMAYAN=9” of this birth is complete.
Guruji Shrii Arnav’s “ RAMAAYANA” is complete on Magh Shat- Tila Ekadashi.
Jai Shri Ram
Now since it is SHAT- TILA ( Sesame Seeds) Ekadashi you can do the following things to multiply your blessings a million fold:
Mix some sesame seeds in the water for bathing.
Make the paste of seeds by rubbing it on your body
Make usage of sesame seeds in your food
Sacrifice sesame seeds in seeds
Offer sesame seeds to the poor
And the same thing Above for a different audience would be:
In the enchanted waters, infuse the timeless wisdom of sesame seeds.
Embrace the ritual of anointing your spirit with the sacred paste of seeds.
Let the essence of sesame seeds illuminate your nourishment.
Bestow the gift of sesame seeds to the earth, a gesture of gratitude and communion.
Extend the generosity of sesame seeds to those in need, a gesture of kindness and abundance.
Can You Help Me?
Yes, Only If You Allow me To.
PS: The One Year Old Video is in comments- Jai Siya Ram.
This was I wrote in the 1st Ekadashi of 2024
वज्र समान कृष्ण शिला
से बने मेरे अलौकिक राम लला
नेत्र शक्ति ढके वस्त्र पीला
हर ह्रदय में सत्त्व का पुष्प खिला
दुर्जन का सिंघासन हिला
अमृत न्योछावर करे गौ कपिला
सोम रस की अनुभूति दिला
मुझ मूरख को राम नाम का अमृत मिला
जीवन की यह ही आधारशिला
आधारशिला आधारशिला
बोले राधा और बोले मीरा
सब हरी की लीला
हरी लीला हरी लीला हरी लीला
आधारशिला आधारशिला
गुरूजी श्री अर्णव
Putrada Ekadashi/ Paush Shukla Ekadasi
Shak Samvat 1945
Do Gems Work| Astrological Gem Impact| Celebrity Reviews| Gemstoneuniverse
#EnergisedJewellery #ShatTilaEkadashi
#Gemstoneuniverse #VedicConsecration
#MaghShatTilaEkadashi #SacredRituals
#SquaringtheCircle #CirclingtheSquare
#MadhuMakkhiBithaDijiye #Namaste
Key To Symbols/Formulae
Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9
12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation
9/12: Power of 108
Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square
9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.
MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye
Namaste- I bow to your Soul
One Light
Standard Disclaimer Applies
From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities
Gemstoneuniverse is the world’s leading authority on Astrological Gemstones and Jyotish Gemstones. To view a treasure chest of 3500+ articles written by Gem Professionals and Astro Gemologists please click here or visit the Gemstoneuniverse Blog.
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