ARTICLES: The Best way to Eat Fruits for Great wealth & Relationships. Get the power of Venus on your side

These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.
Eat Fruits & Laugh your way to your Bank & Bed- Literally
जो खाये फल
वह मचाये हलचल
शुक्र हो जाये प्रबल
छह आठ भी अगर बैठे पाताल
बहार आकर मचा दे भोकाल
Disclaimer: This Post is NOT about nutritional value and health benefits of fruits.
So If you expect that from the heading please scroll and make merry.
Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and Power of 9
The Present era that we live in is called as Kaliyuga and in this era most of the needs, desires as well as Drawbacks and Pain points revolve around Venus- The Preceptor of the Demons also called as " Shukrachrya"
Lord Sri Hari Krishna advices in the Geeta to focus on the journey and the efforts and not on the fruit to have a fulfilling and reasonably disappointment free life.
However, what we see in practical life is the opposite. Most people chase the fruits, always super busy, occupied during quality time and score big disappointments.
Sad but true because opposite of Krishna is Trishna- Vulgar desires.
Venus stands for practically all good things in life. In its full power it represents the gifts of Fruits summarised below
Fantastic Fun life with Friends and Food- 4F- You can add the adjective before each virtue to make it more personalised such as Excellent.
Royal Reliable Real Relationships- 4R. The relationships that provide Solid foundations and stand the test of time.
Under- Cover King
Literally you have a blast under the covers and you have private covert operations that bring you much joy.
Increasing Income
You have stable wealth levels that keep you reasonably stress free- Read- You do not have to read the your bank statement often.
Terrific Trust and that comes with credible behaviour and response in calamity or distress situations and that translates directly into supreme confidence, tranquility and clarity of thoughts and directions.
Superb Sex Life combined with style. The fruits of Venus here are a sophisticated lifestyle that is made of refined taste, fine textiles and textures, exotic fragrances and you can apply the same to intimacy. Want to have a magical experience each time - every time - Focus on Venus.
Now Sir/ Madam/ And Gyanchands:
Majority of the so called Hard- Working folks like the above, lust for above and lack the above- 3L and from that comes frictions and disappointments.
One of the ways to get these Blessed fruits from
Venus is to eat fruits regularly in a planned manner.
As per Indian Spirituality and Astrology each planet will have several fruits assigned to it but the Fruit Basket belongs to Venus because fruits are sweet, healthy, beautiful and have tremendous nutritional value.
4 Categories of Fruit eaters and consumption:
If eating a fruit is equivalent of eating drugs or something repulsive - it is an alarm signal indicating severe past life Karma attached to Venus.
This position is also responsible for Fruit Allergies. Accurate Diagnosis and Remedial action is an absolute Must in this case.
If eating or not eating a fruit is inconsequential for you then you belong to this category.
If in childhood you had a favourite fruit and suddenly because of some event/ circumstance you stopped eating it totally then corrective action is required.
You eat Fruit off and on.
Well see meaning of Fruits above.
Then You will also get the Karmic Fruits off and on and hence the gap and resultant emptiness.
If Fruits become stale and are thrown in your dwelling then past life Karma is indicated and corrective action is required.
You are a regular fruit eater but don't overdo it. This is the best expression of Venus.
Now what I suggest. Every day eat at least 1 fruit. The serving size does not matter.
If you are not high on fruits, start will one small serving and as you start enjoying the fruits of Venus keep increasing the quantity.
Things to Keep in Mind
We are talking about real natural fruits. No Juice, Jelly, Added Preservatives.
Best time to eat- With your first meal for maximum returns.
Even though there are many fruits and herbs I shall give you the best alternative/s for each Day.
Try best to eat local produce and in season fruits
Sweet Potato or Potato Or Coconut Yes Fruit
Grapes or Berries
Apples and Pears
Banana and Apricots
Friday- Shandar Shukravar
Strawberries, Dates, Figs
Pomegranate's, Dry Fruits, Fruit Platter
Oranges and Plums
If you get something from above list -best- if not eat something as per the guidelines above.
Next Level- The Legend Level
मर्यादा में हर कोई राम नहीं होता
विशेष लोगों का चर्चा आम नहीं होता
सेवा में हर कोई हनुमान नहीं होता
फलो में हर कोई "आम " नहीं होता
भड़कने से नाम नहीं होता
हर युग में बस एक ही राम होता
The King of Fruits is Mango that we refer to as AAM in Hindi.
A clean, juicy, cold and sweet mango represents the full spectrum of Venus Powers.
But do you know how did Mangoes came to India. You don't my Nainsukh...
Lord Hanuman and gone to Lanka to checkout the whereabouts and welfare of Mata Sita.
There after locating Her in Ashok Vatika , He was enamoured by the quality and variety of fruits.
After touching the feet of Mata Sita and taking her permission he sampled some fruits to his hearts content.
But then he came across a Mango Tree.
He had never seen a Mango before and once he tasted them he reached the state of 7th heaven.
PS: This state comes after eating the 6 fruits above.
Instantly he had this thought that he must take them to his master- Sri Ram so he could also taste this heavenly fruit.
Upon returning He offered the mangoes to Sri Ram and Laxman who throughly enjoyed its taste and then threw the Ghutli - The single inner seed to the ground which over time germinated and eventually spread over the entire India.
So Mango is the result of the thrown seed of Mango partaken by Shri Ram.
आम श्री राम द्वारा फेंकी हुई गुठलियों का परिणाम है
और जीवन की हर आपत्ति का जवाब हरी नाम है
In this way the debt of Mata Shabari was settled- But this is for another day.
Moving on- Planting a mango tree has many benefits and one should plant at least one in life.
Gem Therapy and Venus
I hope at least those who follow my posts have now reached a level where they understand that a rewarding gem recommendation and an actual Gem that works is a very sacred art containing many factors.
If Your Level of Understanding and administering poor quality placebos is that-if a certified Diamond is D Color and IF clarity then its apt for astrology purposes- Then you are not a candidate for any remedy let alone Gem Therapy.
Your focus should on educating and empowering yourself before turning towards these Higher Powers.
Please eat a fruit today and when not to donate fruits coming soon- Its rotting is a ****** mind and a dead hard drive
And Yes
Did I ask you to bring Mango Chutney
If yes
Your Life has changed already
Stay Blessed
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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
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