ARTICLES: The Nine Gifts of the Guru and The Secret of Siddhashram - The Spiritual Retreat of the Ascended Masters

These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.
Guru's Gift (9) - The Wisdom of Siddha Ashram- The Spiritual Retreat of the Ascended Masters.
A Manifesto for Aspiring Teachers and Worthy Students.
At the very outset wish all a very happy Guru Purnima
It is on this divine auspicious full moon day that the ascended masters descend on the earthly plane to show the way ahead, impart knowledge and fulfil the wishes of their students and make them complete.
I bow down to the feet of all Guru’s past and present and Pray that May I remain humble and may I be complete with the powers of the Guru.
I acknowledge the best wishes and greetings from all of you, who consider me as your Guru and respectfully accept your wishes with grace and humility.
Khush Rahiye!
Where on the earthly plane can we find the true realized masters?
First the truth, the Master and the living one is right where you are at in your journey but the veil of Maya-Illusionment is so strong that you are not able to recognize them and like a Mrig Trishna keep searching.
Well I am going to fulfill your need.
The Divine Siddashram
The Word Siddhashram is made up of two words
Siddha- The Ones that are realized
Ashram: The Retreat
Hence The retreat of the Englightened ones is called as “ Siddhashram”
Where is it located and who stays there?
There is a sacred and secret place in the Himalayan Mountain range where the Siddhashram is Located.
All Guru energies including Jesus, Maha Avatar BabaJi, Adi Shankara, The Sapta rishis, Lord Shri Krishna – you name them reside there.
Alas, it is cannot be located on the oversimplified map app or gps because it requires real hard work and sacrifice to visit here.
What is the way
Earlier and Elsewhere I have descried the Guru Rom Koopa Sadhna.
Do that to realise and invoke any Guru energy but be wise, discrete and responsible.
Those who have taken Guru Diskha and Mantra from me and now recognise the sensation when I touched your agya chakha( 3rd Eye)- You can get a divine glimpse today.
For regular people who like to throw important sounding phrases like” As per Science Etc” this is for you:
The Conch is a sacred symbol with powerful uses. Have you seen a Conch cut in half right in the middle.
What do you see- It is an exact replica of your nasal tract, sinuses and all.
First-see and find the importance of that.
Once your consciousness is raised and once the Kundalini crosses/ touches the 3rd chakra and upwards you can get glimpses of Siddhashram at will and Yes its better than any heaven described or depicted in any text.
What is the role of the ascended Master’s in the Siddha Ashram
Let me share two main roles:
- They control and direct the greater consciousness of the planet.
They assign roles to the awakened roles to keep this planet sane and in control- Enough Said.
- They serve as Mentors, spiritual reservoirs for highest quality of Sadhakas( Spritual aspirants) and time to time guide them and sometime make them complete with their energy.
Om Shree Gurubhayo Namah
What are the Guru Gifts (9)
The Greatest Gift of the Guru is that He Spanked Me ( 9) and threw way the mask of the Ego, made me like clay and re shaped the perfection that I was destined to have that was restricted by my ordinariness and cheap/ small thinking.
Guru’s Gifts- SPANKED Me 9 and 9.
Search Guruji Shrii Arnav and the power of 9
I will not expand them, Where you are in your journey you will receive as per that.
But all real Guru’s will give therse gifts to real Shishya’s Students. The emphasis is on the word " REAL"
- S: श्रद्धा: Serve with Admiration- Be Admired
- P: सबर: Every single action to be a patient conscious action. No leaf will move till it is ordained.
- A: ज्ञान: Accumulation and application of knowledge every second.
- N: पथ प्रदर्शन: Navigation and showing how to choose and move on the right path.
- K: मोक्षदायी: Knowledge application for greater good and the ultimate goal of realization- Nirvana
- E: विराट दर्शन: Ability to handle and find the final enlightenment within yourself. Manifest the maker within self.
- D: ढाल: The Divine Shield that will protect you first from anything including negative karma of previous births.
- M: दुष्कर्म क्षति करता: Misdemeanour Destructor.
- E: शक्ति दाता: Giver of Energy and Powers.
Whatever ill effects you are bound to face will first be handled by the Guru and only that will be transferred that you can handle.
Yesterday an 83 old disciple travelled all the way from Norway and surprised me.
He said, I know tomorrow your energy system will be connected with the systems of so many of your disciples so I made a prayer and took chance.
I wanted to have the privilege for Guru Charan Snan ( washing and worshipping the feet of the Guru) and May I request you to grant my prayer.
Well Granted but seems an awfully bad decision on the surface , travelling half way the globe.
An expensive way indeed to wash feet and get Yasha.
I once again congratulate all my students and discliples- Happy Guru Purnima.
May you realise the Siddhashram and gather the 9 gifts of the Guru en route.
Before I sign off- This is my Sermon- Updesh for today:
- Keep your house clean as if you are expecting guests
- Keep your heart clean as if you are expecting Death
- Keep your mind and tongue clean as if you are expecting God
PS: As the country debates about the UCC it will be worthwhile to read Guruji Gowalkar’s thoughts on the same in the year 1972.
आना ही पड़े लगे है -बिटवा
गुरु द्वारा दिखाया मार्ग ही सर्व श्रेष्ठ होता है - उस पर ही चलना चाहिए - अपनी बुद्धि -ना - ना
My Dear Student:
Do you know
The Guru is awake every second
But Wakes Up and Never Sleeps in these 72 hours
For the students need energy to handle and rejoice
Pics and Vids: Relevant to the post.
Hint: The Shadow has the answer. Only if you could see.
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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav
Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –
“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men
May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav
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Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.
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