ARTICLES: The 12 Must Ask Questions to Self for a Super Life and Vital Success in Saturn’s Periods ensuring remedies fructify

The 12 Must Ask Questions to Self for a Super Life and Vital Success in Saturn’s Periods ensuring remedies fructify


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 The 12 Must Ask Questions to Self for a Super Life & Vital Success in Saturn’s Periods ensuring remedies fructify 

Saturn's "STRICT AUDITS" : A Reality Check and Legendary Course Correction Towards Achieving a State of Nirvana   - The only way remedies will work in Saturn Periods








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 The Context

this article was inspired by two individuals who asked me similar sounding questions:

 The first question was how is accounting as a career?

 The second question was- what stream of accounting one should follow to be an unbeatable professional and leader in financial management?

Use your imagination to think about the individual prototypes who might have asked these questions.

Your guess is as good as mine.

 Going Back to School the   9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way:



NO RIBS = 6 

EAT = 3 

 The  9:12 in action. Read from top to bottom and the from Bottom to Top


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 Astrology of the Legends for the Legends:

In yesterday’s post, we learnt first-hand how pedestrian the so-called general practice of astrology has become, so let’s not spend time on that.

One of the names of Lord Saturn is Shaneshchar, which means-one who moves very slowly.

 For regular folks, Saturn periods are characterised by terribly slow moving time periods and prolonged suffering

For legends, Saturns slow moving periods are the opportunity given by Lord Saturn to course correct slowly, and surely as per one’s own pace.

Outcome for the legends is-as soon as they understand and implement  the Karmik  lesson being administered by Saturn-The rewards are huge.

There is no other planet that can give so many rewards and returns as Saturn does.- Once the Karmik lessons are learnt and implemented in real time.

In the vast and intricate tapestry of astrology, Saturn stands as the formidable taskmaster, the "Lord of Karma" , and the ultimate judge

Known for its stern and disciplinary nature, Saturn's influence compels us to confront our deepest fears  , limitations , and past actions .


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This process, referred to as Saturn's "STRICT AUDITS"  in the  9:12 Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way serves as a profound reality check, guiding us towards legendary course correction and ultimately leading us to a state of Nirvana—eternal peace and fulfilment.

The Essence of Saturn 

Saturn's role in astrology is pivotal. It governs time , responsibility , and karma , urging individuals to adopt a disciplined approach to life. Its influence is not punitive but transformative , pushing us to build resilience , maturity , and integrity .

In the 9:12 Guruji Shrii Arnav's way, Saturn's position in the natal chart reveals critical karmic lessons and areas requiring introspection and development.


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The 9 Key Traits of Saturn 

Understanding Saturn's key traits is essential for grasping its transformative power:

Discipline : Enforces structure, order, and self-control, urging individuals to adopt disciplined habits and routines.

Responsibility : Emphasizes accountability, ensuring that one takes full responsibility for their actions and commitments.

Karma : Brings lessons that reflect past actions, encouraging growth through overcoming challenges.

Time : Teaches the value of patience, persistence, and the wisdom gained through experience.

Limitations : Highlights boundaries and constraints, pushing individuals to recognize and work within their limits while striving for improvement.

Maturity : Fosters wisdom and a realistic outlook on life, steering one away from superficial pursuits towards meaningful achievements.

Structure : Governs physical and metaphorical structures, influencing careers, institutions, and the frameworks within which we operate.

Endurance : Teaches the importance of resilience, encouraging a steadfast approach to overcoming life's trials and tribulations.

Transformation : Drives profound personal transformation, helping one to emerge stronger and more enlightened.

Enter Strict Audits The  9:12 Guruji Shrii Arnav's Way-The next level of accountability:



NO RIBS = 6 

EAT = 3 

 9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way:


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The karmic questions, Saturn wants you to ask for a strict audit of yourself.

Bring out your notebook dear ones. Ask these questions to yourself and be honest in your response. This is the most vital part:

Saturn in the First House 

Focus words: Self-confidence, self-esteem, skin sensation

Karmic question: Am I self-confident?  Am I happy as I am?  Am I complete as it is?  Do I have a balanced self-esteem that helps me be in a situation or with people without being self-conscious? 

Saturn in the Second House 

Focus words: Tone, communication, conflict, response, terms, and ethics 

Karmic question: Is my tone balanced, free from conflict and doubt, and does it have clarity?  Do I stand by my word?  Are my terms clearly defined and ethical? 

Saturn in the Third House 

Focus words: Fairness, judgment, courage, and initiative

Karmic question: Do I maintain adequate fairness in my relationship with blood relatives and close friends?Are my expectations towards them and my siblings fair and realistic?Am I realistic in my efforts? 

Saturn in the Fourth House 

Focus words: Needs, walls, and security 

Karmic question: Am I free from fear that emanates from a lack of basic amenities like housing and food?  Am I striving to attain the goal of securing my basic needs? 

Saturn in the Fifth House 

Focus words: Counsel, counselor, child connect 

Karmic question: Am I continuously updating my brain and knowledge so that I can negotiate conflict situations in my favor?  Is the childlike part of me alive, and do I have a connection with children so that I can demonstrate the value of truth and judgment to the younger generation? 

Saturn in the Sixth House 

Focus words: Terrible, trauma, torment, unjustified fear 

Karmic question: Am I balanced enough not to create torment and tension and to take care of my mental well-being? 

Saturn in the Seventh House 

Focus words: Sexuality, intimacy, partnerships 

Karmic question: Am I adequately balanced in my sexual relationships?  Am I comfortable and content with my sensuality?  Am I sure that sex is not my pain point? 

Saturn in the Eighth House 

Focus words: Understanding, understood, under the weather, under the brightness 

Karmic question: Do I understand with maturity that there are powers, forces, and maybe another world that exists, and do I have the confidence to say that these will not affect me until my own initiation and choice? 

Saturn in the Ninth House 

Focus words: Duty, determination 

Karmic question: Am I duty-bound to the hand that feeds me and my family?  Am I self-confident in the power of my faith that I admire and worship? 

Saturn in the Tenth House 

Focus words: Innovation, inspiration, idealism

Karmic question: Am I constantly innovating and reinventing myself so that my skill sets remain relevant? Do I rise above personal ideologies to realize the bigger goal and make myself professionally useful?

Saturn in the Eleventh House 

Focus words: Responsibility to followers, balance of name and fame 

Karmic question: Am I happy with the recognition that I have?  Do I ensure that I communicate responsibly to the circle of followers who are likely to follow my instructions? 

Saturn in the Twelfth House 

Focus words: Sanity, sleep, reality 

Karmic question: Do I sleep well enough with the realization that the day was well spent and useful to the best of my abilities? Do I sleep with a content feeling that I have been honest to my talent and abilities? 



Chalo Kahani Sunate Hain:

From my case files-How two low middle class lovers built an export business having manufacturing units in 16 countries.

An Adaptation below for privacy protection:

The Weaver's Redemption

In a quaint village nestled at the foothills of the Himalayas, lived a skilled weaver named Arjun. Renowned for his exquisite tapestries, Arjun's life was seemingly perfect. He had a loving family, a thriving business, and the admiration of his community. However, Arjun was unaware that Saturn had cast its gaze upon him, ready to teach him the karmic lessons of life.

As time passed, Arjun grew complacent. He took shortcuts in his work, neglected his family, and became increasingly arrogant.

His once-cherished values of discipline, responsibility, and integrity began to fade. Saturn, the cosmic judge, decided it was time for a strict audit of Arjun's life.

One fateful day, disaster struck. A fire broke out in Arjun's workshop, destroying his life's work and leaving him penniless.

The villagers, once his biggest supporters, turned their backs on him, accusing him of negligence.

Arjun's family, feeling neglected and hurt by his recent behavior, distanced themselves from him. He was left alone, facing the harsh consequences of his actions.

In the depths of his despair, Arjun reflected on his life. He realised how far he had strayed from his true self and the values that once guided him.

This moment of introspection marked the beginning of his Saturnian journey—a journey of self-awareness, accountability, and transformation.

Determined to rebuild his life, Arjun embraced Saturn's teachings. He began by taking full responsibility for his actions, apologizing to his family and the villagers.

He sought to regain their trust through consistent efforts, demonstrating his commitment to change. Arjun reinstated discipline in his life, working tirelessly to restore his craft with utmost integrity.

Months turned into years, and Arjun's perseverance started to bear fruit. He developed a new weaving technique, incorporating the wisdom and lessons he had learned from his hardships.

His tapestries became even more beautiful and intricate, reflecting the depth of his transformation.

One day, Arjun decided to showcase his new work at a prestigious exhibition in the city. Despite his fears and insecurities, he summoned the courage to present his creations.

The response was overwhelming. The audience was captivated by the artistry and the story behind his tapestries. Arjun received accolades and offers from all corners of the world.

News of Arjun's success reached his village. The villagers, moved by his journey and transformation, welcomed him back with open arms. His family, witnessing his genuine efforts and the profound changes in him, reunited with him, stronger than ever.

Arjun's story became an inspiration to many, a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative influence of Saturn. He understood that Saturn's strict audits were not a punishment, but a path to growth and redemption.

By embracing the lessons of patience, responsibility, and integrity, Arjun made a grand comeback, emerging as a wiser and more enlightened individual.

His life, once marred by arrogance and neglect, was now a tapestry of discipline, maturity, and profound personal growth. The weaver's redemption was complete, and Arjun stood as a living example of Saturn's karmic lessons, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, one could rise, transform, and achieve greatness.

This story signifies the role of Saturn in guiding individuals through life's challenges, teaching valuable lessons, and ultimately leading to a grand comeback filled with wisdom, strength, and fulfillment.


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Saturn's strict audits ensure that our judgments and actions are free from external influences and personal biases. This is embodied in the concept of NO RIBS—a six-letter phrase standing for Novelty, Overreaction, Reward, Influence, Bribe, and Service:

No ribs can stop a Strict Audit:

Novelty : Ensuring decisions are based on substance rather than the allure of the new or trendy.

Overreaction : Maintaining a calm, measured approach without succumbing to emotional extremes.

Reward : Avoiding decisions influenced by the promise of personal gain or rewards.

Influence : Remaining impartial and unaffected by external pressures or persuasions.

Bribe : Ensuring integrity by not being swayed by financial or material incentives.

Service : Making judgments based on fairness and truth, rather than a desire to serve personal interests or biases.

PRIME RIBS: The 9-Letter Phrase 

Aligning with the 9:12 way, PRIME RIBS stands for Patience, Responsibility, Integrity, Maturity, Endurance, Righteousness, Insight, Balance, and Strength:

Patience : The ability to wait calmly and endure difficulties without frustration or complaint.

Responsibility : Taking ownership of one's actions and decisions.

Integrity : Upholding strong moral principles and honesty.

Maturity : Exhibiting wisdom and sound judgment.

Endurance : Withstanding hardships with resilience.

Righteousness : Acting in a just and ethical manner.

Insight : Gaining deep understanding of oneself and the world.

Balance : Maintaining equilibrium in all aspects of life.

Strength : The inner power to overcome obstacles and stay true to one's values.


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Saturn's Karmic Lessons 

Saturn's karmic lessons are profound and transformative, guiding individuals towards self-awareness, personal growth, and fulfillment:

Self-Awareness : Developing a deep understanding of our true selves.

Accountability : Taking responsibility for our actions and decisions.

Patience and Persistence : Understanding that meaningful achievements require time and effort.

Boundaries and Limitations : Recognizing and respecting boundaries.

Resilience : Building inner strength to navigate life's trials.

Maturity and Wisdom : Adopting a realistic and practical approach to life.

Ethical Conduct : Upholding integrity and righteousness.

Balance and Harmony : Achieving a balanced and harmonious life.

Long-Term Goals : Setting and pursuing long-term goals with purpose.

Overcoming Fear : Confronting and overcoming fears and insecurities.

Innovation and Reinvention : Embracing change and continuous self-improvement.

Service and Responsibility to Others : Recognizing our duty to serve and contribute to the well-being of others.


Saturn's Role in Achieving Nirvana 

The ultimate goal of Saturn's strict audits is to guide us towards Nirvana—a state of perfect peace and fulfillment. By embracing Saturn's lessons, we can achieve this enlightened state through:

Inner Peace : Cultivating self-awareness and integrity to achieve inner tranquility.

Balance : Maintaining balance in our lives to align with our true purpose.

Fulfillment : Transforming weaknesses into strengths and achieving contentment.

Wisdom : Gaining maturity and wisdom through rigorous lessons.


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Two Gems as Guiding Lights 

From the Upanishads:

"Asato mā sadgamaya, tamaso mā jyotirgamaya, mṛtyor mā amṛtaṁ gamaya."

Translation: "Lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality."

From the Bible: "

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

— James 1:2-3 (NIV)

These quotes encapsulate Saturn's role in guiding us from illusion to truth, darkness to light, and hardship to wisdom, reinforcing the path to Nirvana. 

By embracing Saturn's "STRICT AUDITS"  and the principles of NO RIBS  and PRIME RIBS  , we undergo a legendary course correction that aligns us with our highest potential and guides us towards the ultimate state of Nirvana.

Saturn's transformative influence, with its emphasis on discipline, responsibility, and integrity, provides the necessary tools for profound personal growth and lasting fulfillment.

Chalo Bhai

Tu Tu Tu TURU Tara

 Ab Yeh Kya Hai Bhai Sab?

Kal Batayenge Janu.

Jai Siya Ram

Jai Shani Dev

Aap Ke Charnon Ko Samarpit.




 Key To Symbols/Formulae


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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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