ARTICLES: The Power of Aye: Transforming Life’s Struggles Through Guruji’s Sacred Teachings

The Power of Aye: Transforming Life’s Struggles Through Guruji’s Sacred Teachings


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 What will You choose between I, Eye or Aye to Kiss Misfortune & Death Bye- Aye aye:: Ayyiya.. Auyiyo… 

This story that begins in a hospital room, where the air was thick with the scent of antiseptic, medicines with added elements of fear, insecurity, confusion and there he lay—Keshav, my dear disciple, teammate, and friend.



A head injury had reduced him to a fragile state, barely able to open his eyes, his body swollen and the complete maxio-facial area inflamed to such an extent where even moving an eyelid brings immense pain- let alone opening the eye.

His spirit, though, unwavering. As I entered the room, I saw his lips move—his voice just a murmur—but the words were clear:

“I am ready, Guruji… I am ready.”

In that moment, the weight of his words hit me harder than anything else. This is the same man, who mere weeks ago, stood tall, full of energy, ready to take on the world.

And yet, here he was, battling not just for his strength but for his very being.

His instinct was to serve, to get up and walk despite his pain, but that I within him was roaring too loud. The I that told him to push through, even when his body wasn’t ready.

But healing , you see, doesn’t come through brute force. It comes through surrender.

It comes through understanding that the ego, the I, must first dissolve before true strength can return.

Where I=EGO

The journey from “I” to “E”

So, I laid my Guru Gamcha gently upon his head, the sacred sash that has been with me through countless blessings, healings, and journeys and passed from my Gurudev to me

And as I placed it there, I whispered to him,

 “You are ready, my child, but you must rest first. This is my order.” 

He struggled to lift his head, but in that struggle, there was grace. There was a release, a surrender.

He was not just Keshav, the man who wanted to serve.

He was now part of something greater—we were now in this together.

He was ready to move from I to E, from himself to everything that connected him to the universe.

The E stands for Empathy, for understanding that we are not alone , that our struggles are not just our own.

They belong to the fabric of this world. And in that understanding comes the ultimate comeback—the rebirth of the spirit.

The moment he let go of his own desire to stand tall and instead rested, he allowed the universe to heal him.

Slowly but surely, his path will shift from pain to recovery, from injury to strength.

Eyes or No Eyes = 12

This reminds me of the time I draped the Guru Gamcha over a humble cow, a symbol of life and sustenance.

The cow that stands for ultimate divinity in Sanatan had no words, no requests, and yet the energy exchanged was palpable.

The cow simply was—no ego, no questions. And in that pure state, it received the blessing.



Two things

 The cow does not let anyone touch its forehead with any cloth except its Gopala. The only two exceptions are God and Guru. In this pic if you remember April 2025 the Gamcha blessed many cows at the same time in a specially extraordinary moment.

 This Guru Gamcha has blessed and been in several extra ordinary situations and places.

 Sacred texts attest that one touched by Guru Gamcha gets Divine infinite Grace and one who gets a Guru Gamcha for that person there is no boundary.. No limit.

Are we, with our eyes wide open , truly seeing the blessings around us? Or are we blind?

We think we see, but often we are blinded by our own I, our own desires, and we fail to notice the grace that has always been present.

Sometimes, in life, we need to close our physical eyes to truly open the eyes of the soul.

 The Power of Aye by E

Once we move from I to E, we are ready to reach the final stage—Aye . Aye is the ultimate affirmation of life, the sacred “yes” to everything that the universe has to offer.

It is that deep breath after a monumental struggle, that moment when you finally see the beauty in surrender and say,

 “Yes, I trust.” 

It is not the passive acceptance of fate but the active embrace of the divine. It is the moment when the Guru’s blessing, carried through the sacred sash, settles into your soul, and you are not just healed, but transformed. You realize you are not alone. You never were.

When Keshav fully moves from I to E and finally to Aye, that is when he will rise again—not just as the man he once was, but as something far greater.

This is the comeback after monumental struggles. This is the journey each of us must take.

Eyes, I’s, and Ayes

So, my dear ones, as you move through your own lives, ask yourselves:

Are your eyes open? Are you seeing what you need to see?

Is your I so loud that it is drowning out the universe’s whispers of guidance?

And most importantly, are you ready to move to Aye—to say yes to the divine, to healing, to the comeback that lies beyond your struggles?

Remember, the Guru Gamcha, my sacred sash, is not just a piece of cloth.

It is the embodiment of that grace, that energy that flows between the Guru and the disciple, between the universe and you. Whether it’s draped over a cow, a disciple in need, or even me, sitting quietly under the trees, it carries the same message: surrender, trust, and let the universe do its work.

Say aye to the divine.

This story of Keshav is not his alone. It is your story too, the story of every single person who struggles to move beyond their I, beyond their limited self.

But when you do, when you move from I to E by E and finally to Aye, you will see that the universe was always conspiring to lift you up.

So today, I ask you: Will you say aye?


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 My Guru Gamcha=12

 This power for another day.

गुरुजी का गमछा

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राधा माया को नचा

शब्द साचा

फुरो मंत्र ईश्वरों वाचा

बोल बम

ओम नमो आदेश का

 आग तो लगा ही दूँगा- खुले आम- शपत भवानी की 




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 One Light

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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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