ARTICLES: Feeling Blues to No Feeling to Right Feeling and The Ladder to Overcome Maya Disillusionment - The 9:12 Guruji Shrii Arnav's Way

Feeling Blues to No Feeling to Right Feeling and The Ladder to Overcome Maya Disillusionment - The 9:12 Guruji Shrii Arnav's Way


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 I just don’t feel right… - Troubleshooting this.. This Friday.. Glory to Super Boss- Shukracharya-Venus- With the  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way

 Feeling Blues to No Feeling  to Right Feeling 

Sit Tight, Feel Right, Take Flight—Soar and Glide

The Ladder to Overcome Maya Disillusionment

 Ladder- What Ladder- Yehi to Problem Hai Na Boss.. 5 Minute Lagate Nahi or Zindagi Bhar Ek Hi Raag.. Ab Jao Jaag or Na Khao Pan Parag 

Chalo -Back to school with Guruji Shrii Arnav on this Friday. 



First the Ladder

 Sit Tight=8

 Feel Right=9

 Take Flight=10

 Never Fights=11

 Soar and Glide=12

 Top To Bottom : The Ladder: Climb Down to Soar Up. One step at a time- Never Fails.


 Feeling Blues=12

 No Feeling=9

 Right Feeling=12

 12912=15=6= Super Boss Venus 

 Also The  9:12 Way


So- just don’t feel right.. 


Dil To Baccha Hai Ji- Thoda Kachha Hai Ji

 Setting The Context:

So , three days back, I was mentioning to a young person who wants to do many many things with perfection at the same time that the question,

how do you feel or how do I feel

is in actuality a very difficult question to answer and to even go about thinking and sharing the answer to how do I feel requires reasonable honesty and a trustworthy and nonjudgemental person to share this with.

Now.. As Becauz 

You know, tempting fate is in reality, actually a thing and after this philosophical whatever of how do I feel?

the very next day I receive a good morning message with the next sentence

 no feelings 

And after a couple of hours, there was a development with the message. I didn’t feel like it.

So, As Becauz..

Maya or the force of disillusionment is a thing and it is very powerful at whatever level one is, and I can definitely say whatever, even the 0.1% of the intelligentsia has to manage and deal with feelings, so no feeling is also a feeling which is also feeling. 

As Becauz..

So, so, in the afternoon I had to go to a meeting. Remember, I just said meeting.

I didn’t say important meeting to rally Support and supplies for the people who have been adversely affected at the THAILAND -Myanmar border by the torrential downpour, heavy floods, and the cyclone, which has rendered many homeless.

This and some of these moving pictures can be found in my story section yesterday.

But As Becauz…

I Just Don’t Feel right

We've all been there—waking up with that knot in the stomach, feeling off, unsure, and just not ourselves.

The feeling lingers, tugging at you, whispering that something’s wrong.

But have you ever wondered what your feelings are truly trying to tell you?

Feelings are more than fleeting emotions; they are **messages from your soul**, guiding you towards the truth—or away from it.

Today, let's navigate this complex terrain of **feeling blues**, explore what it means to have **no feeling**, and learn how to transform into the **right feeling** state.


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What Are Feelings?

Feelings have always been the **compass of the soul**.

Across cultures, they’ve been revered, feared, and studied.

From ancient philosophers like the Stoics to modern psychologists, the question remains:

**Why do we feel the way we do?**

A Real World Example:

In many of these rehab & rehabilitation centres- Yes Boss - These are two different things and Dhumra Karn  Go- Ogle has no idea about it,

meditation retreats and some kind of therapy sessions- The chicken ( Sorry Session) sorry Check In- starts with-

How do I feel ?

I have no real idea about that and how effective it is because like I said that you have to be reasonably honest and the person listening to you has to be Reasonably trustworthy and non-judgemental.

Those of you who are aware of my secret audits, I would like you to share that in the year 2012 or maybe whatever year I checked into a rehab centre as a part of my secret audit  as a patient-

Yes- And In the process played Football with the Terminally Unique but Resonably Happy Fellows..

Did a full 180 degree horizontal split on the field and managed to score a goal.

The Result:

A Pretty Nurse  and a Pesky Doctor- Pain .. But Fun- Karma -It’s called 

And guess what the day starts with, how do I feel?

As I went through this ridiculous methodology, the only possible and acceptable approach belongs to a particular kind of movement where after your good morning-

you declare yourself a patient/an addict.

 What a Good Morning- Declaring Oneself an Addict

So -the good morning meeting goes something like

Good morning.

I am Guruji.I am a happy delusional addict.

Now, you can replace happy and delusional with whatever you think you are good luck.

I hope you get the context. It would be really worthwhile to revisit my post with the title.

How to turn somebody into a patient instantly 

 Dangerous but Awakening Stuff That.

But as because, and the coefficient of the linear, we must process the truth,

and that is Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way;


In Vedic Astrology*, feelings are written in the stars.

Your **Ascendant Lord**, **The Sun**, **The Moon**, and the impact of **afflicted planets** all influence how you feel and perceive the world.

 **Ascendant Lord**: Defines your core identity and how you navigate the world.

 **The Sun**: Represents your self-worth and vitality, shaping how confident or unsure you feel.

 **The Moon Sign**: Governs your emotional responses and deep-rooted feelings.

 **Afflicted Planets**: Can bring about intense negative feelings, leading to prolonged emotional suffering.

The 9 Negative Feelings:

The Weight You Carry

Negative feelings can latch onto you, sometimes for years, altering how you see the world and yourself.

These feelings often stem from unresolved issues, emotional scars, or astrological afflictions- Wah Wah- Kuch Bechne Ki Tayyari Hai.. Nahi Tujhe Bachane Ki Tayyari Hai Betwa

Consider this Real Life Incident:

A child sent to a prestigious boarding school, with parents hoping for his bright future. But the child feels **abandoned**. Even as an adult, this feeling lingers, casting a shadow over his relationships and career.

Other negative feelings might be equally pervasive:

1. **Shame**: A deep internal blame that makes you want to hide from the world.

2. **Insecurity**: That nagging doubt about your worth, always fearing you’re not good enough.

3. **Embarrassment**: The memory of humiliation that haunts you long after the moment has passed.

4. **Regret**: The constant rewind of past mistakes that you can’t seem to let go of.

5. **Fear**: The paralyzing anticipation of things going wrong.

6. **Anger**: A burning fire that often hurts you more than it hurts others.

7. **Jealousy**: The green-eyed monster that blocks you from seeing your blessings.

8. **Guilt**: A heavy burden that weighs down your heart and soul.

9. **Sadness**: The sorrow that leaves you feeling hollow and isolated.





No Feeling: From Negative to Positive

Now, what happens when you feel… nothing? When life’s overwhelming, some people **shut down** emotionally. But **No Feeling** can be both a negative and a positive state.

The Negative No Feeling: The Ego’s Defense

When negative, **No Feeling** is often a **defense mechanism**. It’s the ego trying to protect itself by shutting down emotionally. Here's what it looks like:

#### N: Numbness

You disconnect from your feelings to avoid pain, but in the process, you also disconnect from joy and growth.

#### O: Overwhelm

Life’s challenges feel too much to handle, and you shut down completely rather than confront your emotions.

#### F: Fear of Vulnerability

Your fear of being open, hurt, or exposed leads to emotional withdrawal.

#### E: Emotional Paralysis

You become stuck, unable to process or express your feelings, leading to internal stagnation.

#### E: Ego Shield

The ego convinces you that avoiding emotions is strength when, in reality, it’s a defense.

#### L: Loss of Connection

You begin to lose connections with yourself and others, drifting into isolation.

#### I: Indifference

Indifference takes over—you stop caring about your emotions and the people around you.

#### N: Neglect of Self

You begin to neglect your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

#### G: Grief of the Soul

Deep within, your soul grieves the loss of connection, joy, and purpose.


 Positive No Feeling: The Path to Enlightenment 

However, **No Feeling** can also be the gateway to **higher consciousness**. When you detach from emotions in a positive way, you transcend the ego and reach states of peace, enlightenment, and freedom.

#### N: Nirvana

You reach a state of **Nirvana**, where worldly emotions and desires no longer disturb your inner peace.

#### O: Omniscience

You tap into a higher knowing, aware that emotions are transient, and you remain centered.

#### F: Freedom

You experience true **freedom** from the ego’s control, no longer reacting to emotional triggers.

#### E: Equanimity

You maintain a state of calm, regardless of external events, balancing your mind and soul.

#### E: Enlightenment

You walk the path of **Enlightenment**, where suffering and desires no longer hold sway over you.

#### L: Lightness of Being

You feel a **lightness**, free from the weight of emotions, and able to rise above material concerns.

#### I: Inner Peace

Deep **inner peace** settles within you, where you are no longer disturbed by fleeting emotions.

#### N: Non-Attachment

You practice **non-attachment** to desires, fears, and outcomes, living fully in the present.

#### G: Gratitude for Being

You embody **gratitude**—not for anything specific, but simply for being, existing, and witnessing life.




 The Power of Maya: Illusion or Reality?

The world of emotions is the **realm of Maya**—the illusion that ensnares us all.

At times, the illusion is so powerful that we start believing it is reality.

When you check into a rehab center, the first question they ask is, “How do you feel?” Why? Because **feelings shape your reality**. And in overcoming Maya, you rise beyond the veil of illusion.

Even great souls like **Bhishma Pitamah** felt disillusioned. On his deathbed, pierced by arrows, he lamented, “Why, after living a life of morality, am I suffering such a fate?”

To which Lord Krishna answered: "Wisdom over morality.

The mighty Bhishma Pitamah was lying in pain on the bed of arrows, waiting for an auspicious astrological event to finally release his soul, and accept the fate of death when he said to Lord Krishna, Hey Bhagwan,

I am celibate. I have lived a life of principles, I have followed all rules in the scriptures. My life is an example of sacrifice.

Yes, supporting Duyodhana is not correct and maybe a sin, but it is the Raj Dharma.

The following of the code of the kingdom.

All my life I have done everything correct, but why I am having this painful state where my dearest disciple and Loved Arjun has pierced my body with the arrows. Is this Fair? Is this the Way of Karma.

To Which- Krishna replied that what you say is defined by your morals and follows the code of morality, but that is not my way that is not the way.

My way is the way of wisdom where you should be able to overcome the code of moral rules for the greater good and only those who choose wisdom over morality can find me.

Those in the constant pursuit of wisdom, have the greatest chance of finding me.

Choosing wisdom over feelings is the true path to inner peace and enlightenment. 

Right Feeling: A Shift in Perception 

Changing negative feelings into positive ones is about **shifting perspective**. It’s not just about feeling better but seeing life from a higher vantage point.

Take that abandoned child again. What if, instead of focusing on abandonment, he saw his experience as one of learning self-reliance and becoming self sufficient.

**Perception** becomes **perspective**, and negative feelings dissolve into empowerment.



 A Brief Look at "When I’m Feeling Blue" by Phil Collins

Phil Collins sang, "When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do is take a look at you…" These words remind us that feelings are transient, and with the right perspective, even the deepest blues can transform into something brighter.

I Share the Video Link at the End of this post… and Highly recommend that you view the video and Hear the Song:


A Learning from the Mahabharata

*"In the battlefield of life, the greatest victory is not in defeating others, but in mastering yourself—your feelings, your desires, your mind."*


Closing Notes: The Journey Ahead

Feelings are both **guides** and **illusions**. They are the whispers of your soul, but they are also shaped by Maya. To master them is to **master yourself**. So sit tight, feel right, and take flight. 



 The 9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s Way:

 Feelings are the gateway to your truth. Sit tight, feel right, and take flight beyond Maya into the infinite 

 Hello Guruji Good Morning, How Do you Feel Today?

 : King Kong, Ding Dong, Ting Tong, Sing Song- So Yeh Ab Good Morning Hui.

The Buddha

The Buddha Appears to have No Feeling, No emotions, No Whatever and People call it different things by their selective interpretation.

But The Buddha Is Buddha as Becauz He is the Buddha

The Buddha is in the State Of Nirvana- Supreme Stability


Supreme Bliss.

The Conclusion:

I know Only Two Men in the World who Have


One In Me

And the Other is Not You.

And Thank God for that.. Life a blessed life.. enjoy and experience your loved ones and live a reasonably disease free life with predictable problems that help you spend the time.

The Conundrum

In My Yesterday’s Morning post of Me You and the Tiger the cream is

Feel Not think

But you thought and wrote your feeling

 The Verdict

I take my Fridays seriously for God feeds and sustains many mouths and stomachs through my hands.

Whatever Time I can steal .. I intend to have a Good Friday and Wish you the Same .. My Dearest Dear.

Ok Jaanu.. Lovely.. Awew.. Muaaha musha.. Long Time No See…

No Problem Jaanu.


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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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