ARTICLES: Your Donations have been accepted, Your prayers have been answered-Sacred Visuals by Grace of Lord Saturn from Lord Shani Maha Prabal Yagya

Your Donations have been accepted, Your prayers have been answered-Sacred Visuals by Grace of Lord Saturn from Lord Shani Maha Prabal Yagya


These articles/ posts were first made on the Facebook profile of Guruji Shrii Arnav. Posts that tell a story and were well received are being featured in these sections. You can read the original post by clicking here.

 Your Donations have been accepted, Your prayers have been answered-Sacred Visuals by Grace of Lord Saturn from Lord Shani Maha Prabal Yagya 

 I want you to be a Thief  & the 9 must ask question for anyone in a job or service- The Mandatory Saturn’s interview and criteria of Service.


Kindly see video- Self explanatory.


 Take Away- This would have not been possible under Normal- Controlled Circumstances. These blessings are a testament that your heart was clean at the time of donating and that your intention was noble and that they have been accepted by Shani Mahatama.

 I am humbled by all of you- who did your bit and all that contributed to the energy and helped all of us experience the divine. The moment The line of thinking shifts to- who did better- That’s the end of divinity and start of everything ordinary and ugly.

Three exchanges I will share briefly that will get us home straight to the point of putting where the emphasis should be and miracles happen because “ YOU ARE THE MIRACLE “



 Exchange 1

He: Guruji how is all this happening?

Me: Do you like it?

He: Absolutely , I am blessed, I love it.

Me: So enjoy it. Why kill it by asking questions and what good it will bring.

 Exchange 2

She( Showing Her Mobile Message)

Me: Smile

She: How did that happen

Me: Are you happy?

She: I am relieved. I don’t know what would have happened if this did not come through.

Me: Yes Ok, But are you happy

She( Crying): Yes Guruji, I am happy

 Exchange 3

A long share by somebody exceptional on the primary motivation of Man.

Me: I agree, But there are some men- a very few men- Who will do what is appropriate without the consideration of Money. A very few. These are dangerous men but Good for the world.

Note: Please read my thought statement above Once more very carefully.

I am brutally precise in the definition of this kind of a man and I do not use the crutches of connectives such as if, but or I use only a single parameter and that parameter is money.

A temporary Fact:

 Where I am at this moment in time, if I would have requested some folks to participate in this great spiritual undertaking within just 1000 metres of my vicinity in terms of Logistics and numbers, and most importantly, monetary contributions, the scale would have become 1 million times. But I did not take that route, so this was not announced to various organisations and also some important philanthropist.. or even my Personal FB posts. Some of you belonging to this group should take note of the lessons of Saturn and why you were not involved.

 I just shared the essential lessons of Lord Saturn and what we were attempting to do on my personal profile, and the various services were announced on the website and to a very niche set of audience by personal messages, and that is where the miracle lies.

Now I have shared with you already- Saturn’s concept of justice versus injustice and have performed the judgement today meditation with you.

I think that for some of you it is now time to understand the third most important aspect of Saturn, which is Service and as you evolve and start connecting the dots better, you will heal. You will learn you will live.



 Your service is your identity 

But what kind of service?

The Service, which is responsible to make you survive in common terms. What are you known for? What work or service you perform? That makes you earn money?

You should identify just that ONE Service that keeps you relevant and makes you earn your livelihood as well as respect and recognition.

 so I will not go into the obvious examples such as those employed in an organisation and performing a role and earning money that is very obvious allow me to share an example and there can be many such examples.

 So for example, if you are a housewife, what are you valued recognised and respected for?

 Allow me to share the correct answer with you.

 You are respected and recognised for keeping the house organised taking care of the needs of the family members of the house, including running of the kitchen, et cetera. Ensuring that food is served on time and needs of the family members are taken care of. 

 The above is the only one true undiluted reality. Anything extra such as you are a philanthropist, You are an academician, You are the wife of Mr XYZ, You belong to the family of XYZ, You have the qualification of XYZ participate in social service, XYZ are all additions to the above singular identity fact, These additional facts exist and are relevant only if you understand the fundamental reality above, these are the icing on the cake, not the cake .

 To summarise the above in one single line, and since we have all been conditioned to start a conversation with a question that single question is,

Which is the hand that feeds You?

 Allow me to help you a little bit with this. This answer has to be a human being with a name.

It cannot be God et cetera, and if you do it in this way yet again, we have not learnt the lesson from father time- Saturn

There are two vital conclusions from above:

Who is paying you for the services that you perform, and the payment can be not just monetary, but other forms too, but the fundamental question is:

Who is that singular identity who is paying you for your services as I said anything extra is acceptable only if the fundamental identity is not compromised with.

The second conclusion is if you have come to the realisation of the singular most important identity responsible for your nourishment survival and monetary needs.

 Do you in the true sense are providing your best service- can you be replaced?

 Do you understand the true meaning of the master servant relationship

 I have, in detail spoken about this and made a post one and half years back, which I am sharing again.

This time around when you have understood and assimilated Lord Saturn and his association with the sixth house of service. You are going to see this post in a new Light.

Here is the link:

Viewers: Read the above Later when you have finished with this post

 First, before we move ahead with our further education and training of Saturn and Service to all the donors that made the donations, let me tell you that your money is powerful. Your money has “heft” irrespective of the number of digits in it. You are the chosen one, and you will receive million fold.


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Now- Back to School with Guruji Shrii Arnav and the 9:12 way:



 God is Time =9

 A Time Is Money =12

 Money isn’t God=12

 God is Service=12


 Guruji Shrii Arnav-  9:12 way

DONATIONS= The 9 Questions you must ask yourself- To find professional peace and direction in your service.




In the first attempt please answer them only in Yes or No: Only yes or no.

The Service Lesson of Father Time- Saturn and Service.

D: Duty

 Am I doing my duty to the best of my ability.

O: Obedient and Obliging

 Am I obedient and obliging without my personal biases, doubts and suspicions.

N: Noble

 I am totally noble in my conduct and reflect the nobility of my master in internal and external conduct.

A: Active & Action Oriented

 Do i tailor my actions to realise the intentions and work of my master to his desire.

T: Timely

 Do I ensure that my actions and plans ensure conclusions and outcomes as per my Master’s timelines and schedules

I: Inspiration

 Do I ensure that my master is forever inspirational and innovative. Do i do the needful so that He can be the master and earn and ensure my livelihood.

O: Official

 Do I understand that the only official version is the Master’s Version

N: Neutral

 Do I appear neutral in conflicting situations involving my master.

S: Service

 Do I understand that My service to my Master helps me do a greater good and connect to the higher power and that it is my only bridge to reach God.

Do attempt these only in Yes Or No.



To some of you, I have shared the live clip with the tide rising, That rusted creaking bridge etc. All that can be very difficult to handle for some people.

That is why in this clip- Some music etc has been added to tone down things a bit- A bit of cosmetic beautifying is also helpful sometime.

And as I stood on that rusted Bridge barefoot with hot iron underneath my feet, I was able to pray and give back to nature on your behalf because all of you are special.

All of you are blessed by the Lord, and all of you should be happy.

I remain in your service, your one true servant

 I am your servant 

Jai Shree Ram

Jai Shani Dev

May all of you be healthy, happy and abundant.

Some of you should explore and see now different extended variations of Raja Harishchandra story and their end this matter.

Sathu Sathu Sathu- Amen

And yes,

I want you to be a thief- A time thief who will steal minutes and moments and use that additional time for the greater good.

Time Is Money.

Don’t waste it.

And only Legends will know What means when Kacchapa Raj - The Tortoise Takes Its neck out and follows my sound and touch.


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From the desk of Revered & Beloved Guruji Shrii Arnav

Thank you, dear patrons & fans, - To keep us in your prayers & inspiring us to go beyond. You give us strength to follow our Motto –

“Deo Amabiles Et Hominibus” - Pleasing to God & to Men

May you be happy, healthy and protected! – Guruji Shrii Arnav


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Guruji Shrii Arnav

Spiritual Guru, Mystic, Mentor, Astrologer & Author. He is one of the leading experts & professionals in the field of gems and Gemology. He is also an Accredited Jewelry Professional from the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). He is the horoscope columnist and astrologer of the Deccan Herald-a Leading English Daily Published from India. He is widely credited with standardizing Gem Therapy & spreading the knowledge of Jyotish Gemstones at a larger scale.

He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book The Secrets of Jyotish Gems. is a leading online retailer of precious untreated Gemstones that have played a significant role in standardizing the online retail and e-commerce of Gemstones that are rare and highly-valued commodities



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