ARTICLES: Umbilical Cord and Placentas of Cables: Security, Connectedness, and Going to the Next Level

Umbilical Cord and Placentas of Cables: Security, Connectedness, and Going to the Next Level


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Protect your W- HOLE  Choose Correct POLE Prevent Own GOAL  POL KHOL  BAM BOL 

 The Umblical Cord, your charging and data cable  and the importance of security in your life, read carefully 

 Good morning, A-HOLE is a circular opening whether you call it a point of entry, aperture or opening- a hole by any other name is a hole.

 The sound of this is cringeworthy, but there are nine holes in the body that represent the nine energies of the planets.

Now- that the context is set. Let’s talk about the holes and the polls.



 Umbilical Cord and Placentas of Cables: Security, Connectedness, and Going to the Next Level 

The journey toward greater consciousness begins with the dropping of the “I”—the Ego.

In the word "umbilical," removing the “I" leaves us with "umblical," symbolizing a connection free from the constraints of the Ego.

This connection is not just a physical one but a profound spiritual and technological lifeline.

In our modern world, where technology and spirituality are increasingly intertwined, the umbilical cord serves as a powerful symbol of both security and spiritual growth.

Today, let's delve into the dual significance of the umbilical cord and the placenta, exploring how they teach us about the essence of life, security, and moving to the next level in our journey.



 Back to school with The  9:12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav’s way:

 UMBLICAL CORD=12 minus the i of ego


The Original Cord—Your Technological Lifeline

Imagine your phone, the device that holds your most private conversations and critical data, becoming vulnerable because you used a counterfeit-fake-cheap- poor quality charging cable. Especially if you have genuine Apple Device or Iphone- You better read this.

 Yes, Happens all the time- especially from those cheap flea markets where one cable may come with one free.

 Not Good.. Not Good.. Stay Away from both- Cheap and Free.

 Golden Tip- Applicable to nearly every single situation of life.

 What if that original Apple cord you set aside held the key to your device’s security?


Tech Fact: Did you know that counterfeit charging cables can not only damage your device but also expose you to hacking risks?

A compromised cable can allow unauthorized access to your phone, putting your personal data at serious risk.



Guard Your Lifeline:

- Use the Original Cable: The original cord that comes with your device is not just a tool—it’s a safeguard. Upon setting up your device, guard this cord with utmost care. Invest in another original for day-to-day use, and keep the first one safely stored.

 This is a Legendary tip- Take my word for it. Set up the device with original factory cable and keep this safely under lock and key.

 Use another certified cord/ Cable for your device and as much as possible do NOT Share with others.

 If you are at Legendary Level- Keep a separate charging stations for Guests/ Visitors etc.


 As much as possible avoid charging at public charging stations- Especially at Airports- Invest in a Good Powerbank.

 Thanks Be Later


 This for another day.

- Beware of Fakes: In a world flooded with counterfeit cables, the original is your first line of defense.

If your device gets compromised, switching back to the original cable can restore security and block unauthorized access.

 What Happens When You Lose the Umbilical Cord?**

Losing your original cable can feel like losing a lifeline.


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Here are 9 Security Steps to secure yourself and recover:

1. Disconnect Immediately: Stop all connections to prevent further unauthorized access.

2. Use a Certified Replacement: Only use a high-quality replacement from the original manufacturer.

3. Reset Your Device: Perform a factory reset to eliminate potential malware.

4. Change All Passwords: Strengthen your defenses with unique, strong passwords.

5. Enable 2FA: Add an extra layer of protection to your critical accounts.

6. Update Software: Keep your device secure with the latest updates.

7. Monitor Activity: Stay vigilant for unusual behavior on your accounts.

8. Contact Your Provider: Get professional help if your device is severely compromised.

9. Invest in Authenticity: Always have an original cable as a backup to ensure security.

These steps not only protect your device but serve as a metaphor for guarding the authentic connections in your life—be it spiritual, professional, or personal.




Question and contemplation?

Will you give access to your hole to anything without ascertaining quality, outcomes and results.

 THERE- I have solved 90% of your problems including:




 The Umbilical Cord—Your Spiritual Anchor**

 In the realm of spirituality, the umbilical cord connects you to your very essence, to the source of life and akin is to your data/ charging cable / cord. 

 Gold- QP

The Umblical cord connects you first to your biological mother, then mother earth and then Mother Universe and Then the Supreme Mother- Bhagwati.. Meri Ma- Aadya Para Shakti.

 Gold- QP

By focusing on your navel chakra, the Manipura, you tap into a profound source of power and interconnectedness.



Meditation on the Navel Chakra:

-Sit comfortably and place your hands on your navel.

-Breathe deeply and visualize a golden light emanating from your center, growing brighter with each breath.

-Allow this light to fill your entire being, releasing doubts and fears, and strengthening your connection to the divine source.

This simple practice can lead to massive transformations, helping you align your professional ambitions with your spiritual journey.

 The Wisdom of the Ages By the Sages 

The Bible says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13).

The Bhagavad Gita echoes, “I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support, and the grandsire…” (Gita 9:17).

These sacred texts remind us that the umbilical cord is more than just a physical connection—it is a divine lifeline.

 With this now reflect and contemplate on


 Yes, That’s why Guruji Is Here My Dear so no need to Fear



 Umbilical Cord and Placentas: A formula for Life’s Lessons**

Unity: Recognize the interconnectedness of all life.

Mother: Honor the source of your nourishment.

Balance: Maintain equilibrium in your connections.

Lifeline: Acknowledge the source of your life.

Inward: Focus on understanding your true self.

Connection: Strengthen the bonds that nurture you.

Anchor: Let your connections stabilize you.

Light: Allow your connection to illuminate your path.

And as for Placentas:

Protection: Acknowledge the protective role of your connections.

Link: Understand that you are always connected to your source.

Abundance: The richness of life flows through these connections.

Continuity: Life’s journey is ongoing and connected.

Energy: Tap into the life-giving energy of your connections.

Nourishment: Seek out what truly nourishes your soul.

Transformation: Use your connections to grow and evolve.

Authenticity: Value the original and authentic connections in your life.

Security: Ensure your connections are secure and protected.



 The Placenta and the 9 Planets of Vedic Astrology**

The word "Placenta" with its 9 letters, resonates deeply with the 9 planets in Vedic Astrology, each representing a fundamental aspect of life:

1. Sun (Surya): The source of life and vitality, just as the placenta is the source of nourishment for the developing fetus.

2. Moon (Chandra): Governs emotions and the mind, connecting to the nurturing and protective role of the placenta.

3. Mars (Mangal): Represents energy, strength, and protection, much like the protective nature of the placenta.

4. Mercury (Budh): Symbolizes communication and intellect, reflecting the placenta's role in facilitating the exchange of nutrients and information.

5. Jupiter (Guru): The planet of wisdom and growth, mirroring the placenta’s role in the growth and development of the fetus.

6. Venus (Shukra): Represents love and harmony, akin to the life-giving and nurturing qualities of the placenta.

7. Saturn (Shani): Governs discipline and structure, much like the structured way the placenta supports life.

8. Rahu: Associated with mystery and the unknown, paralleling the hidden, mysterious role of the placenta in sustaining life.

9. Ketu:Represents spiritual detachment and enlightenment, connected to the placenta’s role in the transition from the womb to the external world.


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Just as each planet plays a crucial role in shaping our destiny, the placenta serves as the fundamental source of nourishment, protection, and connection to the divine during the early stages of life.

Understanding these connections allows us to appreciate the deeper, cosmic significance of the placenta in the journey of life.

 The Occult Wisdom of the Cat: An Enigmatic Practice.. SBKJ*


Let’s turn our attention to the mysterious behavior of the cat after giving birth.

Have you ever wondered why a cat consumes its placenta and umbilical cord?

This act, seemingly simple, is layered with profound occult symbolism.

In the occult world, the cat is often regarded as a guardian of mystical knowledge, a creature that straddles the line between the material and spiritual realms.

By consuming the placenta, the cat is performing an ancient ritual of reclaiming the energy used to bring forth life.

This is an act of conservation and transformation—turning one form of life force into another. It symbolizes the cycle of life, death, and renewal, and reflects the esoteric principle of transmutation.

 Mystery and Charm: Just as the cat reclaims and transforms its energy, you too can harness the power of your spiritual "umbilical cord" to elevate your life to the next level.

This secret practice, rooted in the  9:12 way, invites you to explore the deeper mysteries of life, where energy is never lost, only transformed.

 A brief interruption. All those people making those atrocious reels with the sound.- Everything is energy are doing something- They are causing energy chaos that will lead to energy crisis.

My request is stay away from these IPE’s 

For those highly motivated readers who are eager to explore the secrets of the 9x12 way, the cat’s enigmatic practice offers a glimpse into the sacred and hidden rituals that can lead to profound spiritual growth and mastery.

Are you ready to delve deeper and unlock the next level of your journey?



Contemplation and Reflection

 What can you do if you get a piece of The Cats Placenta and Cat’s Umbilical Cord.

Suggested Reading

Yesterdays post of Ace Manidweepa Cat’s Eye

 The Next Level: Stem Cells, Healing, and Spiritual Growth**

In our quest for higher spirituality and a better quality of life, exploring the potential of stem cells is akin to nurturing our inner essence, our spiritual "umbilical cord."

Stem Cells:

The placenta and umbilical cord are rich sources of stem cells, offering tremendous potential for healing and regeneration.

At our cutting edge facility in the heart of Siam- Thailand, we harness this potential to explore new frontiers in health and spiritual well-being.

For those seeking higher knowledge and healing, diving into the world of stem cells could be your next step in transforming not only your physical health but your spiritual journey as well.

The connection is clear: as you heal and grow, so too does your spirit ascend to new heights.

 Guruji Shrii Arnav- Stem Cells Forever Young Forever New 

 Together We Rise 

Just as the umbilical cord and placenta nurture and protect new life, the connections we cultivate—whether through technology, spirituality, or the pioneering field of stem cells—nurture our growth and evolution.

Guard your lifeline, center on your power, and remember:

Together ver we rise, divided we stumble—let's unite, ignite, and create a world that shines.



Next Steps

Go and Get two real data cables for your important devices and Say

Mal Gol Gol Mal

Bam Bol

Bam Bol

Bam Bol

Jai Ho Jan-e- Man








Je Baat


Je Badi Baat- Go back to the title.

Higher Contemplation

Why the Cat’s Sit in Gurujii’s Lap




 Key To Symbols/Formulae


 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav & The Power of 9

 12 Sacred Laws of Karma Meditation

 9/12: Power of 108

 Squaring the Circle-Circling the Square

 9/12- The Guruji Shrii Arnav way.

 MMBD- Madhu Makkhi Bitha Dijiye

 Namaste- I bow to your Soul

 One Light

 Standard Disclaimer Applies

 Search Guruji Shrii Arnav “ Search Term”

……  Fill in the blanks that makes you happy

 .. Fill My Bank.


#GurujiShriiArnav #9x12Way

#SpiritualGrowth #TechAndSpirituality

#UmbilicalCordWisdom #StemCellHealing

#VedicAstrology #MysteryAndCharm

#HigherConsciousness #TransformationJourney


From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities


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